"That was intense, I am so ready to leave this dungeon"-Jack.

Jack let himself fall to the ground because of exhaustion.

"But first we need to make sure that every Crawler is dead"-Demetri.

"Why? the portal gate already opened, that means every monster inside the portal is already dead right?"-Jack.

"Crawlers pretend they were dead to trick the enemy on letting their guard down, and then they attack or make their way out of the portal and wreck havoc outside, plenty more spaces to hide and a lot more people to attack and consume"-Daya.

"Just like Daya said, we need to make sure every Crawler is dead while the Cherubims's eye still working so Daya and Kalesi guide the portal entrance while the rest of us find the hiding Crawlers"-Demetri.

Daya and Kalesi return again back to their original form and guide the portals gate. A few Crawlers attacks us and aim for the portal but we get to kill all the Crawlers pretending to be dead or hiding. One by one, we exit the portal and I was the last one to exit. Joel approach us and tell us that we have been inside the portal for three days.

"It feels like we are inside for only a few minutes but those few minutes also feels so long given that there's nothing but nothing and darkness inside"-Ersie.

"I timed it per Joel request and we are inside for only thirty minutes"-Jack

"So 10 minutes inside is a day here, longer than the portals we already knew, how about the level of the portal Joel?"-Chairman David

"It is the strongest one yet ever recorded since the awakening, we need to evacuate people and sent a few of our staff away because they can't handle the miasma coming from the portal, only B Rank to S Rank able to handle the portal, the S-class hunters also help, with the evacuation and everything. I already message them that you are already out"-Joel.

"Good good, I know that you can handle everything well out here, when they arrive sent them to the conference room so that we can discuss what happen"-Chairman David.

"Yes Chairman, but first we need to tend you all first, you all look gross, and you all smell"-Joel.

While everyone is getting tended by Joel and the other HA staff, I make sure that the portal closes completely and no traces of it's remains in the air because it is toxic to non-awakened humans. 

I consume the darkness fragments portal's energy and turn it into holy energy. I will be spreading the holy energy in the air to replace and cure the effects the darkness fragment portal miasma to everybody that was affected by it and was expose to it. 

"What did you just do Demetri? You just not close the portal, you turn it into that ball of light, what is that on your hand by the way"- Joel

"This is the darkness fragment portal's energy, I converted it into holy energy to spread to the air to clear the remaining miasma in the air and cure the effects that it might have been affecting you and everyone that was expose it"-Demetri.

I raise the holy energy in the air and it spread like fireflies in a field until it covers the whole affected area until the lights were gone indicating that the miasma was cleared. After spreading the holy energy, we proceed to the care facility the HA prepared for us. While soaking myself in the bath, I can feel the tiredness and pain wear me bit by bit. 

After soaking in the bath, I wear the clothes that Joel prepare for me and went to where the others are. The one's that are in the room were only Kalesi, Daya, and Kaya. Kaya was on the bed sleeping while Daya and Kalesi were on the side of the bed taking care of her.

"Oh Demetri, I found Kaya like this, she must have pass out because she exert herself after just being reborn"-Daya.

"Let's just let her rest, she might be past out for a few days, that is what happen to me when I exert myself after just being reborn"-Demetri.


"Where are the others?"-Demetri.

"This room is reserve for us, the guy with those weird glass thing on his face came by earlier and told me that and also said that, if we are ready we can join them in the meeting room"-Daya.

"Okay, do you want to come with me to the meeting or you just want to stay here"-Demetri.

"I'll come with you, I'm intrigued to see this S-Class people, they Kalesi you stay here and take care of Kaya, report to us anything that will happen to her"-Daya.

"Yes my queen"-Kalesi.

We exit the room and walk to the meeting room.

"You really care for Kaya"-Demetri.

"You know that she's like a sister to me and she died saving me, I owe her my life, this time I will not let anything happen to her"-Daya.

"This time will be different, no one will die this time, I will not let it happen again"-Demetri.

"Do you think Demetri we will be able to save our friends just like how you save me? I know that you just got lucky with me but do you think there's a chance"-Daya.

"I believe that we will save them and I will do everything I can to be able to do that, don't lose hope, there will always be a light in total darkness"-Demetri.

"I believe you, Demetri"-Daya.

I smiled at her and place a hand on her shoulder to give her more assurance.

"So, can you tell me about this S-Class Hunters, I am really intrigued, are they like us? the strongest among the rest? leaders? kings? queens?"-Daya.

"Yes, they are the strongest recorded humans that receive are blessings, the one's we are meeting are just the S-Class here in this country, there are others in the other country"-Demetri.

"I should test them out to see if they live up to their name, but you know because we are here already they should add another category, Monarch class"-Daya.

I just laugh on what Daya said, but she's not wrong, if the day comes that I save my friends, they really deserve a whole new category.

"So do you think I can spar with them, same with David? I can also offer to teach and train them, we all need the help we can get with the upcoming war"-Daya.

"Let's see what I can do about that but I am pretty sure that if I offer it to them, they will all agree"-Demetri.