After the light being chant those words, everything around us stops, but I am curious why I can still move. The Light being that appears to be floating earlier now place its feet on the ground and starts walking around the area. I let myself fall to the ground because I cannot handle the fatigue and the loss of blood anymore. The light being shifted its attention from the S-Class monster to me.

"My my my, my body is in a very bad shape"-light being.

"Who are you?"-Demetri

"Let's talk later, you need healing, Bakor, come"-Light Being.

After it said those words, a ball of light appears and take a shape of a priest, like one in those fantasy anime and movie. It place the tip of his staff at the top of my head and began healing me.

"Thank you, but who are you and why are you helping me"-Demetri.

"I help you because I can't let my body to die, If you die I die, you are very hard to find you know, I've been searching you for about 10 years"-light being.

"What do you mean by that?"-Demetri.

"Here's the thing Demetri, I am you, I am your soul and I can't believe it that I will be this weak if my soul and body were separated"-light being.

"You, my soul? I have no soul? What the hell? Stop talking nonsense and tell me the truth"-Demetri.

"I am telling you the truth, I am your soul, I hate explaining things I can just show you I guess, this will hurt a bit so bear with it"-light being.

The light being place it index finger on my forehead and I was like transported into another world. I see me, in a long white hair, robes, battling a very terrifying creature, the creature that I always see in my dreams, and when I was about to die, I cast a spell, where magic circles appeared and surrounded me, and little by little, my soul were separated from my body and my old body rots fast and, a new body appears. The new body and my soul were about to unite but instead, were thrown in different directions and the scene was cut there.

"Are you not just creating scenes to make it look appear that it is my memory of the past"-Demetri

"Even without my soul and a new body my attitude is still the same I'm surprise but I am not lying to you and what I show you is the truth, we don't know why this happen, or what gone wrong, it just happen"-light being.

"How come I have a new life and don't remember what my past is?"-Demetri.

"We don't really know what happen, we can figure it out later, we need to combine our soul and body immediately because our time is coming to an end, if we not do this fast, I will disappear and you will rot, the time stop is also beginning to break, you can't let your friends and you to die here right?"-"-light being

Even though I still have my doubts I agree to what needs to happen to save Alice and Stephan and to get out of here alive. The light being began chanting a spell and makes me stand in the magic circle that appears, after a few more chanting my body and my soul fuse together. All my past memories were coming back to me, fusing with the new ones at fast rate and I can feel my old power coming back. My eyes turn white and glow like before, same to my body.

I know that this power will not last long, because I got separated from my body for too long. My spell time stop was cancelled and I can see everyone that remains alive in this dungeon attention is now on me.


"Alice, I'll explain everything later, go to where Stephan is and help him out"-Demetri.

"What are you planning on doing?"-Alice

"Just do what I told you "-Demetri

She did what I ordered her and hurriedly went to where Stephan is to heal him, I casted a protective barrier around them and faced this beast. The remaining mana I have is enough to defeat the beast. I begin absorbing all the dead monsters inside especially the Boss of the Dungeon to add more mana in me and cast a spell that will end this all fast.

"Sun Summon"-Demetri.

After I mention those words, I release a ball of light in the size of a billiard ball with the same image of the sun and fire it to the Beast monster. Even it is small it has the same heat and power as the sun that is why when it hits the monster, it quickly evaporated. The time is almost up, I can feel it, my power will reset to one because I was separated from my body for too long. I used that remaining time to say farewell to every being that I have summon.

"I thank you all for all the memories we all have, for all the times you help me to became strong and what I am now, you all are not just a summon for me but also my family, I will never forget all of you, all I can do for all of you is to let you get your soul transfer and hope that one day we meet again"-Demetri.

"Soul Manipulation; Transfer"-Demetri

As I activate my spell, one by one, my summons disappears and I can feel my mana deplete bit by bit. The last one to disappear was my first ever summon, Kaya, and I am sure that I see a smile on her face and sign see you later before completely disappearing. Before I pass out because the time is up, I saw Stephan and Alice rushing towards me.