
Chapter 18

Andy had fallen asleep again after Algwad, Elnen and Maica had left with Shay. He woke again now and tried to sit up. He winced in pain and felt as if he was being stabbed again. Sweat prickled his skin and he lay back for a few moments gathering his strength as his thoughts wandered.

He blamed himself. He had created this world in desperation to try and save her. He had created Damalaen.

He had brought Rhian here and somehow she had changed to become the opposite of the woman he loved and knew.

And now Shay was involved too. Shay was in this world with them. He feared for her life and wished she had not had to be subjected to this.

He looked around the room as he gathered his strength and then saw Maica seated at a table with her back to him.

“Maica?” Andy spoke softly and then groaned as he tried to sit up again and put his feet on the floor.

Maica turned as soon as he called her name and walked over to the bed slowly.

There was no excitement in her voice when she spoke.

“He awakes again.” Her tone was sarcastic and cynical. He believed according to Shay’s explanation that the woman before him was Rhian become Maica. He hoped he could get through to Rhian somehow.

“Rhian. My love. I am so glad to see you again and I am so sorry.” Andy reached for Rhian wanting her in his arms.

She stopped short just out of his reach. “What have you done?”

“I am sorry my love. I never imagined any of this would happen. I never meant for any of it to happen. But I will fix it. We just need to get home. Get the book and we can leave.”

A moment’s uncertainty or perhaps confusion crossed her face then. “I don’t have the book.”

Andy closed his eyes. Of course! That was how his attacker had crossed over and attacked him in his study. He had used Rhian’s book!

“That’s ok. I have a book. We can use my book to get out of here. It should be in my clothes.”

Maica turned and walked over to the wardrobe where she started to search through Andy’s clothes. Her search became more and more frantic. The book was not there.

“Where is Shay?” Andy asked as she searched.

“It’s not here!” Maica said angrily ignoring Andy’s question about Shay. Her composure slipped then and she turned and walked over to Andy where he lay.

“Do you want to know where Shay is? Let me tell you. She is enjoying her last few hours of life imprisoned in my chambers before the wedding.”

Her face was twisted in anger and Andy cringed in confusion. He had never seen Rhian like this. Then she erupted angrily. “You stupid fool! I am not Rhian. I am Maica!”

Andy tried to understand what Rhian was telling him and he tried to calm her.

“Please Rhian. I can explain. I know I never explained everything in full to you and I should have. I’m truly sorry and I well understand why you are so angry. Please forgive me.”

Maica stepped forward and slapped him then. “I am not Rhian! Rhian is rotting in the dungeon! I am Maica!”

Realization dawned on Andy then. “God forgive me. What have I done?”

“Yes. Maybe God will forgive you. You will know soon enough. Now, tell me. Where is the book?”

Andy realized then that this was Maica. He had thought that Rhian had somehow become tangled in the fabric of the book and its story and taken on the character of Maica based on what Shay had told him. Now he realized that Maica was a separate person who stood before him in the living flesh and Rhian was most likely in the dungeon. She had no idea what the book was and what it could do. How could she have captured Rhian and not have the book or know about it? And where was his book?

“Where is the book? What does the book do?” Maica repeated stepping closer menacingly and looking around as if for a weapon to use or threaten him with.

Andy made a decision then. Maica was probably being betrayed by the person who brought her Rhian. He guessed it was Algwad and Elnen. He did not want to tell Maica about the book but, he thought, if he could distract her with a witch hunt for a traitor in her ranks, he could win time and hopefully escape with Rhian and Shay. He hoped Shay had the book.

“The book is what allows us to travel between worlds. It is what I used to travel here, what Shay used to travel here and what Rhian used to travel here.”

Maica’s eyes narrowed as she searched his face for any sign of deceit. She could see none but tested him anyway. “You are lying.”

“Oh no. I wrote the book. I know it very well. Every person needs a book to travel so right now there are three books and it seems they are all missing. Andy surmised that as long as Maica searched for three books instead of two he could gain some time.

“The fact that you do not have it, suggests to me you have a traitor in your midst. If I were you I would be watching my back.”

Maica was silent for a moment as she contemplated what he told her. “You are lying!” she said again.

Andy said nothing but merely returned her gaze coldly.

“Why would you tell me the truth?”

“Because perhaps, I believe that you may find me to be of value to you and you may release Rhian in return for my assistance.”

Maica laughed coldly. “Such agreements never work in the long term. Both parties never have a common goal but only work to betray the other at the first opportunity.”

“If you say so. It’s your downfall. Although it seems to me, someone else is working to betray you at the earliest convenience,” Andy replied pointing out the obvious.

Maica smiled and stepped closer to Andy. “Thank you for telling me about the books. I believe that is all the help I need.”

Maica was close enough for Andy to reach out and grab her. He decided he had to make a move now and try to escape. He rolled over towards Maica and tried grabbing her arm. He winced as pain flared from his wound. The pain slowed him sufficiently that Maica was able to sidestep his arm as he grabbed for her. Then she attacked bringing her arm down on Andy’s wound in full force.

Andy screamed in pain and clutched at the wound.

“I do not need your help. My plan is in place and cannot fail. Books or no books.”

Maica yanked the pillow from under Andy’s head and pressed it down on his face. Andy brought his arm up to create space between his face and the pillow but Maica hit his wound again as hard as she could. Andy reacted and clutched at his wound. The pillow settled on his face and muffled his scream.

“You should save your breath,” Maica said coldly as she held the pillow in place. Andy was still weak and not strong enough to fight off Maica and slowly his efforts to shake off the pillow and take a breath of fresh air weakened until finally, they stopped.

Maica held the pillow in place for a long time after Andy’s struggle stopped. Then she placed it behind his head and left him looking as if he were sleeping.

Maica gave orders to the guards at the door that Andy was not to be disturbed. She told them he was sleeping and needed to recover. The guards did not question their queen to be.

There was no evidence that Andy had been killed. It would simply be assumed that he had died in his sleep from his wound. Satisfied that one problem had been removed, Maica went to prepare for the wedding.