The hit

Zander was still peeking out the shop when Baiken decided to check the pastries, but as much as she was trying to ignore it the pain in her abdomen kept her mind distracted, it came back just when the movie ended and she was wondering if Zander had anything to kill pain like Diana had.

She looked at him as he came back to her "Find anything that looks good?"

"Not really, can I ask if there is somewhere I can relieve myself?"

"Oh sure, I'll come with I need to go as well" he said and left with her following.

They headed in the direction those two men went but didn't see them, then Zander veered right into a hall secluded from the shops "Over there, that's the ladies room, I'm going in here quick" he said pointing.

"Thanks" Baiken said and entered, she only needed to wet her face, maybe the coolness of the water will get her mind distracted.

She splashed her face and wiped it slowly, she could handle pain in all forms but for some reason the one in her abdomen was just too much this time of the month.

She opened her eyes just in time to catch the man attempt to throw a choke wire over her neck, she ducked and it missed, reactions made her bring her elbow up and strike his groin, he wailed folding over but a second man tried to grab her, she twisted out of his way and jumped onto the basin, up and kicked away from the mirror breaking it.

Through the air she swung a kick that connected the man's face but he didn't go down only staggered, he swung a fist and struck her when she landed but she only hit a wall and was back on the attack.

She twisted to kick again but he grabbed her foot and swung her into another mirror breaking that as well.

The jeweled man had is breath back and grabbed her around her neck choking her but her leg came up and kicked the other coming at her making his teeth 'clack' loudly, somewhere she heard one or two of them hit the tiled floor.

She brought her foot up quick behind her and that connected the first man in his groin again, making him angrily throw her to the floor hard.

She stood and readied but was caught off guard by the groin winded man who got a surge of rage and dove into her, pinning her to the floor and beating her face only twice when he got ripped away...

Baiken blinked to see the one who left her fly over her and hit a wall, Zander came into view and struck the second man down with one blow, the groin man was up but Zander kicked him so hard Baiken heard his ribs break, she was in awe, his stance, his movement, none wasted, all powerful and precise, he laid waste to them basically, two on one.

When he had them beaten so badly they couldn't move he had a knee on the one with broken ribs "Ok you fokker! Who sent you!?" He screamed and struck him but a clear 'crack' came from his mouth and he started shaking violently, foam came from his mouth.

Zander looked at the second man, he did the same, and soon the two lied dead still with wide eyes.

"You ok sussa?" He asked holding his hand out.

She took it and he lifted her to her feet, she wiped a line of blood from her mouth first "Yes, I am thank you, what happened to them?"

"Cyanide pills, if swallowed it kills you"

"You gave it to them?"

"No, they committed suicide"

She looked up at Zander as he took his phone out, then dialed up Diana "Yes Dame Smith, I ran into some more scaly fokker's here at the mall"

"Where are they?" Diana asked.

"Dead in the woman's bathroom, just past the cake shop"

"I'll be right there, I'm in the mall as we speak"

He put the phone down and looked at Baiken she was blushing "You sure you're ok?"

"Where did you learn how to fight like that?" She asked.

"Oh, here and there, you pick things up as you go, you know?" He said and shrugged.

She smiled "Outstanding, I would like to have a friendly spar with you sometime"

"No sussa, I think I'll skip, you win ok?"

"I won't use my katana?"

"No that's not it..."

A woman came into the bathroom and shrieked at the scene, Zander held a badge up to her "Sorry missus, this is an official crime scene, hold it in or find another restroom"

The woman backed out just as Diana barged in "Bloody hell!" She said seeing the foam first.

"Yep, any clue?"

"I'm not sure" she looked at Baiken, a streek of blood still on her cheek, Diana took out a napkin and cleaned her face "They tried to get you?"

"Yes, but I've never seen them before" Baiken answered.

"Odd, all the way here, a hit?" Zander asked.

"It baffles me as well" Diana said.

They made way for a crime unit that came in and stepped out into the mall again, Baiken leaned in to Diana quickly when she found a gap "Diana, do you have any of those painkillers?" She whispered.

"I knew I needed to bring them" she said taking out two and handing them over, as Baiken drank them she studied her body, only the little burst on her lip was visible.

"You beat them Baiken?"

She swallowed first "In all honesty that was my first fight without my katana, I would have lost"


"Zander saved me" Baiken blushed and looked at him "It felt good"

Zander was on the phone so he didn't pay mind.

Diana saw her face and brushed her hair "You know that kid can hand out the judgment if he needs to, its one of the reasons I have him in my team"

"Where did he learn to fight?"

"He never says, his story always ends up 'Along the way' if he hasn't said that to you already"

"He did"

"Diana" Zander came to them "I gave my report to Wilkinson, but he's not happy"

"No one is?"

"When I told him the target was Baiken he said we need to report to HQ tomorrow first thing"

"Weren't we going to the skidpans in any case?"

"Yes, but he changed his mind"

Diana sighed, she was looking forward to a day of spinning that new Jag "Fine then, can I ask you a favour then Zander?"


"I'm, well me and Hamilton, we're on a date tonight"

"Aha! Finally!"

Diana giggled "Would you mind looking after Baiken for tonight?"

He looked at her and both blushed "If, she doesn't mind?"

"I, I don't..." She said shyly.

"Then it's settled" Diana said slapping his shoulder "It's about time you get a woman into your life anyways Zander, the whole solo wolf routine needs to get a cork on"

"I never said I was solo wolf nonsense!?"

"You're not fooling anyone, I'll see you two later"

"Wait!" Baiken said halting her "My katana"

"Oh... Shit I left it in the Aston back at HQ, Zander mind fetching it for her? The keys are with Wilkinson?"

"Sure thing, I want a full status report tomorrow Dame Smith"

"Go to hell Zander!" She said laughing as she walked off but suddenly turned back to him "Take care if my girl!"

He saluted her surprised "Yes mam!"