I woke up seeing white walls, bright lights and medical equipment's around me; I must be in the hospital. I help myself to sit even my body hurts and saw that I am not alone inside my room, Stephan and Alice are with me. When they saw me awake, they got up from their beds and rush towards me. Alice even give me tight hug.

"Demetri, you're finally awake, we thought you are dead, because your pulse is weak and you are very cold" Alice

"Were glad to see you okay Demetri, we were so worried about you, How are you?"-Stephan.

"I am fine beside that my whole body hurts, how long I was out?"-Demetri.

"You are out for about three days"-Stephan.

"What happened out there Demetri? You used magic even though you are classified as an assassin type hunter"-Alice.

I suppose I can tell them the truth right.

"Because of the circumstances and for the fact that they saw you, you can tell them who you really are"-Kaya

This voice, Kaya is that you.

"Yes it's me boss"-Kaya

What happened? How come you're still here?

"Before I disappeared, I absorbed all the corpses around and break it down into mana particles and used it so I can cast a spell that makes me stay by your side boss"-Kaya

Just like always, you do what you want to do. But why are you only talking to me telepathically?

"The mana was not enough to give me a physical body that's why I connect my soul again to you, I'm like a conscience, a ghost, at least I can still talk to you right, maybe you can made me a body if you get back into your old power"-Kaya

I will don't worry, I'll make you one.

"Demetri, are you okay? You're spacing out"-Alice

"I'm sorry, I'm fine, just thinking about something"-Demetri

"So, what is that all about, you using spells and magic just like a mage?"-Alice

"This may sound crazy but I was not actually from here, my real name is Kharis, I am from another world and I was what you call a sorcerer supreme, an S Class or even greater than that. I was battling this friend slash enemy of mine and when I was about to be defeated, I created a new body for my soul because my old body was badly damage but something must have gone wrong that my body and soul got separated"-Demetri

"So that light being that appeared out of nowhere was the soul you are talking about?"-Stephan.

"Yes it is, and I found my body just in time before it rots and dies for not having a soul for a very long time"-Demetri.

"This is unbelievable, no offense Demetri, but considering what is happening to us for 10 years since the awakening, it was not that surprising"-Alice

"I know it is unbelievable but it is the truth, that's why I can use magic and cast spells like a mage"-Demetri.

"Boss someone's outside"-Kaya.

Just like what Kaya said, someone knock on the door and come in are two people and with those badges, they are from the hunter association.

"We are glad you all look well, we are from the Hunter Association I am Jack, head of the hunter association attack team and this is my right hand Joe, we would like to ask you a few questions about the recent Transfer Dungeon accident"-Jack

"We would like to know what happened inside the dungeon, when we learned about a transfer dungeon accident, we went to the site immediately and when measured, the meter detected that it is one of the highest level S-Class Dungeon ever, but when we entered the dungeon the raid was already finished and the monster was already defeated, so the question is, who defeated the S-Class monster?"-Joe

"It was me"- Stephan.

"Your record shows that you are only an A-Class, how can you defeated an S-Class Monster that powerful?"-Jack.

"I receive buffs from the mages and from our healer, enough to defeat the S-Class Monster, and my teammates also did their best to help me, their sacrifices were not in vain"-Stephan.

"Reviewing all of your records, it is the best explanation we can get, one last thing? What happened to the S-Class Monster's Body"-Joe

"We don't know, we passed out after defeating it, because it released intense pressure"-Alice

"Thank you for giving us time, we will get into contact with you if we still have questions about the transfer dungeon accident, we would also like to inform you that all the expenses are already paid by the Hunters Association, we hope for all of your fast recovery"-Jack

After saying those words, the two from the Hunter Association exits the room.

"Boss they are still outside"-Kaya

Kaya? Can I cast Sensory enhancement with my current level?

"Yes Boss you can, simple magic and spells can be use and activated in your current state"-Kaya

Sensory Manipulation; Enhancement.

I activated sensory enhancement to hear what the men from the Hunter Association is talking about because I know that they did not believe what Stephan and Alice said.

"What do you think Sir? They are clearly not telling the truth"-Joe

"I believe that they don't but we don't have any evidence if they are telling the truth or not, so we will consider their testimonies as the truth for now while still investigating, but something's different from that E-Class Assassin, his aura is different from the rest of the hunters, he has two auras, a mixture of black and yellow,"-Jack

"Is that even possible, a hunter with two auras and it's black and yellow, an aura for an assassin and a mage"-Joe

"It's my first time seeing a hunter like that, they are definitely hiding something, something that happened inside the dungeon, we need to keep an eye at them especially that E-Class Hunter"-Jack

So, that Jack can see aura's, what an interesting talent, he must be in tier 5, an A-Class in this world.

"Thank you for that Stephan, Alice"-Demetri.

"We know that you don't want to reveal yourself yet and that power you have, it is also a thank you for saving us"-Stephan.

"Thank you"-Demetri.