"Guys, cover for me, Evienne, and you Ersie, I need you"-Demetri.

"Why? what are you going to do?"-Daya.

"I'll be doing a soul transfer right here. right now, for Kaya"-Demetri.

  "Kaya? the dark elf girl that always follow you and your apprentice?"-Daya

"Yes, she become my first ever soul summon remember, she suppose to disappear same as my other soul summon but she stick to me, I'll tell you everything later just cover us"-Demetri.

Evienne staying in his true form and Ersie walks towards me and I give them the instruction. I ask for Evienne three of her feathers that she gladly gave to me and while I instruct Ersie to order her holy crow to grant us holy light all the way I am doing the soul transfer because now we have no healer. After Ersie ordered her holy crow to do what to do, I told her that she can go back to the battle to help with the positioning attack of the Crawlers while Evienne stayed to help me with the process.

While Evienne was waiting for me to give her an instruction on what to do, she helps blocking and killing off the the Crawlers that is coming to our way. I first take a part of my soul that Kaya can jump into and fuse together because she doesn't have a full form soul. 

Kaya!- Demetri

Yes Boss, I heard everything and I am ready, I can't wait to see you all-Kaya

I can't wait to see you too Kaya, you know what to do right?-Demetri.

Yup, let's do it-Kaya

I let Kaya to prepare herself first then she signaled when she was ready, I call for Evienne to help me extract Kaya from in me. She come out from in me like a glowing pebble, it was so bright that it helps keeping the Crawlers away. Then Evienne and I fuse her with the part of soul that was in my hand while chanting the words for soul fusion. I use one of the feathers that Evienne given to me to make the fusion more successfull.

After successfully fusing Daya's soul to mine, I handed it over to Evienne for her to hold while I take out Daya's body from the subspace. I place it in front of me before asking for Kaya's soul from Evienne. 

"Evienne, place Kaya's soul on top of her chest"-Demetri.


Just like what I said, Evienne places Kaya's soul on top of her chest and the soul start to bit by bit, enter Kaya's new body. Placing my hand on top of the soul, same with Evienne, we started chanting the words again for soul fusion. When the soul finally entered her body, Kaya's new vessel started glowing blindly bright that it makes the Crawlers hide in the dark and stop attacking us for the meantime. 

Kaya's new vessel starts changing. Her robot vessel bit by bit turn into a mixture of human and machine, she is looking now like a Cyborg, a few reasons that I can think off, why this is happening is one, it's adapting to Kaya or Kaya is changing her vessel on her own. Kaya's face regain her old appearance, same to her arms and feet, the other parts remain a machine. The soul fusion was a success.


"Boss! its nice to see you finally in person!"-Kaya.

Kaya run to me and hug me, and I hug her back, happy to see the person who was like a sister to me and the first member of my made family in the other dimension. 

"Hate to break up the reunion, but we really needed your help here"-Daya.

Kaya and I let go from the hug and she flew herself in the middle with Evienne and same as them return to my former position in the circle.

"Nice to see you again Daya, happy to see that you are still the same"-Kaya.

"This is me Kaya, love it or hate it"-Daya.

Kaya laughed.

"Boss, you know the drill, cast a sound barrier around us"-Kaya.

"Okay, but do it fast, this kind of barrier is not strong enough inside this place and against the Crawlers"-Demetri.

"Yes boss"-Kaya

After casting the sound the barrier around us, Kaya did her thing. She chanted a magic chant that grant her multiple hands and places those hands on each and everyone's top of the head. She started chanting again and after the incantation a third eye floating on top of our head appeared, the Cherubim's Eye.

"What is this? Why is their an eye on top of my head, and whoa, what is happening? loads of events is now flashing in my head, it's kind of making me dizzy, is this what you see twins?"-Jack.

"No, this is much more intense, receiving a few future already gives us headache, but this, this is very different"-Elliot

"The eye is kind of scary, on how it moves its pupil around fast"-Ersie.

"That's a Cherubim's Eye, an all seeing eye, Kaya here is a powerful mage and seer and one of her many talents is sharing her seer eyes, which is a great help to us because now we can see what the seers can see, we can now also see the prediction of where and when the Crawlers will attack"-Demetri.

"Another powerful young lad, this magic is amazing"-Chairman David.

"But, it will not last long, I don't know how long we have considering that Kaya was just reborn so we have to finish this dungeon immediately, once the light in the Cherubim eyes, disappear the effects also wear out"-Demetri.

"Then its better that we finish this now"-Chairman David.

Same as the first barrier that I casted earlier, it got destroyed quickly after a few attacks of the Crawlers, we are lucky enough that it didn't got destroyed that Kaya was not finished chanting. Kaya is now floating in the middle of us replacing Evienne's position earlier, keeping herself focus on keeping the Cherubim's Eye working. With the help of Kaya's Cherubim's eye, eliminating the Crawlers and shielding ourselves from the attacks makes it easier. And not for long, we killed every single Crawler that attacked us inside the dungeon and the dungeon gates open, illuminating the space we are in.