2 months have passed since the encounter I had with Gayron's dungeon and for the last 2 months, I was training both my magic and assassin skills. Everything I learned from Quin, I practiced it all and if I'm not practicing, I familiarize myself with every magic I have in the books I printed. Even though I almost trained myself every day, I only just reach tier 5, meditating and absorbing mana crystals is not enough anymore, that's why I placed all my magic crystal in an environment where it can transform into a mana ore, a more powerful version of a mana crystal, but it almost takes 2 months for it to develop and now it's ready. I need to inform HA about the mana ore, maybe later.

Ceres is also now all grown up, he was about as big as a young mature centaur in the other dimension, maybe it is the effect of the artifact besides of not being affected by the corruption. He is now at the age of an 18 year old centaur but he when he reach that age, he already stop aging.

I began training him when he reach the age when the centaurs started their training. He can now lift his father's axe and wield it. He can now also use his abilities well. Some of his abilities are the, earth shaker, groundbreaker, earth manipulation and stone and crystal golem summoner, which I learned before is a very rare ability for a centaur to have, making Ceres a very promising centaur. We also sometimes talk about his father and the centaurs especially when he has questions.

Being in this isolated island is also a way for Ceres to enjoy his true self as a centaur because every time we are at home, I have to cast a mist spell on him to hide his centaur's features and make him appear more like human. We sometimes stayed in the isolated island for days or even week sometimes, if I didn't have work to do in the HA or a raid, that I even built a magic room here and a house for us to stay.

I remember the first time that the countries government the island belongs to found out that someone is staying in the isolated island; they taught a non recorded dungeon opened and brought a lot of hunters and armies. I disguised myself again as Mr. Light and gave Ceres his own disguised. When they recognized who I am, and after I explained and give them my reason why I am staying there, of course it is a made up reason, they allowed us to use the island, of course after some transactions. They taken that opportunity to ask for information's relating the one's discussed in the press conference because they are long way behind, I gave them what they wanted of course.

Ceres is also a hunter now because he wanted to be one and was labeled as an A- Class tank with his current power level, but with more training, he will be able to reach S-Class in no time. Besides Alice and Stephan, the chairman, the twins who was always by his side, Jack and Joel knows about Ceres being a real centaur. At first Jack and Joel were against on the idea that I brought out Ceres out of the dungeon and wants Ceres to be detained, but Chairman stop the idea and tell them that since I was the one who took out Ceres from the dungeon, he is now my responsibility, if he does something, I will take the fall, that I accepted whole heartedly.

I also became the world's official reader of the runic's because no one knows how to read it besides me of course. I was actually thinking of teaching it to a few people, five to ten persons in each country, but I never get the chance to talk about it to the chairman, it's either were both busy or I forget about it.

"Uncle Demetri, I got us a boar to eat" Ceres said while showing me the Boar he hunted, carrying by one of his summoned stone golem shape like a centaur and his axe by the other.

"That's great Ceres, I'll start the fire" I prepare the boar before we roast it in the fire, lechon style. When the food was cooked, we started eating and Ceres started asking a few questions again.

"I never asked you Uncle how you and my father meet" Ceres asked me before biting on the leg of the boar.

"I met him in one of my let's just say, adventures, you see your uncle is someone who likes to see the world, discover things, meet new friends and learn something from them, your father is one of the first friend I met in my journey in our world and for a few years was the only companion of mine, but when he met your mother, he fell head over heels on her, that father of yours, who was usually a very talkative person can't even utter a word in front of her-----"-Demetri

I said to Ceres and he laughed

"----that's what love do to someone, when we learned that your grandfather died, Gayron needs to go back to be the new chief with your mother so we part ways, I always planned on visiting but I never got to and then the war happen"-Demetri.

"Uncle, when the second war start, let me be part of it and I want to avenge my family"-Ceres

"Of course bud, I need you there, I can't win the war without you"-Demetri.

We stayed in the island for the night and went home in the morning. We were having lunch when Jack called me because the chairman is requesting for the presence of Mr. Light, I asked him why, he just said the chairman will explain the details to me when I get there. I asked Ceres if he wants to come with me but he was so hooked in the game he was playing so I went alone. I change myself into Mr. Light and teleported myself inside the office of chairman. When he saw me, he quickly approach me.

"Thank you for coming by Demetri"-Chairman.

"How can I help you this time Chairman"-Demetri.

"Well, me and the other HA Chairman's, have a meeting of something that we would like to request for you to do, it has something to do with the writings in the dungeons and portals"-Chairman.

"What about it?"-Demetri.

"We haven't talk about it yet in full detail and in today's meeting they have requested that your presence to be there and to have your say to the proposals"-Chairman.

"Okay, I'll hear what you all have to say and I also want to discuss about something with you for a long time, this is a great opportunity for that too"-Demetri

We walk towards to a door that the chairman explained to me is special because it was engineered with the use of mana crystals and serves like a transport portal from each HA buildings from around the world to the grand assembly hall where they all held their meetings and assemblies. It's like a teleportation portal, which we also have in the other dimension, which also works this way, which is actually cool, whoever made this, I want to meet him, her or them.

One by one, the chairman's of every HA around the world, appear in the doors, and seat on their corresponding seats. I seat in the spare seat beside chairman and a little bit later the meeting started.

"I am glad to see all of you here, we are here again to discuss the last agenda discussed and to also hear the thoughts of Mr. Light who grant us his presence for today"-Speaker.