The number of the monsters coming out from the labyrinth seems to be not depleting. They always come out in huge numbers that they were struggling coming out of the door because of the stampede. Looking at the hunters, they were all getting tired and I don't know how long they can keep up fighting. The battle equipment's ammo and power was also limited. There are still other hidden battle equipment's in the island but we are saving it for the finale. 

"Can't we just destroy the gate?"-Stephan.

He shouted at me when he bumped into me. 

"I wish it was that easy but that gate might be destructible, it will just respawn again, and it will spawn in another place which we cannot risk because we cannot do the teleportation spell once again with all the mages exhausted, it might kill them"-Demetri.

We continue on fighting. The little monsters were soon replace by bigger monsters, and yes little, because compare to the sizes of the new monsters coming out they were babies and they were not so little. It looks like the little monsters numbers were only the huge one because the number of the monsters coming out from the labyrinth started to deplete but their little number was compensated by their huge sizes. Huge sizes also double it's power blows and it is much smarter than the little ones. 

Some of them realizes that the power source of my summons were I and mana cube and now they are targeting me, Evienne and Daya, and some of my summons realizes this and come to my rescue. I throw the Mana cube to Evienne and I told her to protect it. She soars high to the skies and did what I told her. I use my blade and fight of the big monsters attacking me, looking at them up close, they look like bloated huge gooey frog like creatures walking upright.

They may look like easy to cut, but their skin is hard and the slime is toxic and erodes the armor, I let Daya, Kalesi and my summons to handle the situation first because I will be casting a protection spell to everybody, so they will not be affected too much by the toxin coming out from this frog like monsters.

One by one, a halo appears on top of the head of the hunters. I haven't done this before, putting protection spell on a huge number, that's why I didn't know that it take this too much mana and energy from the caster. 

Another batch of different monsters comes out the labyrinth, and these ones are shapeless, like a huge blob. They were fewer than the frog looking creatures and double the size. I flew down fast to Daya's direction to eliminate the one that was about to attack her from behind.


"You're welcome, how are you? feeling any kind of pain?"-Demetri.

"I am fine, just a little fatigue from all the fighting, still not fully recovered to my original state that's why maybe I get this tired easily"-Daya

"Once this is over, let's fix that, I know we can find something from Visyries book that can help someone recover fast from a soul transfer"-Demetri.

"I sure hope so, I want to get back on my original state fast, I can feel a much more powerful danger is coming upon us"-Daya.

Killing one after another, I also cast soul summon to each one of the kills. While were fighting, Daya was stop by what she was witnessing, the blob creatures are eating the other monsters of the Labyrinth, and by eating those monsters they develop and adapt it's most powerful skill and attribute, turning into a one scary hybrid Chimaera. 

"Are they eating the other monsters?"-Daya.

Daya ask me while standing next to me. This is a first for both of us, sseeing this type of monster from the labyrinth because it was not present from the last one we fought the labyrinth calamity. Is this something new or it was always been there and we just didn't get the chance to fought it. The blob also started devouring fallen hunters and just like what it did to the labyrinth monsters, it also develop and adapt the hunters skills and attributes, making it a much scarier monster.

This is new, very new for us. We tried everything in order to defeat it. Slicing does not work because it would mold itself back together. Any elementals does not work also, especially fire, its fire proof. Sub elements of elemental spells does work but only a little, like lightning. Holy light also works but just like lightning, its effect was not much, the damage part will just regenerate and heal after it consume another monster or hunter. Defense mages are now putting the much effort on creating barriers because the blobs cannot penetrate it looking at it. 

"This were experimented offspring of my son"-Evienne.

Evienne telepathically communicated to me as she glides down to where we are.

"What do you mean experimented? and who do you mean by son?"-Demetri.

"Wait what now?"-Daya

Evienne let out a huge sigh before she tell us what she mean by what she said.

"To make it short, Zael, the Leviathan is my son, he is not a familiar, I gave birth to him, he was the son of I and a great great great grandfather of yours, Daya, this was around before the birth of your parents Demetri, he was a brilliant child and inherited my powers of creation"-Evienne.

"WHAAAAAAAT? So your saying we are somewhat related and the Leviathan was like a great great great uncle of mine"-Daya.


"How did I not know this? Why didn't anyone tell me"-Daya.

"We kept it a secret, especially when we discovered that he was corrupted by the darkness fragment and become his minion, we don't want anyone to be scared or create any malicious rumors pertaining to the water nymphs if they discovered that you were associated with Zael, the Leviathan"-Evienne.

"But still you know, as the queen, I should know about this"-Daya.

"I was the one who trapped him inside the labyrinth when we discovered he was corrupted by the darkness fragment, my son was always so trusting and wants attention that's why maybe when he was given the attention he wanted from me by the darkness fragment, he let himself get corrupted, now he was used to wreck havoc and create creatures like this, if only I given him the attention and love he wants, none of this will happen"-Evienne

"This is none of your fault Evienne, it was all because of the darkness fragment"-Demetri

"I just hope after this, we can get my son back from the darkness fragment, he was not a villain, he was just lost"-Evienne.

"We will come up with something Evienne, we will save your son"-Demetri.

Learning about this, this just means that the Labyrinth was not made for any of this. It might be really for something else that no one knows because pretty sure that the ones who knows what is really the labyrinth is for, is long gone before the corruption of Zael, the Leviathan happened. I just hope that after this, Evienne and her son will get to have that reunion.