9. Tutorial Rewards

[Welcome to Galaxy Wars Online, Leon Dragneel]

[Calculating Rewards...]

[Survival Tutorial Quest Score: A Rating]

[Hidden Quest 1: Reached Village on Day 1 (100% Completion)]

[Survival Tutorial Quest Score: S Rating (UP)]

[Hidden Quest 2: Kill the Alpha Wolf (100% Completion)]

[Survival Tutorial Quest Score: SS Rating (UP)]

[Hidden Quest 3: No Villagers Dead (100% Completion)]

[Survival Tutorial Quest Score: SSS Rating (UP)]

Looking at the surrounding familiar loading space and the screen with the tutorial rating Noel was stunned. Because the highest rating he had heard about was just (B Rating) which was achieved by a few of the rankers who dominated in the past life.

Now looking at these ratings as his rating not only went up by 1 it climbed by 4 levels and he has never even seen or heard about any quests reward with SS Rating let alone the SSS Rating in his past life.

(A/N: I Will be mentioning the MC's First Life as Past life. That is the one he experienced before his travel back in time.)

What Noel didn't know was that the Highest rating SSS could only be achieved by doing the hidden quests like, only if he had reached the village on day 1 would he have unlocked the 2nd and 3rd hidden quest. And only if he had made sufficient preparations to make sure he could kill the alpha wolf which was unlocked due to reaching the village on day 1. Would he be able to ensure the safety of the villagers and complete the 3rd hidden quest.

[Choose your path in this new world

Option1: Path of a King

Option2: Path of a Hero]

Noel looked at this option and without any hesitation said " I choose the Path of a King."

Because although there were 2 options to choose from and each had its own benefits. There was a massive difference between both gameplay styles. Because there was a saying by a famous ranker in his past life, " A King can always be a Hero to his people, but a Hero cannot be a King as it is an act of rebellion."

[Chosen Path: Path of a King]

[Tutorial Reward (SSS Rating):

5 Random Villagers(C)

5 Random Villagers(B)

2 Random Professional Villagers(C)

2 Random Professional Villagers(B)

2 Random Professional Villagers(A)

2 Warrior (A)

1 Warrior (S)

1 Warrior (SS)

1 Upgrade Building Token(Unique)

3 Random Building(B)

2 Special Building(A)

1 Unique Building(S)

1 Village Creation Token(Legendary)

100 Gold Coins

Locked: 1 Specific Resource Spawn Node (A) (48 Hrs Remaining)

Locked: 1 Unique Person (SSS) (24Hrs Remaining)

Locked: Cultivation Breathing Technique(SS)]

Looking at this screen and the rewards for getting the SSS Rating thoroughly refreshed the outlook of his impact and overturned his understanding of the game. Because he has been one of the countless people who has seen the forum post of the top ranker who revealed his B Rating to the World.

[Tutorial Reward (B Rating):

3 Villagers(D)

3 Villagers(C)

1 Warrior (C)

1 Warrior (B)

2 Random Professional Villagers(C)

1 Random Building(B)

1 Special Building(B)

1 Village Creation Token(Gold)

20 Gold Coins

Locked: Cultivation Breathing Technique(B)]

These people all over the world were once in envy when they looked at the B Rating Rewards. Would now die with shock if they currently looked at his rewards.

Noel laughed as he narrowed his eyes with new determination and plans to build his foundation and stand on top of this world. Just when he was reveling inside his own dreams and plans...

[Select your Location:

1. Randomize (Any Rating and UP)

2. Choose a Continent (C Rating and UP)

3. Choose a Country (B Rating and UP)

4. Choose a Province (A Rating and UP)

5. Choose a Region (S Rating and UP)

6. Choose a Specific Location (SS Rating and UP)]

Looking at the variety of options Noel grinned as he knew exactly where he was going to spawn using his old knowledge of all the big player's domain and the most resource popular areas for his own benefit.

But Noel didn't go for other locations which the other major players occupied as he had one specific location in mind and was hoping to be randomized in the same location as his past life.

That location was a boon as well as a bane for Noel as a huge resource-rich area it was one of the reasons he wasn't properly able to develop in that area as it was the region that was contested by over 100 different lords. With such intense competition Noel was only able to last for 5 Years as one of the last 10 lords remaining in the region before he was devoured by one of the top rankers from the neighboring region who coveted his region.

Noel was going to use his most familiar region which is very rich in resources and use that as a springboard and be an overlord of his own region first and foremost to erase his past shame as well as to overcome his past self.

"Choose a Specific Location."

[Pinpoint the marker on the map to mark your spawn point.]

A screen that displayed the world map showed itself in front of Noel. Looking at the world map a new thought arose in his mind as the current map of the world in the game is 20 times larger than the real world. And due to a world Level Cataclysm that happened in the Year 2022 that shifted the world landmass by pulling all the landmass closer towards each other due to some unknown reason which was still not found by scientists.

Most deemed it as the Great Cataclysm or the World Destruction Event. One of the major events during this cataclysm was that the whole Australia Continent Sank into the bottom of the ocean drowning millions of people with it. It was a great tragedy like no other. It was a nightmare that shook the people to their core.

(A/N: Sorry for Sinking Australia Guys no hate but I had to do that for the future for the story, the Current World map is totally different from ours. I'll be posting the world of the novel in discord in a few days so do check it out so that you can understand when I'm saying a few locations or specifying a few regions. The Map is in discord and it may be subject to minor changes in the future so please have some patience for me.)

*Author Here: So guys hehe, What're your thoughts about the rewards and the world map. Comment our thoughts below. Also, do check out the discord and come hang out with me. Vote em Powerstones TY*