After the raid, we were escorted back to the headquarters of the Air-Flame Guild, and all I can say that it is too much, like their guild master itself, it's too sparkling and like to show how big and grand they are. We were told to wait on one of the conference room while they are fixing our payment in the raid. While waiting I check on Gayron's son to see if his okay and he is just like earlier, still sleeping soundly.

"Demetri, I saw you pick up something in the dungeon, what is it?"-Alice.

I suppose I can tell them about Gayron's son.

"You see, Gayron is one of my dearest friend in the other dimension, and what happened is not the kind of reunion I expected for us to have"-Demetri.

"I'm so sorry"-Alice.

"It's okay and thank you, the thing I pick up in the dungeon is his son, he entrusted him to me to take care of and it seems that his not affected by the darkness fragment corruption at all, whatever that the others are under were not affecting him, he might be a lead on how to remove or not to be corrupted by the darkness fragment, I need to figure it out"-Demetri.

"If you need any help we are here Demetri"-Stephan.

"Thank you, I know that I can count on you guys"-Demetri

When we receive our payment, I go home immediately to leave Gayron's child before going back to the dungeon raid as Mr. Light because I was contacted by Joel that the dungeon has magic circle on the wall. Also an opportunity for me to get Gayron's body and see if the other monarchs body are in there.

After I open the magic circle to the lake of the tears of the water nymphs, I check if there's a vessel of one of my friends but there is none. I waited until they clear out and bring out the old mage centaurs body before I put Gayron's body in my sub space and leave the dungeon. Since there will be a conflict with Raphael's Guild if I just took the orbs so I told Joey the situation and he just replace the orbs with the same value from the stock in the HA.

I receive a total of five orbs and the mana crystal percent, just like the agreement I have with the HA. Returning home, I picked up Gayron's son again and teleported us to a place where the mountain and sea meet to bury Gayron.

I took out Gayron's body from the subspace and looking at him now, he looks like he is just sleeping. He's face is so peaceful now unlike before when he is under the corruption. I place his son right beside him and the young centaur, even just an infant reach for his father, making his last goodbye. I place my hand in Gayron's head to look into his memories, to know what happen after we were defeated.

I tracked and search Gayron's memories and pin point to the events after our defeat. Everything was in chaos, ruin, all life were on the verge of death. There's no light, only darkness, no life, only death. The darkness fragment, one by one corrupts every being in the other dimension, if you will not join forces with the darkness, you will be forced too or will meet their death. I saw how Gayron and the other Centaurs flee from their home but when they know they were cornered, the old centaur mage take out an artifact. Artifacts are very old in the other dimension and was not used anymore because it was rare, most were lost, and beings who can make one are long gone. No one also can't make one anymore because the instructions are also lost. I saw the old mage placed the artifact with Gayron's son, before they placed him in where I found him.

"I know that Kharis is alive Gayron, this is not the end, and your son, Ceres, will be safe and will be found by Kharis"-Old Centaur Mage.

"I believe in Kharis Elder and I believe too that he is alive, Ceres, my son, grow up strong just like your father and avenge us"-Gayron.

I saw him wrote on himself the message he left me that I saw in him and the memory cuts there. I promise you Gayron I will protect your son. After looking into Gayron's memories, I pick up his son and bury him. I stack stones on the top of his grave and place his necklace on top.

Arriving home, I let Ceres roam around my magic room while I'm working on expanding it, like the underground facility of the HA, creating multiple rooms with each respective purpose. While catching my breath on the floor, Ceres walks towards me and lay down beside me, must be tired from playing. I picked him up and put him in the room I made him in the underground facility that I specifically designed for him, mimicking his natural habitat.

After putting Ceres in bed, I went to the crafting room to craft myself a mana cube, that contains unlimited mana inside, even it is as small as a pearl earing it has the same power as the large mana cube. It takes a lot of mana and a lot of patience, creating a mana cube, so it takes me two days to complete it because I have to rest my body and mana core too.

After successfully crafting it, I wear it in my ear and started working on crafting a new staff that can be altered into two blades when break for dual purposes. Using the alchemy Kagari taught me before the staff was of course a successful one. Tungsten might be not as strong as the Yggdrasil but it is the strongest metal in this world. I really hope I can encounter an Yggdrasil tree in the future.

I teleported myself in an isolated island after researching it in the internet to test out my new staff. I raise my staff to the sea and shouted lightning; a strike of lightning is release from my staff.

"Ha! That was even more powerful than before"-Demetri.

I try out some more magic spells with my new staff until I am satisfied. The next thing I tried was the blades. I break the staff in two and the blades appear. I use a few trees in the island to test out my blades and thanks to Kagari's alchemy; the blades slash the trees like a hot knife to a butter. I return home as soon as I am satisfied and it was already pass dinner time, after I rinse myself in the shower, I heat some water to put in the instant ramen, I have to buy more stocks since Ceres is with me now.

As I was eating, I turned on the tv to watch the news to past time, the HA's are now announcing about the advance creatures that the hunters are encountering inside the dungeons and portals that can communicate with us. This is surely a sign that the darkness fragment power is growing because it can sent out the intelligent beings from the other dimension now.