Welcome to the 20th century

When they stepped out onto the gangplank her head shot up and she gasped at the skyscrapers, the cars driving just beyond the docks had her bewildered, even Japanese people dressed completely different from those in Saipan and Okinawa.

"Wh, what the fuck is going on here!?"

"Welcome to the twentieth century Kazuna sama"

"Twentieth century? But? Why do you say it like that!? It's the twentieth sentury in Saipan as well?"

"Yes, the emperor banned new technology onto Saipan, he considered it a threat to society and said it would ultimately ruin the Japanese way of life. But he was a fool, everything in life advances, and so does the Japanese community"

"What are those huge structures back there? Are they houses?" She asked pointing at the skyscrapers.

"Some are used as accommodation, others are used for office space"

"What's an office?"

"It's a place where people work"

They got to the road and the cars passing made her hide behind Tachibana.

"What are they?"

"Cars, people use it as a means of transport, just as the people in Saipan use horses"

"People ride those things?"

"More like drive, watch this" Tachibana wove his hand at a yellow coloured car and it pulled over, Baiken staggered backwards with surprise.

"Holy shit it actually listened to you!?"

Tatchibana laughed "It's a cab, and were going to catch it" He said and opened the back door. Baiken peeked inside first then she reluctantly climbed in, when Tachibana joined her she was looking at the interior.

"Now what?" She asked.

"Now we ask the driver to take us some place"

"Driver?" She asked and looked at where he was pointing, she saw the driver, but also saw his reflection in the mirror.

"Do you see this!? He's here and inside that small window over there! It's like an alternative dimension...!"

"It's called a mirror!" Tachibana said quickly.

"A mirror?"

"It reflects your image" Tachibana said and looked at the driver, who was confused at her.

"Sorry, it's the first time in her life she's in a car, how well do you know the city sir?"

"It's my job to know it, where to?"

"Do you know where the Yakuza resides?"

"Yes, but I'm not going there, it's too dangerous"

"That's ok, you can take us as close as you dare, then just point us in the right direction"

"Ok then" He said and started driving.

"Are you ready?" Tachibana asked Baiken

"Yes, let's see what's going on here"


Sakura got waken up by the noise of her cellphone vibrating, she looked at the text;

'They're here in Tokyo'

She quickly typed back 'Keep eyes on them, I'm coming'

Sakura flew out of the hotel bed and got dressed, she was still in time for the ship, but she now needed a direct one to Tokyo.

She stormed into the ticket office catching the man behind the counter off guard.

"Is there a ship leaving for Tokyo?!" She almost yelled.

"Uh, I uh, only cargo vessels"

"Who are the captains?"

"Already on board, preparing to disembark"

Sakura ran out, to her luck there was only one cargo ship docked. She got on board, not caring if she's not allowed, if anyone dared try remover her, she'd kill him.


The cab came to a halt and the driver turned around to Tachibana.

"Go straight down for two blocks then turn right at the noodle shop down the allyway, you'll find some Yakuza standing around"

"Thankyou sir" Tachibana said paying him. The two got out and he drove off.

"Ok..." Tachibana said as they started walking "Remember no gutting and cutting, the weapons they use fire rounds a lot faster than musket balls here"

Baiken glanced at him "I thought the Yakuza used swords? Didn't my father teach them the way of the samurai?"

"Yes, but that tradition faded away when Benkei died years ago, remember, they're thugs now, they don't have honor"

At the noodle shop they turned right.

"Ok slow down" Tachibana said "We need to tread carefully here"

Though it was the first time Baiken walked down a scaly allyway in her life, she realised what Tachibana meant, there were a lot of funny characters standing and lurking around.

"From here on you follow my lead ok Tachibana" She said and looked at him "How would you recognise a Yakuza?"

"Tattoos, they're covered in them, mostly of dragons" Tachibana said.

"Understood" She nodded and started scanning the faces and bodies, deeper, and deeper, when the alleyway was getting darker due to the high buildings Baiken found a man standing arms crossed with another, sleeve tattoos on both, and Baiken saw they seemed rather confident in themselves, scanning her from head to toe. She decided to fish them out.

"You boys see something you like?"

The two smirked at eachother.

"We might, you along way from home aren't you?"

"I am, and I'm looking for the Yakuza?"

"The Yakuza? What would a sweet thing like you be looking for the Yakuza for?"

"I need to see their leader, it's a urgent matter"

The one looked at the other again.

"Well you found us las, what urgent matter do you have with the boss?"

"Are you the boss?"


"Then you don't need to know"

"Tsk, you dare disrespect us?" He said angered

"No disrespect from my side, it's you disrespecting your leader, this is a special thing he needs to know of, not just anyone"

They glanced again "Fine, you got balls little girl, follow us"

Baiken smiled at Tachibana as they started heading up a staircase, they went past rooms it seems the Yakuza was using as whore and drug houses, Baiken slowed down when she saw through a half open door a woman busy having sex with a man, but Tachibana shoved her forward "Keep moving"

Though it seemed they walked from a slummy ally into a slummy building, the inside was rater well kept, everything was neat and clean, it even had very expensive decorations.

The two men in front opened two large wooden double doors and turned to them.

"Wait here"

They entered, and a few seconds later they gestured for Baiken and Tachibana to enter.

The office was large, neat, and expansively decorated as well, golden dragon statues, stands with katanas, scrolls with wrighting on the walls. The man, Baiken could figure was the leader, sat in a gold colored chair, two seductively dressed women at his sides, and on his lap a katana, he seemed to be in his late twenties.

"So, my men said you have something to say to me, and you were rather strict about it being me, and not my men?"

"Yes, so you are the leader?"


"My name is Kazuna Baiken, does that name ring a bell to you?"

The man rubbed his chin "No, not really"

Baiken looked at Tachibana surprised, he only shrugged.

"Kazuna Benkei?"

"Nope, if there is nothing else can you stop wasting my time girl?"

Baiken got angry at his attitude.

"So, that sword on your lap you so proudly hold, do you know how to use it? Or is it just a symbol of your stature"

The man also got angry "That is of no concern to you! I am losing my patience girl, do you know who you are talking to?"

She shrugged "No idea, but then, I don't care, that is not an ornament on your lap, it's a sword, do you know how to use it!?" She asked.

That man stood up "Yes! I do! I am Tenzo Kabaki, and I'm the head of the Yakuza! I can kill you right here and make you disappear"

Baiken smiled slyly "Is that a challenge?"

"No! It's a threat! You stubborn bitch!"

Baiken looked at Tachibana "Sounds like a challenge to me?"

Tachibana nodded "It did"