
He was still making the threat when Baiken had the katana out already, her drawslash twist took off the heads of the two behind her but she was already dashing in an arch around the room, her second slash took the third man out holding a rifle, the fourth managed to fire a shot when her katana took his arms off, the bullet struck Baiken in her shoulder.

Her first ever proper wound, Baiken felt her right arm go slack, the katana now in the wrong arm. Zuko had his pistol out but another gunshot came and the bullet struck the gun out of his hands, with shock he turned to the shooter, it was Kisandra, holding a pistol of her own.

"That's far enough. One more move towards my boss and you're dead!" She said approaching him slowly.

"Two stupid bitches! Any moment now those in the hangar will storm in here and kill you!"

Baiken grit her teeth and stuck the katana into Zuko's table, then held her wound.

"You're going to call them off, or you're dead!" Kisandra said.

'No need Tuts, they're all dead, were withdrawing' Zander said in her earpiece.

"Men!" Zuko yelled.

"By men, do you mean those loading the firearms into crates in the main hangar?" Tachibana asked coming in "They won't be coming. I hope they weren't your only men because I killed them all"

"What!?" Zuko asked and looked at Baiken.

"Now" She phanted "About that dept?"

"Master!?" Tachibana said seening now for the first time she's wounded.

"I'm fine"

"No, the bullet caught a vein, we need to get you to a hospital"

Baiken looked at Zuko "I will return, make sure the money is ready"

She said and almost collapsed. Tachibana took her sword and seethed it, then lifted Baiken into his arms.

"Kisandra please take us to the nearest hospital"

"Will do" She said and they left. Zuko dropped his arms and sighed of relief. This new Yakuza boss is definitely no pushover, he decided its time to get the money ready, his way of life was perfect, it can go on like this, but all he had to do was settle his affairs with the Yakuza. He walked into the hangar where the weapons were being uploaded and found his dead men, this was a problem for him.

"Wow, you got ran over hey?" He heard another female voice.

Sakura came in and climbed over the bodies "It seems you're short of manpower"

"Yuna, what do you want?"

"I'll help you with man power, you just need to tell me what the girl wanted from you?"

"I owe the Yakuza money, and since she's the new leader, she came to collect"

"Ah, straight to business hey? Did you pay her?"

"No, one of my men managed to shoot her, so she's off to the hospital"

"How bad is the wound?"

"AK-47 to the shoulder, it looked bad"

Sakura looked at Entei "Get this man some men, I'm off to the hospital"

Entei nodded and took out his phone.

"I'll do you a favour Zuko, I'll pay her the money, all you need to do is send her to me"

"I'd rather owe her money than you!" He said quickly.

"This is a favour, you don't owe me anything, I want to meet this girl very badly" She said and left.

"The men is coming, I told them to help you" Entei said and left with Sakura.


Tachibana sat in the waiting room with Kisandra.

"How could I have let this happen?" He sighed.

"Relax, she's not dead, the doctor said she'd be fine after the operation" Kisandra said.

"I guess you're right"

"Im off to my office, will you be ok here?" Kisandra said.

"Yes, I'll wait for Baiken"

"Very well then, I'll be back in an hour"

"See you then"

When Kisandra left Tachibana quickly scanned the surroundings, he felt like a ghost was on his back the whole time he was in Tokyo, and sure enough, not long after Kisandra left, Sakura slowly came into the waiting room and sat down.

"Well well, so you've been taking care of her for me?"

Tachibana looked her in the eyes, then down at the carpet.

"Not well enough"

"Will she be ok?"

"Apparently so"

"Good, you're holding your end of the bargain well"

"Don't get involved just yet, I feel she's being protected by someone else"


"I won't say it's protection, but the whole time we've been out to collect dept tonight we've been followed, at the hangar I saw what looked like a swat team behind the building"

"You think they're after her?"

"I'm not sure"

"Give it some time then, I'm making a plan to meet her, pretend you don't know me" Sakura stood up.


Kisandra stood just off around a corner and heard the two, she felt uneasy about this, when Sakura walked off she ducked into a door and held her watch up.

She will now be in the hallway, from the waiting room fifteen steps to the elevator, judging from the speed Sakura was walking that should take her about ten seconds.

Blake watched the needle on her watch 'Now' the 'ping' from the elevator, then quiet.

She gave it five more seconds then came out and looked down the hall, clear.

"You boys heard that?" She whispered and headed in the opposite direction of the elevators.

"That guy Tatsibana is smart, and wakey"

"Tachibana Zander geez"

"What's your plan boss?"

"He's on to us already, his focus will be here on Baiken, not on you, get an extraction teamed ready to move on my command"

"Where to?"


"What's the keyword to move in?"

"Weird day hey"

"Copy, over and out"


Baiken opened her eyes slowly. The pain in her shoulder was softer now, she looked around at the ward she was in, nowhere on Saipan were there any medical facilities this grand. Strange beeping noises made her look at the sourse, machines with lines on monitors, she saw wires on her chest and pipes in her arm.

"You're awake" A nurse said entering "The operation was a success, you'll make a full recovery"

"Thankyou, tell me, what is this thing with the moving lines?" She asked.

"It's a heartrate monitor, it tells us how your heart is beating"

"So that beep noises is my heart beat?"


"Facinating, why is there this tube in my arm?"

"We feed antibiotics and nourishment directly into your bloodstream, it keeps you healthy, and takes your apitite away whilst you are here"

"So it's in my vein?"


"Wow, that's advanced, we never had things like this in Saipan"

"You're from there hey?" She asked placing the clipboard down.


"Well, I'm not sure how it looks there, but you'll be fine. Docktor said you can go home tomorrow"


When the nurse left Tachibana was allowed to enter.

"I'm glad you're ok"

"Yeah, I thought I could move fast enough, it looks like I couldn't"

"You're not super human Baiken please be careful next time"

"I will, where's Kisandra?"

"She's in the waiting room"

"No I'm here" Kisandra said entering.

"Kisandra, thankyou for saving me"

"No problem" Kisandra smiled.

"I didn't even know you had a gun"

"If you're working for the Yakuza it's compulsory"

"Where do you keep it?"

Kisandra lifted her dress to reveal the rather small nine millimeter pistol strapped to the inside of her leg.

"Is it odd if I find that sexy?" Baiken asked.

"No" Kisandra blushed dropping the dress.

"So, this Zuko, are there more like him out there?" Baiken asked.

"Yes, at his level of danger, two more. Then five more small time dept owners, sorry I should probably have taken you there first?"

"No it's ok, the only way you learn to swim is to jump into the deep end of the pond" Baiken said.

"Good figure of speech, well come pick you up here tomorrow morning, the doctor said you can leave then"

"I'll stay here tonight" Tachibana said.

"You sure?"

"Yes, just for in case that Zuko comes to finish Baiken off in her critical condition"

Kisandra nodded "Good idea, before I leave you two can I have a word in the waiting room Tachibana?"

He nodded "I'll be right Back Kazuna san"