Diana Smith

Kisandra entered the waiting room and closed the door behind her "Weird day hey?" She said to Tachibana now sitting down.

"It was, full of excitement none the less"

"I know you two are close, I can see it, but I need to ask why she's so reckless, and can you still protect her?"

"I can, of course I can"

Kisandra smiled "You're probably wondering why I ask right?"


"She's my bread and butter now Tachibana, if she dies who will pay me? I need to survive you know?"

"I understand, maybe I'll tell her to calm down alittle, hopefully that would up her changes of not getting shot again"

'In the car, on our way to the airport'

"Thankyou then" Kisandra said standing up "Have a good evening then, and be alert, Zuko can sometimes be a disrespectful bastard, he might come to finish her off"

"Thanks for the heads up" Tachibana said also standing.

Kisandra wove and left to the elevators, over her shoulder she saw Tachibana head back to Baiken's room 'Thirty steps' giving her roughly 15 seconds.

She passed the elevator and entered the fire escape stairway, descended them four steps at a time 'Five left'

Out the door, into her sedan she purposefully parked close, and raced away.

In the freeway she spoke to Zander finally "On the freeway now"

'Arriving in a minute, plane leaves in ten'

Kisandra looked at her speedometer, she was doing 150 "I'll be there in five" she said planting the throttle allowing the sports sedan to reach 200.


Tachibana came running out of the hospital and looked around, gone! She's gone! It was either Kisandra or Sakura, but then again it can't be Sakura because she just saw him about meeting her.

He took out his phone and dialled Kisandra up, she answered.

"Kisandra! Baiken is gone!"

"What!? I just asked you to protect her moments ago!"

"It must have happened when we were talking, where are you!?"

"I was halfway back to the Yakuza building, I'm turning around, wait for me there!"

"Will do"

She put the phone down and parked the sedan at the airport.

Inside she met her two men and Baiken now sedated in a wheelchair "Let's go"

They left the terminal out of a private section and headed out to the jet standing ready to leave.

An airport assistant took the wheelchair as Zander picked up the girl and left as they entered. The plane taxied out to the runway and took off.

"Good job you two, what about our squad?" Kisandra asked unbuckling.

"They each left in their own separate way, the one who took a ship will arrive in London in about a weeks time" Hammond said.

"He's on a nice vacation" Kisandra said and smiled as she went to get something to drink.

"So, why did we save this girl? Or better? Up duct her? As you can see we had to dart the girl, she won't be happy when she wakes up" Zander said.

"I got the recording here on my phone, her trusted body guard conspired against her, with a most wanted criminal"

"Let's see it then?" Hammond said opening his laptop.

"No, wait for Baiken to wake up... Where's her sword?"

Zander lifted it next to him "Right here boss"

"Make sure it isn't close, she cut men up good with that thing, I don't want a plane full of dead and cut up bodies, am I clear?" Kisandra said and sat down across from Baiken.

Zander stood up and took the sword to the far back.

"How long before the trank works out?"

Hammond checked his watch "Should be any moment now"

Baiken groaned and stirred "Aha, I'm good at these things ain't I?"

"Quiet Hammond" Kisandra said as those white eyes opened.

"Hey, boss..."

"What? Happened? I got ambushed?"

"By them?" Kisandra asked pointing at the two men with her.

"Yes!" Baiken wanted to move but the seatbelt held her in place, she didn't know how to unbuckle herself "What's the meaning of this!" She yelled struggling but winced at the pain in her shoulder.

Kisandra took her phone out and held it to her, then played the recording back to her of the conversation between Tachibana and Sakura.

"I, recognise that voice, how did Tachibana get in there... And how did he speak to Yuna?"

"You know this Yuna?" Kisandra asked.

"Yes... She's a woman... It's hard to explain but I'm supposed to kill her as a favour, but I also heard she wanted me to join her... I was being prepared to serve her my entire life"

Kisandra looked at her two men, then frowned at Baiken "Serve her?"

Baiken nodded "You saw the tattoos on me? She ordered a man named Yamamoto to put it on me, as signatures that I belong to Yuna, Yamamoto trained me to fight with a sword, make me into a fighter, and only later did I find out it was all a trade, Yamamoto asked Sakura to kill my father, in return he was to give me to Sakura, trained and marked"

"Geez that's messed up" Zander said.

Baiken looked down to her lap "Hyabusa betrayed me"

"That's why we got you out there Baiken, you see Yuna as you know her, we know as Saika, Saika only, she's a dangerous assassin, or better a contract killer, and apart from watching the Yakuza we were also tasked with finding out her werabouts" Kisandra said.

Baiken looked up at her "You were watching the Yakuza?"

"Yes, I didn't work for them out of free will, I was under cover, my name is not really Kisandra lass so let me formally introduce myself" She shifted her fingers into her hair and shook her head, then removed the wig to expose the lush platinum blonde hair, then she removed the two contact lenses to expose her bottle blue eyes "My name is Diana Smith, and I'm and agent working for her majesty's secret service"