"You want to recruit the people of Filth Forest? It's not a bad idea. It would make sailing this ship and especially are future ship much easier if we had a full crew." Devon said as he nodded in approval.
"Exactly. Though some will see violent savages in loincloths, I see a blank slate. With proper training and discipline, you can make a soldier out of anyone. Rose, you stay and make sure nobody steals our ship. the last thing we need is to get trapped on this ignorant island. Devon and Meli, you two stay safe out there, and don't be heroes. These people are getting what they deserve and I'm not going to let us get marked as criminals for some racists. Now, move out." Ronin said as him, Meli, and Devon Shunshin'd from the ship.
Watching all of this, Bonney was completely shocked. "Is this the Soru that I've heard about? Where did they all learn it? War-chan definitely has to teach me when he gets back!" Bonney said as she ate a slice of pizza from the dinner they were eating.
With Ronin, he hopped along the burning rooftops, dodging the flames as he scanned the carnage happening around him. Below, he saw Ivory men, woman, and children getting beaten and slaughtered, but didn't even bat an eye. It sucked, but Ronin knew that once that kind of dangerous ignorance was embedded, there was no better cure than what's already happening.
On the ground, Ronin saw the perverted tavern owner from earlier, backed into an alley, holding a young tan skinned girl hostage, even managing to grope her while other tan people in loincloths surrounded him. Even in a situation like this, the bastard found a way to be a disgusting sleeze. Deciding to do his good deed for the day, Ronin threw a shuriken, perfectly stabbing the owner in the arm, forcing him to let the girl go and run away to her family.
Realizing that he no longer had the protection of a hostage, the owner watched in horror as the people swarmed him together. His screams of pain and fear was like beautiful music to Ronin continued on his after a job well done.
Heading towards the city of the island where the fighting was the heaviest, Ronin arrived and saw the Navy base on fire with the Marines either fighting the loincloth people, or struggling to out the raging fire. In the thick of the fighting, Ronin saw the Navy captain from earlier in a heated battle with a short, beautifully handsome, androgynous figure wielding two chef knifes, as they effortlessly twirled and dodged around the attacks sent their way, while at the same time, cutting down one marine after the next.
Watching this person, besides being deeply confused about this person's gender, Ronin was seriously impressed with this person's skill with their blades, as Ronin wondered if even he would have trouble against someone like them. And when Ronin saw this person was using chef knives and thought of the strong possibility of them being the chef he needed for his crew, Ronin wanted to recruit them even more. The only issue is, they were now fighting against the Navy and has already slain many Marines, so if they do manage to live through this, they will more than likely be branded as a Pirate. That is, if Ronin allowed that information to get out.
Already made up his mind to recruit this person, Ronin decided now was the perfect time to test his new Jutsu he was working on. Since he didn't wish for the boring cheat that was the Sharingan, Ronin didn't have Genjutsu built into his very eyes like the Uchiha did, nor did he receive and special Genjutsu outside of the academy version which for obvious reasons, was kind of weak. So, Ronin worked on developing a Jutsu that well probably become one of his most important utility Jutsu he has.
Memory Erasing Genjutsu. Knowing that many unexpecting things may happen, or the rare occasion when him and his crew will have to get their hands dirty, in hope of controlling information to keep them from being labeled as Pirates, Ronin developed this Genjutsu where which will wipe the targets memories until a certain time and then knock them out afterwards.
Seeing no reason to postpone, Ronin molded chakra to his mouth, took a deep breath, and began whistling. Thanks to his powerful lungs, the span of the Jutsu was massive, and covered most of the central part of the island. Everyone who heard the high-pitched, nearly imperceptible whistle froze in place and fell down where they stood, completely unconscious. Unfortunately, since this is a new Jutsu, Ronin wasn't skilled enough in it to control who or who doesn't get affected by it, so he was forced to wipe the last 15 minutes of memories from everyone under his Genjutsu.
When he was done, Ronin let out a heavy sigh, as that Jutsu took far more chakra than he would like, but he couldn't deny that it was highly effective, and wondered how far he could take the technique. Putting those thoughts to the back of his head, Ronin got to work and broke into the Navy base, thankful that even the surveillance snails were now unconscious due to the Jutsu.
