
Chapter 19

As Maica left Andy’s quarters, she knew she could no longer trust Algwad. There was a book that allowed people to cross between worlds and he had said nothing. He had captured the woman who looked exactly like her and yet he had said nothing about a book. That woman had been Andy’s wife. If Andy used a book, she had to have used a book. Where was it? For that matter where was Andy’s book?

Maica surmised that it had to be with Shay. No doubt she would have taken it with her. Maica would have to wait for events to play out as planned before she could get the book from Shay.

She wondered how far Algwad’s plotting went. Was it simply him trying to act on his own? Would he betray her after the King was dead?

As she pondered Algwad’s possible betrayal her anger rose and by the time she reached her chambers to change she was livid with anger and frustration. She slammed her chamber doors behind her startling the chambermaids who waited to prepare her for her wedding.

Josh awoke in the dark of the dungeon where he had been left the night before. He heard footsteps approaching and watched as the dark gradually receded from the bars in front of his cell. Two guards stopped outside his cell and one unlocked it.

The door opened and a guard said, “Come with us.”

Josh stood and exited his cell. The guards did not bother tying him up. They placed a sack over his head and escorted him roughly towards the stairs. As they passed a cell in the dark, Josh heard a faint voice.

“Help me please. Take me to the queen. I will do whatever she asks.” Although the voice was faint, he thought he had heard it before. He was surprised too for he had not known that he had company in the cells with him. Aside from the scurrying of the rats he had not been able to hear anything or anyone.

He would try to talk to the person, a woman, when he returned later.

Josh was led up from the dungeons and through several passageways until he was lost. After a while, they arrived at a chamber door. They knocked and a voice asked them to enter. Josh was shown into a chamber. Shay waited in the chamber and her father lay in bed, sleeping.

“The prisoner you sent for and are permitted to see by the king’s grace,” the guards said.

Shay had sent for no one and had no idea who was being held as a prisoner. The guards entered with a prisoner between them. He had a sack over his head so she could not see who it was. He was dressed in clothes from Earth though and she was intrigued as to who it was and how they came to be here. The fact that the guards said she had sent for a prisoner and that her request had been granted by the king’s grace, was confusing.

She pushed her confusion aside for the moment as her curiosity regarding the arrival of another person from Earth gained the upper hand.

The guards removed the sack from Josh’s head and left the room. Shay stifled a gasp when she realized who it was. She waited for the guards to leave before speaking.

“Josh? What are you doing here?”

Josh stared at Shay in silence. She was as beautiful as ever. Even more so in the medieval outfit she wore. He guessed it was uncomfortable but he thought she looked breathtaking nevertheless.

Then his happiness at seeing her was replaced by irritation. “What am I doing here? What…am….I….doing….here? Really, Shay? You break up with me by text message and disappear. I come looking to see if you are okay and I end up here. I just spent the night in a rotting dungeon and the guards say you sent for me.”

The tone of Josh’s voice was rising as his irritation quickly crossed to anger.

“You knew I was here and you left me in a dungeon until you were ready to send for me?”

Shay crossed to Josh quickly and reached out for his hand but he pulled away.

“It’s not what you think Josh. I did not send for you. I did not even know you were here. I am as confused as you.”

“Where are we? What is this place, Shay?”

“This is Thurlon.”

“Thu…” Josh’s voice trailed off. He had read Andy’s books and he knew the world of Ethlerry.


“No Josh it is. My father created it and this is it. How I still don’t understand completely. I have spoken with my father briefly but have still not been able to piece everything together.

It was all too much for Josh.

“I don’t believe you, Shay.” He paused. “That’s not what I want to discuss right now. I came to your house yesterday to speak with you after your message.”

Shay sighed. “Josh, I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. I was going to speak to you yesterday but then I ended up here and I’ve had to deal with other things first.”

Just then the chamber doors opened and Fiere entered. “There you are, my lady. I was told I would find you here. You truly do look beautiful if I may say so. If only it were our wedding day.”

Fiere passed Josh and took Shay’s hand and kissed it. Then he turned to look at Josh. “Who is this, my lady?”

Shay was silent a moment. “He is a trader from the city. I had a special request and I thought he could help. But unfortunately not.”

Fiere’s attention was focused on Josh and he did not see Shay frantically shake her head at him. Shay watched as Josh’s face turned red. He looked at her open-mouthed and she feared that he would say or do something that they would all regret. But instead, he merely bowed to the Prince. “If I may be excused, madame?” Josh asked.

“You may.” Shay decided not to challenge Josh. She had seen his anger at the way Prince Fiere spoke to her and kissed her hand. She had no idea what else Prince Fiere might say and thought it best if she let Josh go for fear he would lose his composure and say something they would all regret. She would send for him again later she told herself.

Shay watched Josh go, longing to call him back and tell him everything but she knew it would be difficult to explain to Fiere.