I was about to teleport Evienne and me to the Hunter's Association when she pleaded that we fly there because she wanted to spread her wings and feel the air on her feathers. Of course, I said yes. Before we fly, I message Chairman David that we will be using the Helipad for Evienne.

The breeze of the air is very nice to the feeling, the air up here is very different to the air below, polluted air. I pointed to Evienne where to land when she asks where to. Nearing the helipad, we both can see Chairman David waiting for us, with Jack, Joel, and the twins.

I jump from Evienne's back down once we landed in the Helipad. Jack and Joel were shocked to see Evienne and get more shock when Evienne transformed into her human form, it looks like they haven't seen the familiars yet, Chairman David and the twin seer must have not shown them their familiars yet.

"Who is she Demetri"-Joel

"Jack, Joel, meet Evienne, my familiar, and Chairman's girlfriend"-Demetri.

I jokingly said that get Chairman and David shy, and the twin seers giggled.

"Demetri, is just joking Jack and Joel"-Chairman David.

"Are we not?"-Evienne.

"Wait are we?"-Chairman David.

The two give each other puzzled looks, and I know why they are because dating in this world is very different in the other world.

"Chairman David, in where we came from, once you ask someone on a date, you are already together, no need asking, you are mates already, Evienne already considers that you two are together"-Demetri.

Chairman David shows a face that he now understands and smiles at Evienne, who smiles at him back.

"Sorry Evienne"-Chairman David.

"It's okay David, we have very different courtship ways and understanding, but are you sure with me?"-Evienne.

"I am sure, you are the only one that swoons me like this"-Chairman David.

I smiled at both of them. We walk inside the building and Jack and Joel ask me a ton of questions about Evienne and what is she really and what is happening while we are in the elevator,. I answer every question they have.

"Care to explain what is happening Demetri? who is she really is? A familiar? and Chairman's girlfriend? I didn't know that Chairman has other interest other than work"-Joel.

"He's still human Joel, he tried dating but didn't find anyone he dates interesting, he must be really attracted to this Evienne that he reacts this way, look at him like a personality unlocks in him"-Jack

I laugh at Jack and Joel as we having the conversation.

"Are you two done asking questions and being shocked let me answer your questions?"-Demetri.

The two nod their head as an answer to me.

"Again, first, Evienne is my familiar, a companion, but besides being a familiar she is also the goddess of all familiars, their mother, I summoned her because I needed her feathers to fix my mana core because it's on the verge of getting destroyed when I forced myself to reach tier 7 the day Daya ambush the HA"-Demetri.

"Oh yeah, I remembered that you ask me if we have Phoenix feathers"-Joel.

"So how did you summon her?"-Jack.

"I'll show you later"-Demetri.

"Can we do it? summon a familiar?"-Jack.

"Yeah, actually Stephan, Alice, Chairman David, Matthew, and the twin seers already did it"-Demetri.

"So how does it work? randomly or do we get to choose?"-Joel

"Your familiar is what fits you perfectly, your personality, strength and talent"-Demetri.

I answered their questions until we reach the floor where Chairman David's office is located. We all went inside his office to the conference room inside. We talk about the opening of familiar summoning to all hunters.

"So how do you want to work the familiar summoning Demetri?"-Chairman David.

"I am the only one who can build the stone pillars that the summoning ritual can be performed, if it's duplicated by someone, it will not work and will not summon Evienne"-Demetri.

"Okay, I will inform the other HA about it, also is there a way that you can modify the pillars so that they cannot be used excessively, we don't want Evienne to suffer too much"-Chairman David.

"I really intend on doing that, I don't want Evienne to be summoned too much"-Demetri.

We talk more about the summoning until it's lunchtime. Joel and Jack excuse themselves because they were meeting Vincent. Raphael and Gabriel for the weapon they were asking Joel to craft. I told Joel and Jack that I and Evienne will also stop by later.

After we have lunch, we separated ways with Chairman and the twin seers and go to the HA lab. Arriving, we saw Joel and some of the staff handling the crafted weapons to Vincent, Raphael, and Gabriel, when they saw us they approach me.

"Demetri, long time no see"-Vincent.

"How are you doing? Are you okay now?"-Gabriel.

"I am fine, how about you guys?"-Demetri.

"We are fine, Demetri, who is that fine lady with you? care to introduce us"-Raphael.

"Ahh, yes, this is my familiar, Evienne, and Chairman's girlfriend"-Demetri.

I really emphasized the words Chairman's girlfriend because of how Raphael looks at Evienne, he is interested.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you Ms. Evienne"-Raphael.

"It's nice to meet you all too"-Evienne.

"What brings you two here Demetri?"-Vincent.

"Same reason as you, going to ask Joel to craft us something"-Demetri.

After the talk, they leave because they have dungeon and portal raids to do. We approach Joel and discuss why we are there.

"So what I can for you two?"-Joel.

"I'll let you two talk while I set up the pillar, I'll come back here after"-Demetri.

I am with Jack going to the location where the summoning pillar will be set up. Chairman David and I decided to place it in the open space near the evaluation space so that it is outside and in a wide space.