After stealing a few important files, disabling their surveillance system and clearing out their treasure vaults that they use to keep all of their valuables, Ronin flashed back outside, transported all of the forest people one by one until only the Marines were left there unconscious. A few moments after Ronin flashed the last forest person from the square, the Marines started waking up and began looking around with the most confused horror of their lives, as all around them the city was a raging inferno and Marines were dead left and right, on top of that, they couldn't remember how they got there.
Back on the Static, Ronin has just flashed back to the main deck after bringing the last person he has transported. Also on the deck was Devon and Meli with a few people they were able to convince to come back with them. Devon brought back 5 people while Meli only brought back 2, one of which was the young lady that Ronin saved from the perverted tavern owner. The other was a sniffling little boy hiding behind her legs.
"We got as many as we could, Ro, but shit has kind of hit the fan out there. This island is pretty much fucked at this point, so what do you want to do now?" Devon said as he walked up to Ronin, looking back at the flames of the city.
"I used a Jutsu to wipe the memories of many of the Marines before I broke into the Navy base and cleaned them out of their files, all of their treasure and destroyed their surveillance system, so we should be safe. The thing is, the Jutsu also knocked out and wiped the memories of the people I brought, so when they wake up, shit may get hectic, especially if we stay right here. The best bet we have is if we sail to the other side of the island were these people territory is. Meli set sail for the other side of the island!" Ronin ordered as he began using chakra to help move the ship from the pier.
"I got you, Ro!" Meli said as she rushed to the helm of the ship.
A few minutes later, with the help of Ronin pushing the ship with Water chakra and Devon joining in to help him, Meli already had the ship far from the pier, heading towards the other side of the island.
Shortly after that, the people Ronin brought to the ship started waking up, slightly alarmed at the new surroundings. "Who are you people, and why have you kidnapped us!" yelled the fighter with the chef knives from earlier, with a strong, feminine voice. They had long, flowing blonde hair, handsome round face with soft features, they had large, deep blue eyes that looked like the depths of the ocean.
They had a slim, athletic physique, but was supple and feminine in certain areas. Even though they were dirty like the others in their group, Ronin could still notice they had porcelain, cream-like skin that didn't of a blemish on it. They were completely ambiguous and resembled both a dashing prince and the gorgeous princess that they would rescue.
"Ro, I can already feel your thoughts, and my guts are telling me that if you go for it, you're going to find yourself in a sword fight that I'm not sure I could even judge you for." Devon said as he exhaled a plume of smoke!
"Shut it, you bastard! You make it sound like I fuck anything that breathes!" Ronin said, irritated by Devon pretty much calling him a horndog.
"Ro, the only person in our crew that you haven't filled with your baby batter yet, is me. And since you were already eye fucking this person already, I say your argument is invalid. But hey, I don't care which way you swing, as long as it isn't at me." Devon said before he flashed away to the crow's nest.
Right when Ronin was about to argue back, a cough brought his attention back to the fighter with the knives as the atmosphere turned awkward. "Um, not that I'm not flattered, but now that you are done talking about fucking me, can you tell me what is happening here before I get upset? The only reason I haven't attacked yet is because you're not flying a pirate flag and we aren't chained up." said the walking mystery, not nearly as embarrassed as one should be when they were the topic of the previous conversation.
"Yes, I guess you don't remember. Well, a little while ago, your group started a war with the other residents of Ivory Island, hence why damn near the whole island is on fire right now," Ronin said as he gestured to the island. "We saw that you all were treated wrongly on this island and are strong fighters, and since we are in need of people, I took control of the situation, had my crew save as many of you as possible, and now we're traveling to your end of the island in hopes of convincing you to sail with us." Ronin stated with his arms crossed over his chest. Ronin never liked beating around the bush, and honestly tended to be the best policy when convincing others.
When the people of Filthy Forest heard Ronin, they were surprised. Only Ronin's group lost their memories, so after the others filled them in, they were finally up to speed. It turns out, earlier that day, a small group of girls from the Filthy Forest traveled to the main part of the island in hopes of being for food and water, as their people were in desperate need. Not only did they receive harsh ridicule, they were also beaten and abused in the streets, and hung at the edge of the forest as a message, that nothing that isn't white is allowed outside of the forest.
