
The men gasped as she showed them the hole in her ear.

"I don't want to hear any Yakuza losing to any other faction, understood?"

"Uh, yes mam" They replied.

"Under my rule, we don't take shit, we don't lose men. If you lose a fight of some sort, make sure you either die there, or leave the Yakuza, because if you return to me defeated, I will kill you"

The men swallowed and nodded.

"Go now, if I meet a Yakuza that isn't informed of me, he will die as well"

They nodded again and left in a hurry.

Now Baiken was alone with Tachibana and Kisandra "So where were we?" She asked, her gaze almost instantly dropping to Kisabdra's legs, and to top her code of dress off, Kisandra also sported a lot of cleavage through her partially opened button shirt.

"So you killed Tenzo huh?" She asked.

"I did" Baiken gave a half reply, she walked around Kisandra inspecting her closely.

"Good riddens then, the bastard was a gawker, always fucking touching me inappropriately"

Baiken came around to stand in front of her "You don't like being touched? That's a shame, I would have liked to give you a feel, you're the first western woman I meet, and you're drop dead gorgeous"

Kisandra felt her face flush up.

"I, uh, he was a man, I guess it's ok for you to... Uh Oyabun" Kisandra only knew the bare minimum she needed in the Japanese language.

"Boss? I like the way you said that" Baiken smiled bringing her hand up and touching the collar around Kisandra's bustline "Tell me, what did you do for Tenzo?"

"All his finances, his head count, and his clients"

"Ok, how does the finances work?" Baiken said stepping back, she realised Kisandra started to get uncomfortable with her touching.

"We have clients that pay us either for protection, or for escorts. And that goes for protection escort and female escort"

"Female escort?"

"She goes with the man to give him a full day's company and eventually sex at night"

"Oh, interesting, so what is the salary for being with Yakuza?"

"A hundred yen a month, but the goons usually make their own buck on the side, that's how they survive basically"

"Own buck on the side?"

"Yes, the goons can do their own thing, conduct their own business under the Yakuza name, as long as ten present of their profit comes into the Yakuza clan"

"What! That's unaccetptable, I want everything they make!" Baiken said walking over to a large wooden desk on the one side of the room.

"If you work for me, your money you make comes to me, I'd rather give them a better salary instead"

Kisandra nodded and from under her shirt above her left breast she tugged out a tiny pocket book, took out a pen and started wrighting. Baiken found this very attractive.

"It's good you say this boss, Tenzo was an idiot that listened to his men, which was good, but he got walked over. By my calculations if we give the men a three thousand yen salary, and a ten percent kommision rate on every dime they make, the men will be happy, and we will more than double our profit"

"Hmm, smart and beautiful, you don't see that everyday" Tachibana said, making Kisandra blush.

"What does that mean? Smart and beautiful?" Baiken asked.

"Well, it's a joke among men, a woman can't be beautifull and smart at the same time, if she's pretty, usually she's dumb, but if she's not that pretty, she's got brains to make up for that"

Baiken gave it some thought "So what does that classify me as?"

Tachibana laughed "You're well balanced"


"Yes, you're pretty, but I wont say you're dead beautiful, and you're above average smart as well, so it's a fifty fifty"

"Oh, well aren't you kind" Baiken smiled and blushed.

Kisandra took out her cellphone and called a number.

"Hello, yes it's Kisandra, I need a cleanup in the main office..."

"Excuse me?" Baiken asked but Tachibana stopped her.

"She's on the phone"


"Yes, it's a bloody mess, the guy practically completely bled out here... I don't care if you need to put in new carpets just get it done, he's already stinking the place up" Kisandra closed the foldable phone and saw Baiken's confused face.


"What was that?"

"It's a mobile phone"

Tachibana started snickering, he felt glad it's not him being questioned this time, because Kisandra had no idea how far Baiken can go with her interrogation.

"A mobile phone?"

"Uh, yes, you phone people on it..."

"What does it mean to phone people?"

Kisandra frowned "Seriously?"

"Yes, can it be used as a weapon?" Baiken asked finally making Tachibana burst out with laughter.

"It's not funny Tachibana, I need to know"

"Just as we used letters and messenger pigeons, the mobile phone can communicate with other phones, so I have a phone, you have a phone, we can use them to talk over long distance"

Baiken got it somehow "Can I have one?" She asked and looked at Kisandra.

"Sure" She said and notes it down in her pocket book.

"What are you wrighting down in there?" Baiken asked.

"Everything you want to change, the way we do business, I need to get you a phone... And, is there anything else you need?"

Baiken gave it some thought "Uh, new clothes. I realised it was only me and Tachibana who had kimonos on, I need something to blend in"

"Anything you have in mind?" Kisandra asked wrighting.

"Something around my waist that is flexable and revealing, the same with my top"

Kisandra nodded "Any reason why it should be revealing? And how revealing do you want it?"

Without even second guessing Baiken loosened the kimono and dropped it to the ground "As you can see, I have these tattoos, they're symbols that mean something, I figured if the Yakuza takes pride in their body art, I'll reveal I have some too" Baiken said gesturing over her naked body "So I want something to cover me here..."

"Uh, Baiken-sama" Tachibana said stopping her, Kisandra had her back turned to them.

"What's wrong?" Baiken asked.

"You can't just drop your clothes like that! Are you telling me you wore nothing but that kimono this whole time!?"

"Yes, it's very comfortable"

"Still, why drop it so casually!?"

"You're a woman right? Don't tell me you have a problem with the body of another woman?"

"I don't, but..." Kisandra slowly turned to her, Baiken saw the red in her face.

"Relax" Baiken said.

"I, uh sure"

"Something to cover my loins, and something for my chest, it should be comfortable, and fit me around here and here" Baiken said gesturing with her hands over her chest and loin area.

"OK, got it" Kisandra said trying as best she could not to stare too much. Baiken got her kimono back on then looked at Tachibana.

"For him, something to give him a shady, or dark appearance, and this uniform should have ample space for shuriken and kunai, as well as a hood to cover most of his face"