Before going home, I visited the Hunter's mall to see if they are selling orbs, but unfortunately, they do'nt sell any of those here, but I'm sure that it was also collected in every raid, maybe it was brought directly to the Hunter Association for research and to know what it is for. I haven't heard any news about the orb besides that they discovered that it can be infuse with mana, they haven't unlock its full potential yet.

"You know boss, you can use the knowledge you have for extra profit or resources"-Kaya.

That what I like about you Kaya, you think the same as me, this could help us to get strong faster, and get our old powers back.

I suit up myself with a jacket and a mask and go to the Hunter's Association, to sell the information that I have. If only I can use teleportation.

When I arrive, the receptionist ask if I have an appointment, of course I don't that's why I used a spell to make it looks like I have one and specifically address to that one who name is Jack, the one who came to the hospital. The receptionist instructed one of the people working to guide me to Jack's office, I followed him behind and through the elevators. The elevator was not a normal elevator because everything that is happening is so fast, its like teleportation, or it might be.

"This guy really might be talented and a promising hunter to be the head of an attack force"-Kaya

"Excuse me sir, someone's here for you"-Worker

"What do you mean? I don't expect any visitors for today"-Jack

"I have some information's I think you will like to hear, Mr. Jack"-Demetri

"Who are you?"-Jack

"We just met yesterday at the hospital, Its Demetri"-Demetri

"You're that E-Class Hunter, you, you can go now"-Jack

"Yes sir"-Worker

"Why are you here for?"-Jack.

"Just like I said I have some information's that the Hunter's Associations would like to have, but those information's is easier to understand if I show it to you"-Demetri.

He stayed silent. I might have caught he's attention.

"I am not tricking you don't worry, the doubt is written all over your face"-Demetri.

"Well I can't help myself to doubt you Mr. Demetri, but I will see what you offer"-Jack

"Do you perhaps might have an orb, a blue or green one"-Demetri.


"Just like I said I will show it to you, its very hard to explain okay, I'm not good at explaining things, don't worry you can trust me, we can make a pact if you want, so if I lied or trick you, I will be electrocuted"-Demetri.

"Okay lets do the pact, its better safe than sorry"-Jack

I chant some words and a magic circle appeared in the ground I step on it and I make him step in front of me. I raise my palm and make his raise his and touch mine.

"I know this is awkward just bear with it, I'll start the pact now, I, Demetri swore to Jack to solely tell the truth and not do any sort of trick that could affect our pact regarding the orbs"-Demetri.

Once the pact end, the magic circle also disappeared below us and appeared in my palm, it will disappear after our talk about the orb.

There was a long pause before he stand up from his seat and made me follow him to the lab where they are keeping all the things that have been collected from the dungeons.

"This place is very cool, I would like one, we don't have this kind of advance technology in where I came from"-Demetri

I would really like to have an underground facility just like this, my own headquarters, the old headquarters of mine in the other dimension is lost, but I hope someday I'll find it, I have a lot of memorabilia in there.

"We're here"-Jack

We enter a room full of high-tech technologies and scientist examining each mana crystals, monsters carcass, and orbs to know what are they for and do experiments on it. After observing, I can see that there are still some things that was ignored inside the dungeon, I can't blame them, those things I put in there were ignorable because of what it looks like.

"Jack, why are you here?"-Joel.

"Joel, this is Demetri, he said that he has information for us, regarding the orbs"-Jack

"You're bluffing, since the beginning of the awakening, no one even came close to know what the orb is for and you're telling me that this guy, coming out of nowhere knows"-Joel

"I can't tell you why I'm only revealing this now, but I come now to help"-Demetri.

"Can I talk to you Jack for a second?"-Joel

I watch the two as they walk away, but thanks to my enhanced hearing, I can still hear them.

"Even though you are really here to sell your knowledge"-Kaya

Kaya, were here to help. I said in a sarcastic way and Kaya giggled because of it.

"Are you sure about this guy? And not just wasting both of our time, I have a lot of work to do you know? my eye bags has its own eye bags"-Joel

"I don't why but I have the feeling that he is telling truth and remember the guy I told you about that has double aura, he is that guy"-Jack

"I guess we have no choice but to see what he is talking about there is no harm in trying, trial and error is where all we have comes from"-Joel

Before walking back to my position, they get one of each the blue and green orbs and hand it to me.

"Here, show us what your so called knowledge about this"-Joel.

"We can't do it here; this place will be destroyed, do you have any place big enough like a gymnasium or an open space?"-Demetri.

"We can use the evaluation facility"-Joel

"After you"-Demetri.

"I have to contact chairman for this first, excuse me"-Jack.

As we were going to the evaluation facility, Jack is talking with the Chairman, and when we arrive, we saw other three people inside, two men and a woman.

"Boss the one in the middle is strong"-Kaya

Yeah, I can feel it too, that must be the Chairman, and the first registered S-Class Hunter of the Philippines.