Discover for yourself

When the two got back to the car Zander saw Baiken look at the sword sceptically.

"Hey..." He said and she looked at him "We'll get your real sword back ok?"

"You said that, and I trust you will" she looked at the sword "Decorative purposes hey? I fought against a man who had a fake katana, and my sword cut right through it like paper"

"The Yakuza leader?"


"Well, he deserved it, that guy was areal prick"

"A prick?"

"Yeah, he always wanted to rub Diana up, it made me furious but Hamilton was the one who nearly lost it on multiple occasions, I had to cuff him to the van once" Zander said and chuckled.

Baiken smiled looking out the window as they drove "I wonder if those two are doing ok?"

"Seriously? You're asking if Diana is ok? I doubt there's anyone on this planet who can hurt her, she's a tough cookie"

"I suppose"

They drew up to a mall and Zander held a hand to her "I suggest hiding that in the car"

"I figured" she said placing the katana on the floor of the back seats, Zander took some jackets he had and covered it.

"What are we doing here again?" She asked as they walked to the entrance.

"Well neither me or you have clothes, we need some just for two days, so..." He held a hand to the revolving doors so she could enter first, but when he took the second bypass and got to the inside he saw Baiken still inside walking with the doors in circles.

"How does this work!?" She yelled passing.

Zander couldn't help laugh "Just come to me when the opening appears.

She timed it and practically jumped out and bumped into him, but he was still laughing.

"Its not funny!"

"You seriously got stuck in there?"

"It goes in circles!" She said still having yes on the spinning doors.

"Come, don't stress too much about it, you'll get the hang of things" He said walking on, but still had the chuckles.

Zander enjoyed that, he looked at her face as they walked, her eyes darting again to the shops, she paid no attention and he couldn't resist.

As they came to an escalator he held his hand out again "Ladies first"

Baiken noticed the kind gesture and glanced a smile at him but didn't look down when she stepped onto the escalator, the moving steps caught her off guard and she stopped but this caused the escalator to drag her right foot down whilst the left stayed behind.

She shrieked trying to correct but ended up doing a full split going down the escalator, Zander bellowed with laughter.

"What the hell!? Zander!"

"Look at those supple legs! Damn!"

"Help me! How do I get out if this!?"

He cried laughing "Just stand up"

She pushed herself from the steps and made it to her feet, the people around her was also laughing, some even caught that moment on their cellphone cameras.

Baiken folded her arms being angry and embarrassed but didn't see the steps reaching the bottom, her heels caught the end and she stumbled, Zander knew this was going to happen but in a quick flick Baiken made a back flip then spun again tumbling in the air, landing on her feet.

This had the spectators cheer for her and she blushed shying away.

"Wow this day keeps on getting better and better hey?" Zander said coming down.

"Warn me about these things!" She scolded.

"I'm really sorry, its just so much fun to see you discover things for yourself like that"

"Discover for myself hey?" She said and couldn't help smile, it was a forced one really, she meant it, but still forced, secretly she was fighting the pain in her abdomen again, and it was difficult.

Back is Saipan she would usually remain on her futon during this time, sitting still with her legs folded under her, meditating, it was the best way to cope with the pain, if Yamamoto didn't beat her gut in with a wooden sword that is.

But now she had to move around a lot, and that split she did on the escalator would have been fine if she wasn't in so much pain, the split itself made it feel like her womb tore apart.

She was way to shy to ask Zander if he had something for pain, all she had to do was bare with it, as they walked she suddenly stopped when a large toy car drove to her from a toy shop.

"Wow look at this!? It's even smaller than yours Zander" she said bending over to see into the windows of the toy SUV, but it suddenly split and a man appeared from out it.

"Hey beautif..."

With a shriek Baiken spun and kicked him.

The man in the transformer suit stumbled back and crashed into a gift card stand, Zander finally went to his knees laughing.

"What the!? How did he? He's a!?" Baiken asked flabbergasted.

The downed man couldn't get up due to his suit so Zander came to help him, wiping the tears off his face.

"Sorry bout that bro, she's a lunger"

"I think maybe I should pull that trick a little further away next time" he replied rubbing his cheek, Baiken kicked a yellow helmet he had on clean off.

"He..." Baiken said coming closer.

Zander was barely able to hold it in, his stomach and cheeks sore from laughter by now, he snorted knowing Baiken will probably ask another weird question, and had to restrain himself from laughing too soon.

"He wears his car on him like clothes!? How handy!"

Zander knew it.

"Bro where did you find this girl?" The suited man asked but Zander was overwhelmed by laughter and only shook his head.

"I'm sorry man" Zander said coming over and pushing Baiken by her shoulders, his laughing still persisted.

Baiken looked over her shoulder, he was red in his cheeks, and his eyes kept tearing, she found his laugh somewhat contagious, she liked to hear and see him laugh, but even talking hurt, and that kick to the transformer's face was the final draw, she had to make a plan.

"Uh~ Zander?"

He cleared his throat "I'm sorry, yes?"

"Do you have something that kills pain?"

His laugh finally subsided "Oh, for your shoulder?"

Baiken forgot about that pain even "Yes, its a little painful after those moving stairs"

"I'm sorry Sussa, come, let's go get you some" he said drying his face with his palms "You should speak up when it gets to sore ok?"

"I will..."

He heard her voice signified more and looked at her, she still smiled.


"I like hearing you laugh, I would probably have laughed with you, if it wasn't for the pain"

He chuckled again "I never laughed this much, my stomach is sore, my cheeks ache" he said rubbing his face.

At the pharmacy he got her a tiny pot of pills and handed her two "This is extra strong, I think it will work quickly, hold on to that jar ok?"

She nodded taking it with a bottle of water, from there it was not far when he stopped at a clothes shop.

"Ok sussa, go in here and get yourself two sets of clothes, nice and comfortable ones, and some underwear" he pointed at a female clothes shop.


"I'll go in next door, that's a men's outfitter"

"Got it"

"Oh, and don't get into trouble ok?" He said.

"I won't, if I see trouble I'll hide in there somewhere until you come find me"

He nodded "Yes, I'll come find you"

"Don't make me wait long..." She said and he stopped looking back, she blinked.

"Uh~ I mean, I, I don't want to wait, long no! I meant how long will I wait, or should I wait for you?" She felt embarrassed, that came out way wrong, she had no intention to make that sound romantic.

Zander started to admit to himself, she is such a sweet girl really "I'll be five minutes next door, then I'll come in here, I need to pay for your clothes remember?"

She nodded and entered quickly.

Zander slapped his face 'Fokof Zander' he said to himself, he can't let a girl soft him up now, only two days, then she's back with Diana again, no more stress, worry, his own thing! Just as he liked it!