I feel bad for Evienne, seeing your child lost his track will never be easy for any parent. Zael, the Leviathan's tentacles started crawling out of the Labyrinth's gate bit by bit, smashing anything that is on its way, whether its the enemy or not. He is getting ready to come out and join in the fight.

Something is also falling out its tentacles, this large spider looking creatures that moves fast but unlike the blob, it is much easier to kill, a stab does the trick. The blob still is our biggest enemy at this moment and we need to do something about them before Zael, the Leviathan comes out or our chances of winning will reduce more.

I can see that everyone is getting exhausted, even there is the help of mana and miracle potions, thinking of a way to defeat the blobs. While fighting the blobs and spiders something in the corner of my eye caught my attention, one of the hunters with a sub element of ice or crystal, cast a spell on a part of the blob and it remains that way, it remains solid, it looks like the blob is trying to heal or regenerate the damage part but it cannot that why it separates that part from itself.

That is the answer for the blobs. I flew to the hunters direction to see it up close. I cast Ice hurricane to the blob until it stop moving and turns into solid crystal rock. I and the mage hunter waited if something happens, if it will move, but it remains that way. The age hunter must have realize what I realize too and she started attacking the other blobs with ice spells and telling the others.

Evienne, is your son familiar with ice?- Demetri.

I ask Evienne telepathically.

He was not, he doesn't encounter it in the other world and was not familiar with it, why?did you discover something?- Evienne.

Yes, because he was not familiar of ice, he did not include it to any of the elements that the blob is immune to, when the blob encounter ice, it turn into crystals and it cannot regenerate- Demetri.

After confirming it more, it was really the answer we are looking for. I telepathically announce it to everyone. Because we only have few hunters who can cast ice spells, I order every other hunter to slice the blob into the tiniest piece they can do so that not much mana will be use to turn it into ice


Every hunter does what I told them. Some of the hunters with no ice element slice the blob into the tiniest size they can while the hunters distracts the blob so that the mages with ice elemental can freezes those cut parts of the blob. I also order the twins to use all the ice ammo offence we have to the blobs.

I team up with Daya to maximize the damage we can do the blobs with her tsunami skill and my ice hurricane, we were able to freeze some of the blobs quicker but some blobs are smarter that the others, some of the blobs casted defense barrier that they adapted from the hunters they have eaten. But eventually we defeated most of the blob that the remaining blobs can be counted in fingers but those remaining blobs were much smarter and starting to come up with ways to avoid the ice spells like it discovered that it was its weakness and find other ways to not get affected by the ice spells.

I watch Zael, the Leviathan, still slowly crawling itself out of the Labyrinth's gate as I defeat some of the remaining blobs. It's tentacles stretch out for miles making me realize that he for sure grows much larger than before. We did what we can before Zael, the Leviathan's, finally came out of the Labyrinth's gate, exposing he's huge mountain size that reaches the clouds above. He was also surrounded by the red miasma that comes out of the Labyrinth, making me realize that the miasma coming form the Labyrinth was coming out from him. Because of how thick the miasma is, it covers the sun, making the near surroundings dark.

Evienne flew close to her son tried her best to communicate with him, you can hear the sadness and hurt in Evienne's voice as she calls out his sons name, getting its attention, but Zael just ignores her, and starts attacking her even. This shows how strong the hold of the darkness fragment to Zael, that he cant even recognize her mother. Zael started screaming, makes everyone trembles and it disrupts focus especially when casting spells.

I notice that Zael's appearance change from the last time we saw him. He is now much sinister looking. Its tentacles suckers now if notnhave this sharp terrifying teeths, have eyes that moves always, giving it an advantage in seeing its's attackers movements. Its abdomen also have this opening where the blobs are coming out.

Our attention was now divided with the blobs and the Leviathan. Just like what we discuss in the battle plan, when the Leviathan finally came out of the Labyrinth's gate, all S-Class hunters and a few A-class hunters will be focusing on defeating the Leviathan, same with the defense system of the island.

"Don't do anything reckless, plan all your attacks, the Leviathan is much smarter than any of the monsters you have already encounter"-Demetri

I told everybody, because I know, especially some the S-Class hunters are too confident in theirselves that they will just attck head on. And oh boy, am I not wrong.