HQ Compromised

Baiken blushed at Diana's wink when she walked off then looked at Zander who still stood on attention, she giggled at him making him smile at her.

"She has you by the balls"

"Well in all reasonable aspects you are her daughter, and if something happens to you, I'm dead for sure"

"She's such an amazing person"

"She is" Zander said it calmly, Baiken could see the huge amount of respect he has for her "Let's go, I bet you you'd like your katana with you after your bathroom brawl right?"

"Yes, absolutely" she said and followed him "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Does it involve a woman?"

Baiken blinked, she wanted to ask that since she saw his eyes on Diana back there "Uh~ yes?"

"I don't have someone in my life"

"Why? Why not try and take Diana?"

"She's my boss, it would be too awkward"

"Then why is she going out with Hamilton? If I'm not mistaken a date is where a man and a woman goes out alone together right?"

"Yes, but their relationship came long before we met, I'm a spring chicken really Baiken, I'm only 22, Diana might not look at it but shes 36, a more mature woman than I can put up with"

"You're only 22?"


"I judged you older"

"Why thankyou" he said laughing.

Outside Zander stopped at a motorcycle, he unclipped the helmet and held it to her "I have only one so you should wear it"

She took it without really knowing what to do with it, Zander mounted the bike and started it with a loud rev making her jump back.

"What is this thing!?"

"Its a motorcycle, kinda like a horse but with an engine and wheels, not a heart and legs"

She still watched it suspiciously, it said 'Ducatti' on the side, and it was pitch black.

"Come, get on" he said patting the back seat.

She first checked the helmet.

"Oh, you put it on like this" he said taking it and putting it over her head, he saw her eyes blink inside the visor and he chuckled "You ok?"

"What's this for anyway?"

He lifted the visor screen and she blinked again "To protect your head if we fall"

"If we fall!?"

Zander felt his stomach bubble at her innocence, he slowly lifted her head up and clicked the buckles in under her chin "We won't fall, ok?"

"Then why wear it?"

"Its the law, now get on" he said unflipping the rear passenger pedals "Put your left foot there, then throw your right foot over and sit, like you'd mount a horse"

Baiken did as he showed and sat down, she felt her face warm up noticing her spread legs against is sides, she tried to make distance but he only glanced at her.

"Ok sussa so you need to hold on to me for this..."

She blinked again "Hold, on?"

"Or you'll fall off?"

"Was this a plan you had with me?"

"No!" He laughed "I didn't plan in fact, I came here to have some peace and quiet me time, I didn't expect I'd be giving a girl a lift you know, my car is parked at HQ, we'll switch the bike out there ok?"

She nodded.

"Now..." Baiken saw his face go red "Sit against me, and close your arms around me"

"Sit against you!?"

"I'm sorry, its safer that way"

She sheepishly closed the gap but now the very feel of his body made her hot all over, against his back her loins, her inner thighs, she saw him lean forward glancing again "Arms around me"

She slowly came in and pressed het upper body against his back, then folded her arms around him.

"Good, hold on tight now"

"Not too tight!" She said.

"You're going to want to"

"I'm ok!"

He shrugged kicked the bike in gear then slowly left the parking, Baiken felt this was ok, nothing to it, she'd be fine like this until he hit the open road and gunned it.

She shrieked feeling the torque of the bike pull her back and she grabbed Zander as tight as she could.

Zander left the throttle alitte "You ok!?" He called back.

"Is this going to be the same as mister Aston!?"

"Mister Aston!?'

"Diana's car!?"


She attempted to look at him but saw only his sly smile "It might be scarier!" He said and jammed the throttle so hard the bike lifted its front wheel.

Baiken screamed hysterically all the way until he placed the wheel down, feeling she could somewhat let go she drew a hand and struck his ribs "Don't to that again!"

"Ok! I'm sorry, I won't" Zander said that with honesty, he could feel her tremble against him so he slowed down even more until he felt her grip around his torso slack.

"Sorry Sussa"

"Don't ever do that again!"

"I won't, I didn't know you'd get such a fright"

She said nothing further and Zander felt like an asshole, he slowly navigated the streets until they reached the office.

In the underground parking area he stopped next to his car and allowed her to dismount before he placed the bike on it's stand. When the helmet came of that ice white glare met him first.

"How many times must I say I'm sorry!?"

"I heard you the first time! But what makes me angry is that smile you had on your lips before you did it! You planned it!"

"Of course! Its called an adrenaline rush, it makes you feel alive!"

"Adrenaline rush?"

"Look at your hands"

She saw them shaking "So?"

"That's adrenaline, you know that spike of energy you get? You might have experienced it during your fights?"

"I never realise such things"

"Well, adrenaline helps you move faster, me I get a kick off it, that's why I have this bike" he said taking the helmet from her and placing it down "Wait here, I'll go get the keys to Diana's Aston quickly"

She watched him head up the staircase and folded her arms 'Asshole' her eyes then scanned the parking, there she saw Diana's baby blue and headed over, but something was off about it, one if its windows were broken.

She looked in through it and realised the Katana was missing.

"Got it..."

"It's gone!" She yelled at Zander when he came over.


She stood aside so he could see the broken glass "Shit! This is fuckup, come with me"

Zander ran back to the office up top and headed to the security room, he burst in bellowing "The fok is going in here!?"

One man jumbed in his seat "Nothing!" He yelled thinking it was Wilkinson.

"I can see that! Clearly! Can someone tell me how Diana's Aston has a smashed window!?"

They scanned the cameras and saw the blue car on one, then noticed the window "How the hell!?" The operator yelled rewinding the tape fast, but there was a split second when the tape blurred and the widow suddenly repaired.

"There!" Zander pointed.

The operator played the tape again but the blur and broken "Someone jammed the cameras"

Zander started to feel a bad omen on the horizon, since Baiken came here shit went skew, first Diana in her Aston, now this? And then Baiken gets attacked in the bathrooms? He looked at her.

"What?" She asked.

Zander slapped the operator's shoulder "HQ compromised, pack up!" He said and left, Baiken was still following.

"Zander what now?"

"I'll tell you in a second" he said entering Wilkinson's office "HQ compromised"


"Someone snuck in past the cameras and stole something out of Diana's car in the basement"

"Fuck!" Wilkinson stood up and closed his laptop "Brief in two days, get to safety"

"Understood" Zander said taking the keys of his car and leaving, Baiken was still short on his heels.


"Just come Baiken, I'll tell you in the car"

Down in the basement he scanned the parking area first then climbed into a very small hatchback, Baiken was at first confused at it but also hopped in.

"What is this?" She asked.


"The car?"

"Its called a Mini" he said and drove out.


"Baiken, HQ compromised means we have been discovered, our security has been breached, we are no longer secret, so what's going to happen now in the next two days is they will choose a new location and set up there"

"Uh, ok?"

"But it all started with you"


"At first we thought that first hit was for Diana, but now after you got attacked in the bathroom, and your katana got stolen from the car, its clear you are the target"


"Do you have enemies?"

"Uh, not really, there's Yuna but I never even met her before"

"Yuna, that Sakura chick?"


He looked out the window and brushed his chin "Not her M.O. I'm afraid"

"M O?"

"Modus opperandus, the way she works, or does things"

"How does she do things?"

"Assassination, personal assassination, she gets her own hands dirty"