Made to want it

Apart from Baiken who felt it was neccesary to cover her face again, the rest of the boarding process went smoothly. They were on their way to Japan and closer to this Yakuza she heard off. Baiken sighed to herself, if she could make money in any other way than spill blood, it was worth doing.

"What's wrong?" Tachibana asked.

"If I can get to the Yakuza as planned, I'm set, no more bloodshed"

"You sure? What do you plan to do there?"

"Sell sex for money"

Tachibana sat up on his bed "Seriously?"

"Yes, sex is better than pain right?"

"Yes but men aren't just willing to pay and play you know? Some men will take advantage of you"

"Then I'll cut their dicks off"

Tachibana held his forehead in his palm.

"Let me explain something to you quick. At a brothel you're a respected woman whom you pay to treat you well, in Japan, for what you want to do, it's called prostitution"

"Proste... What?"

"Prostetution, it means you're a prostitute and men pay you for sex, another aweful word for a woman like that is a whore, and I don't want you to be labeled that, you deserve a lot more respect"

"I don't care what they call me, it's a way of making money"

"People will always look down on you, you're basically scum, selling your body for money is considered henious, please try something else"

Baiken rubbed her head out of frustration "Look at my options Tachibana, I know how to fight, and I like sex, anything other than that is basically a grey area for me. I can barely read, I can barely write. I didn't even know what an iceberg is until you told me, what do you suggest I do?"

"I'll help you figure it out, I promise"

"No, you came along and I appreciate that, but not as a life lesson specialist, only as a mentor and a friend. I want to carve my own path even if it means diving down into the depths of hell first before I find my way back up again"

"I can't allow you to stoop so low, you're..."

Baiken stopped him with an open hand "Enough, I think in Japan we should part ways" She said and stood up.

"But Baiken!?"

"Let me be! I don't need a man to tell me what to do! I've been in Yamamoto's claws since I could learn to remember as a child! Then from the age of seven he started his shit with me! Giving me a sword and forcing me to learn how to fight! When I came of age the raping began! I was fourteen years old Tachibana! Fourteen and a man told me what to do! How his dick must go into me, how I must move my body to his rythm, and every time I chickened out he beat the shit out of me!"

Tachibana sat looking at her wordless.

"So yes, I'm a young, petit woman who seems vulnerable, but I'm technically doing nothing but fighting for more than ten years now, I'm not new to defending myself" Baiken spoke in a calmer voice, but Tachibana said nothing still. He didn't realise her hell with Yamamoto was this, deep, it was a deep fucking pit she just managed to crawl out of. He stood up and went to one knee in front of her, she stood back confused.

"Wh, what are you doing?"

"I have never heard a child bare the brunt you bared, my respect and honor to you..." He didn't lift his head, seeming to have stopped mid sentense.

"Uh, sure, but why are you on your knees?"

"From here on forward, I am at your disposal, use me as a weapon, that is what we were trained to be from the beginning, tools of war. And I am yours, command me to slay your enemies, and allow me to protect you with my life"

"Tachibana what came into you!?"

He stood up, she saw the emptiness in his eyes, they seemed like glass.

"You're freaking me out!" She yelled.

"You need not fear me. You want to go to the Yakuza, then I shall accompany you, and should one of those bastards disrespect your request, no matter what it is, I will kill him"

Suddenly Baiken felt this aura coming from him, it was demanding, it was straight forward, and it was powerful. She couldn't help being turned on by it, it was weird, in her life she knew sex meant intercourse, he or she on top, friction and pleasure follows, then it's done, but Baiken never had a man make her 'want' to have sex with him, she knew it felt nice, and just went for it every time, no emotions involved, but he...


"Yes master?"

"Don't call me master"

"OK, what is your request then Kazuna-sama?"

She lifted her hands and grabbed his collar.

"Have sex with me, right now!"

Tachibana effortlessly lifted her from the ground and pulled her in, she hooked her legs around his waist as he slammed her against the cabin wall, clothes were been torn not removed and soon she felt the cold steel of the bulkhead against her back only shortly, before that aching feeling of lust and want got relieved as he penetrated her.

