Beautiful but not sexy

Baiken couldn't get that thought out of her mind, to hide and wait for him, patiently, will he come? No! Don't think like that! Zander is different, Baiken admitted to herself she can figure men out quite easily, but he? It almost felt like he didn't want her with him.

She scanned the clothes not really looking, she never bought modern clothes for herself, it was only kimono's and they where comfortable enough.

She looked at the short jeans and black shirt she had on currently, Diana gave it to her but it sat alittle loose, Diana was slightly bigger built than she was, maybe look for something similar but fitting.

She started looking around with meaning and saw a mannequin dressed in something she found pretty, it was according to her mind like a kimono, and it looked rather comfortable.

"Excuse me? May I assist you?" A shop assistant asked.

"Yes, what are these called?" She asked lifting the material.

"Those are dresses"

"Are they comfortable?"

"Yes very"

Baiken gave it thought, sure she can get another set of jeans and tops, but this... She looked at the legs under the dress, it gave some skin, but not too much.

"I, want... Something that will make me look... Beautiful, but not sexy, or not too sexy, I want..." Baiken stuttered and rubbed her hair rough.

The woman next to her smiled "Maybe a floral dress then?"

"A floral dress?"

"Come with me" the assistant led her to more dresses but the lower half of the one pieces are shorter, just touching the knees.

Baiken's eyes were wide in the amount of exposure, she felt the cotton "If the wind picked it up?"

"Use your hands to push it down" the assistant said and giggled "A floral dress is a perfect mix between sexy and beautiful, its a formal dress that exposes more skin"

Baiken wanted to get one like this, for Zander, but...

"I, need help"

"Ok?" The assistant said tilting her head.

"I need something like this" she gestured to what she had on "And one of those" she pointed at the dress "But the man who will buy this, may not know I took the dress"

The assistant blushed "Oh~ a surprise hey?"

"Something like that, and, I never really got myself underwear, I need help finding something, that looks good, but not sexy" Baiken couldn't believe her words, she knew she's miles away from ever going naked in front of Zander, she felt it in him, saw it in his attitude towards her, he doesn't want to see her bare, yet, here she prepares for it!? For what? For in case!?

"I'll get you something" the assistant said and left.

After a while the shop servant seemed to have outdone herself, she got the two sets of pants, one a full set jeans, and a slack cotton pants, two cotton tops, one a v neck, one a normal T-shirt.

Then she held the underwear up, one set black, one set white, pretty, but normal and not seductive.

"Now, as for the dress" the woman said "You have a beautiful set of light eyes, so its either white to match your eyes, or black to match your hair?"

Baiken liked the color red, she can't deny it was because of blood "What about red?"

"Red won't fit you, unless you wear some red lipstick, but your natural face will be spoiled with makeup"

Baiken didn't know what that meant, but nodded, she remembered how he called her 'Shiro Akuma'

"White then"

She nodded and got two dresses off "Follow me"

Baiken was now led to the dressing rooms, the lady took of a tag from a wall and entered, at one spot in a lengthy hall she pointed to an open door "Go in here, try the clothes on to see if they fit, I will be outside waiting"

Baiken nodded and entered.

The first things she tested was the cotton shirts, both sat a little too tight, but Baiken liked that, it made her contours more visible, so she decided to take it.

The jeans and slack pants also fit perfectly, then she got into the white set of lingerie, first inspecting herself with it, that shop assistant knew her stuff, her eyes, the bra and the knickers, the only white on her, it gave such a good balance of that bleak color.

She then threw the first dress over her, but it felt too big, so she took the other, that one fitted, now she stood blushing at herself, she looked... She didn't know how to explain it, she still stood barefoot though, and somehow knew the shoes Diana gave her won't fit this dress.

"Is there something I can wear on my feet?" She called out.

"Yes, open up I already brought some"

Baiken unlocked the door and took two sets of shoes from her, one was high heel shoes, the other a pure white cotton like slippers, the slippers then obviously, just looking at those high heels made Baiken stagger.

She got the slippers on, again a fit, now Baiken felt her look was complete, the dress covering her chest all the way to her neck, closing that tattoo that came up between her breasts, the only thing she unfortunately couldn't cover, was the dragon on her leg.

"I'll, I'll take this" she said dressing back in her jeans again.

"But..." She came out to find the assistant "What can I do to hide this dress? If he buys it he will see?"

"Its your lucky day lass, I just happen to be the owner of this shop, I'll give you that dress and slippers for free"


"Yeah, no problem, you know how many women come in here looking to be beautiful and not sexy!? Not enough, you're probably the first this year"

Baiken smiled feeling her cheeks warm "You sure?"

"Absolutely" she said already having a brown bag ready and slipped in those items "Now all he has to do is buy you the rest"

"Thankyou so much, what is your name?"


"Thankyou Melissa"

"Its my pleasure, I hope you knock him off his feet ok?"

"Knock him off his feet? That's not my intention?"

Melissa laughed "Its a figure if speech, I hope he likes to see you in it"

"Oh, ok then"