I was awakened by a noise downstairs, I searched where it was coming from and saw Daya and Kalesi in the kitchen, holding someone down on the ground.

"What is happening here?"-Demetri.

"My lady was hungry so we went here but we encounter a break-in"-Kalesi.

I walk closer to them and saw that it is once again one of those people who tried to break into my house multiple times, and they are getting smarter, they were not detected by the angels, and I need to increase the security in this house.

"Daya, let me"-Demetri.

Daya freed the man from her hold and I encase the man in magical bindings.

"Who sent you?"-Demetri.

"Argh---grr-ugh"-Mystery woman.

Same as the others, this one was also under some kind of spell. I am sure that whoever did this, make sure that I will not know whoever he or she is. I lifted up its shirt and learned that this time, it was a woman, and same like everybody else, it has the same magic circle carvings all over its chest. Bloody.

"What do you want to do with it? Let's kill it"-Daya

"No, the carvings disappear when we kill it, I learned that the first time, we need it to track wherever these things come from, stay here and keep an eye on it, I need to call the HA to pick it up"-Demetri.

"Yes Daya, it will hold, you still doubt me"-Demetri.

"Just asking"-Daya

I step out of the kitchen and walk to the living room to call Jack.



"Another one showed up, and this time it got in inside, "-Demetri.

"They're getting smarter, oh, by the way, we learned a connection between them, I'll tell you about it later when you go here, I heard that you will be having a meeting with Chairman"-Jack


After the call, I walk back to the kitchen and saw Daya looking everywhere, maybe looking for something to eat.

"Daya, sit down, I'll cook something for you, while we are waiting for the HA to come, and it's Demetri now, not Kharis"-Demetri.

"Since when did you change your name?"-Daya.

"Since my new parents, they named me Demetri so that's what I have been using and people knew me for in this dimension"-Demetri.

"Okay Demetri"-Daya.

I smiled at her and handed her, her food. I cook her some rice, egg, and bacon, and blend some coffee for me.

"Here's your food"-Demetri

I handed her, her food and sit in front of her.

"I haven't thanked you yet Demetri for saving and giving me my life back, thank you"-Daya.

"I promise you guys right, besides we all have our own unfinished business with the darkness fragment"-Demetri.

"Do you think, we will be able to defeat it this time? make everything right"-Daya

"We will Daya, we are given a second chance for a reason, I believe that this time, we will defeat the darkness fragment and save everybody, just believe in us"-Demetri.

"I hope so"-Daya.

I felt that Jack and his men were already outside the doors. I stand up and carry the intruder to the door. I handed it to Jack's men and they leave immediately. I went back to the kitchen to finish my coffee.

"Is there an ocean near here Demetri? My skin misses the sea"-Daya.

"I know a place where you can do that, let's go"-Demetri.

Daya followed me to the teleportation door and it takes us the isolated island. Because of the time difference, it is still daylight in here and the sun is setting, an amazing scene to see.

"This place is beautiful, feels like home"-Daya.

Daya runs to the ocean, behind her is Kalesi, transforms to her original monarch form, and dives into the ocean. I walked towards the home that I build on the isolated island down to the basement and saw that the twins were not there, maybe they were back in Japan.

I went to my own lab to see how is Kaya's new body doing. It needed more mana crystals to absorb for it to be complete. I thought about something and took out the last remaining phoenix feather that I receive from Evienne and put it inside Kaya's body for it to absorb. The new body glows differently than before, the same color as Evienne's fiery phoenix feathers. When it stop glowing, I looked at the monitor and saw that the body was ready.

"Kaya, your body is ready"-Demetri.

"Is it boss?"-Kaya

"Yes, it is ready, I can transfer you now to your new body, we can talk now face to face"-Demetri.

I remove Kaya's body from its chamber and transfer it to the table. I scan the body to see if it's really ready for use.

"Can we do it now, boss? I am excited to be physically present in everything"-Kaya.

"Maybe a little later, I used the last phoenix feathers on your body, we need it to perform the soul transfer and I needed both Evienne and Alice's help"-Demetri.

"Okay, sorry I am just excited"-Kaya

"No need to say sorry, I am excited for you too"-Demetri.

I carry Kaya's body and put it in my subspace to bring it back home. I return to the outside and didn't see Daya. I call out for Kalesi through our thought connection.

"Kalesi? Where are you and Daya?"-Demetri.

"We are under the ocean, master"-Kalesi.

"I see, okay, I am going back, keep an eye on Daya, she is still recovering and has not gotten her old strength back, the ocean might help because it is her natural habitat, report to me if something or anything happens, the twins might come back anytime, inform Daya about them"-Demetri.

"Yes master"-Kalesi.


When I got back home, Evienne is already awake and drinking her tea in the kitchen, even though she had just woken up, she still looks elegant, I wonder what her sister looks like.

"Good morning Demetri"-Evienne

"Good morning, are you coming with me to the HA?"-Demetri.

"Can I?"-Evienne

"I think its better so that you can talk to Joel yourself about the necklace"-Demetri.
