Yakuza leader

"It's a fucking threat!" Tenzo yelled.

"Or are you chicken?" Baiken kept taunting.


"I challenge you then" She said revealing the katana under her kimono.

Tenzo was shocked to see a woman carrying a katana, he scanned the rest of the men in the room, their faces also in disgust.

"How dare you reveal that sword to me woman!"

"What's wrong? If you don't know the Kazuna name, then it shouldn't bother you what person carries the weapon, it matters only that I challenge you" Baiken said.

"Fine! What are you challenging me for!?"

"Your throne!" She said widening her stance.

Tenzo burst out with laughter "Very well, if I win this fight, you become one of my sex workers, and make money for me, for the rest of your life"

Tachibana gave a snort, almost laughing.

"What's so funny!?"

"Nothing" Tachibana said backing away and joining the circle the people in the room created for the fight.

"You're mistaken Tenzo, this fight will not yeld a winner, it will end in the death of one of us" Baiken said, her white eyes piercing his eyes with a wicked leer.

"Tsk, such a foolish girl" Tenzo said and drew the sword, holding it in front of him at the ready. Baiken instantly saw he had little experience in swordfighting.

"Since I am the challnger, I'll allow you to make the first move" She taunted again.

"As you wish, you cocky bitch" He yelled and brought the sword high, coming down with an axe slash, but Baiken moved in fast, drew and slashed as she passed him, she made sure the cut didn't go as deep as the time with the guard in Saipan, she didn't want to end him too quick.

Tenzo grunted holding his side where the blade cut him.

"You're very slow" She said standing ready again.

"You fucking bitch!" Tenzo roared and lifted his shirt exposing a handgun.

"Gun Baiken! End it now!" Tachibana yelled.

Tenzo's hand went for the sidearm but Baiken heeded Tachibana's call and struck, taking off that very moving arm. Tenzo screamed as he watched the blood spurt from his stump.

"Now you only have the sword, dare you go for that thing in your side, and I'll agonise you further by cutting your other arm off as well" Baiken said feeling her heart pound, if Tachibana wasn't here, she would probably have died, she never saw a pistol before. Tenzo only glared at her clutching the sword.

"I could have ended it quick, but gave you a fighting chance, but thanks to your lack of honor, my next strike will end you"

"Who, are you?"

"I already told you, but since you forgot you may know me as Akuma" Baiken said and moved.

Tenzo attempted to block her sword with his but Kurochi-nomai went right through his sword and severed Tenzo's head.

It was an easy fight, but Baiken felt she never came this close to death before, she made a mental note to start learning about all the weapons in the world, one day Tachibana won't be there to warn her. She bent over and cut off a piece of cloth from Tenzo's shirt, then used it to wipe her sword clean, then she threw the cloth up, turned and cut it twice before it fell.

"My blade is clean, and still sharp. This is also symbolic to the Yakuza leader position, it is open and ready for the taking... Is there anyone in this room willing to pick up a sword and face me for it?"

The men in the room mumbled, but no one stepped forward. Baiken seethed her sword.

"My blade is now put away, it challenged no other blade for the position, which means I'm the new Yakuza leader, you had your chance" She said and climbed onto the golden chair Tenzo used as a throne.

"My name is Kazuna Baiken, and since no one in this day and age recognises the name, you all will call me Akuma. I want to know, is there anyone here who was in charge of keeping tabs on Tenzo's finances, his men, the business the Yakuza conducted?"

The men looked at each other then one rose his hand.

"He has a westerner woman called Kisandra, she's in this building in her own office"

"Go fetch her, now!"

The man ran out. As they waited Baiken moved down and picked up Tenzo's broken sword and inspected it.

"I can't believe Kurochi-nomai cut through another sword, astounding" She said handing the sword to Tachibana.

"Hmm" He inspected the sword "To tell you the truth, any well made katana would have broke this sword, it's a cheaply made one for decorative purposes only, yes it can cut flesh, but this was never meant to face a real katana"

Baiken was furious "The bastard! How dare he!" She yelled and kicked his head, the men standing in front of her squealed as they ducked for the flying head, it left a spray of blood on the white carpets as it flew and rolled, just then the man sent for Kisandra returned with her in tow, and she also shrieked as the head rolled past her.

"What the fuck is going on in here!?" She yelled staring wide eyed at the bloody mess in the room.

"You must be Kisandra?" Baiken asked finding this western woman very attractive, her light brown hair complimented her very light brown eyes, she wore a tight fitting executive suit with a short dress to match it. But Baiken saw though it was clearly a neat dress up for her work, the short matching dress was there for seductive purposes, and somehow she felt the urge to touch those legs.

"Yes, I am, who are you?"

Baiken looked at the men first.

"All of you standing here, my first order of the day is go out, find all the Yakuza on the streets and inform them of me, Akuma, the woman with white eyes, I am now the leader. I hope you all can shoot those tiny weapons on your sides, because see this..." She turned her head and took out the earring in the hole of her ear to expose it "Two men with rifles fired at me from close range, one missed, the other nicked my ear... They're both dead now..."