When Ronin heard this, he felt even more assured that this island was nothing but a blight on this world that must be cleansed. But, as much as he wanted to kill and punish all of those people for their ignorant ways, he wouldn't get himself and his crew marked as a pirates for people he didn't know. Now, handing out some much needed punishment in the ways of testing out a devastating Jutsu he was working on, now that's a different thing all together.
"I think I understand everything now. My name is Rory, the sort of unofficial leader of this little group. Tell me, if you guys aren't pirates, they what are you, what is the reason you need us?" the androgenous fighter, Rory, asked as they looked up at Ronin without a hint if fear.
"We are a Bounty Hunter crew that goes by the name, Shinigami. We just formed together and are about to sail the Grandline soon and eventually get a better ship, but before then, we need a bigger crew, and fate seemed to have lead me to you and your people. We need people, you all were mistreated and more than likely will be either sold off or outright killed once the Navy reinforcements arrive on this island. So, in a way, I'm offering you and your people a new path in a life that will probably end soon without us." Ronin said, not really giving Rory any room to refuse him.
Despite him being a Shinobi, Ronin still didn't like using underhanded tactics on good people, but he absolutely needed more people, and this was the best was besides shelling out a ton of money or dealing with potential pirates.
When they heard this, Rory let out a heavy sigh and scratched the back of their head in frustration. "Ugh, it's not like we have much of a choice, but, how do I know you won't treat us the same way that those bastards treated us! I refuse to trade one master for another!" Rory said defiantly.
"I understand that, but the biggest difference is, I have no real ties to the government, which means I'm not forced to follow the orders of the Navy or those disgusting World Nobles like other people are. Also, I hate slavery, and my reputation on the South Blue will prove that. All that I ask is the respect that I'm deserved as the captain of this ship, which means, follow my orders, don't steal or kill without my permission. And the biggest thing, don't cause trouble for the crew, as if we aren't careful, one person getting marked as a pirate can condemn the whole crew." Ronin said as he peered down at Rory, his aura finally proving to be overwhelming for them.
Seeing no other way, Rory finally agreed and offered their support for the idea. Hearing that their lives were finally taking a turn for the better, a small cheer broke out from the people of the Filthy Forest.
Seeing as they are now his crew and that they are hungry and tired, Ronin made a quick announcement. "Attention, seeing as you're now apart of my people, it's time we get you fed and taken care of. Though it isn't the biggest ship, we still have plenty of space left, so go ahead and pick an unoccupied room and get comfortable. We don't have an appointed chef yet, so it may take a little while to get some hot meals out to y'all." Ronin said loudly for the whole ship to hear, and smiles soon appeared on everyone's tired faces, but Ronin said this for another purpose.
"It's fine, I'll take care of the meals. I cook for everyone back in our village, so just show me where the food supply and the kitchen is, and I'll take care of everything." Rory said as they twirled their knives around skillfully.
Ronin had his suspicions of Rory being a chef, as they could've easily just have picked up the knives to use them as weapons, but Ronin was glad that his crew finally had someone to cook their meals, so now the next priority was to get a doctor, a shipwright, and then a blacksmith.
A short while later, sitting in the kitchen with the rest of the main crew, everyone's mouths were salivating as the heavenly smells of the dishes Rory put before them blessed their noses. With barely contained restraint, they all dug into the food, and nearly melted in their seats.
"Shooo guuud!" Bonney said with a mouthful of food, as she began scarfing her plate down.
"Oh my god, this is the best! Thank you so much, Rory-san!" Meli thanked as she went back to her food.
Devon merely gave a thumbs up, but for him, that was like a rave review.
Ronin, with his mask slid slightly off so that he could eat, was so happy, as this was his first actual good meal ever since he came to this world, and he had no idea how much that actually meant to him. "Well, this is too good for it to be any other way, Rory, you are the new, and only, chef of the Shinigami Bounty Hunters!" Ronin cheered as he raised his mug of chilled ale into the air, which was soon followed by the rest of the crew, officially welcoming, Rory, as one of them.