Baiken shreeked of pleasure and sank her nails into his shoulders, it was rough, painful as the steel struck her lower spine, but it was great, it was total extacy. Baiken felt she needed a change of pace, she unhooked her legs but this shot a jolt of pleasure up her as more pressure got forced onto him from her hanging body.

Tachibana was now doing the work of holding her up and giving her sex, but she finally got it into her to kick the wall behind her, They toppled over and she landed on him as he fell back, now with her in charge she started moving her hips faster than he could, the result was her having an orgasm almost as soon as she started.

She fell forward holding on to him tightly, that was the best orgasm she has ever had, but she wanted more, she moved her pelvis muscles keeping him interested whilst she caught her breath, he made deep grunts as he tried to start the intercourse again but she clung to him making sure he can't move, all he could do was lay there and feel how she worked him using the muscles inside her with almost surgical precision, a type of extacy he has never experienced before.

When she was ready again she let him go and sat up, his hands came up and closed over her full breasts and she moaned moving her hips again, she wanted two more, at least, she didn't want him to be finished just yet, so her movements remained slow and steady.

Tachibana was losing his mind, he couldn't believe he considered her a young girl, when her experience with this was supernatural, where the fuck could she have learned to use her body this way!? He couldnt hold it anymore and he exploded into orgasm.

"Di, did you just finish?" She sighed feeling him go soft under her.

"Yes, unfortunately I couldn't bare it anymore"

Baiken moved her hips again to see if she could somehow harden him up again but it was no use, she groaned and fell down on his chest.

"Is it because you're twenty years older than me?" She said phanting.

"No age man can hold out for long against what ever you just did, it felt like I was at the mercy of a goddess" He said equally breathless.

Baiken gave a giggle between her gasps for air.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"My mother"

He looked down at her as she laid sweat soaked. She didn't make any attempt to get off him, instead he felt that same movement from her internal muscles working him still. Tachibana couldn't believe it as he felt himself get hard again, she had some sort of sorcery going on, it was working, he placed his hands on her buttocks and gave her a hard thrust, making her moan again. Baiken didn't even realise he was back in action, excitement shot into her as she sat up and continued the intercourse, this time he lasted longer, she finally had her second orgasm.

"You happy now?" He asked feeling he still had a long way to go.

"I'm not done yet" she said not stopping, Tachibana saw her sit upright and clasp her hands together.

"What now?" He asked.

"I want to try something" She said slowly continuing her hip movements. Tachibana saw her execute the ninjitsu seals he taught her, and suddenly he felt her aura fluxuate, her chi erupted around her and she coated it over her body, then Tachibana saw her slowly fade, she's using the invincibility technique, and somehow it had his heart racing.

"Can you see me?" He heard her ask.

"No" He replied, being impressed at how well she could cloak herself even whilst moving. Her hands came around his wrists and he felt her pull them up, and place them on her hips.

"Feel my movement, feel my heat" She sighed and guided his hands up her sides and onto her breasts again. Tachibana was again lost for words, he felt her, but he couldn't see her, he never thought anyone would use ninjitsu for a purpose as this, it made his loins flare and he could feel another orgasm build up.

"You're going to finish me again if this continues, make yourself hurry if you want another orgasm, because after this one I doubt I'll be able to go for round three"

Tachibana felt her movements change, somehow he felt her clamp down on him, and making the friction more intence, but this worked for the both of them, and both came into orgasm together. The feeling of pleasure that shot through Baiken made her lose focus and she came into vision again. Now properly exhausted the two laid still trying to catch their breath, the horn of the ship sounded meaning it's approaching land.

"Did you really mean it?" Baiken asked not getting up yet.


"You'll risk your life for me?"

"Yes, without hesitation"

"Thankyou then, I accept your proposal"

The two of them got dressed and packed when the ship docked, they almost wobbled at the same time as they approached the gang plank, still sore from the intercourse, they both saw each other do this and laughed.

"Now that we are here, I want to tell you to be prepared" Tachibana said. Baiken looked up at him, she could feel she had something in her heart for him, only her mother ever made her feel like this but this was slightly different, could it be love? She never fell in love before so she's not sure if that's it. All she knew was she wanted this man close to her, at all times.

"You are about to step into a whole new world Kazuna-sama, don't overwhelm me with questions ok? I'll try and explain it as best I can"

She smiled and nodded "Ok, I'll try"