Chapter 1: "I don't want to be a villain!"

Mu Yan was killed by a car on his way to work.

He was poor, so his life was always difficult. He finished high school with great difficulty having to divide himself between studying and working in a small antique shop.

His mother died when he was little and his father was an addicted drunk. His money was to pay the rent on the house, the bills and buy food, and he and his brothers often slept without dinner because the money was insufficient.

After dying, he found himself in a completely white place. There was a huge line and he was pushed towards it by a man with green skin and pupilless yellow eyes.

People in line stopped in front of a mirror that revealed a color and then went to a counter to receive a necklace and a book; after that they were sent to a portal.

Mu Yan realized that there were many people who suddenly appeared and were placed behind him, so he assumed they were people who had just died just like him.

When his turn came, he stared at the mirror for a long time. A blinding white light was emitted, preventing all present from opening their eyes, making them shudder and kneel with their hands covering their eyes from such strong and great pressure emitted by that soul.

But Mu Yan saw nothing. He just saw a young boy who was a little different from his self on Earth. It was of course the same face, but it didn't have the dark spots under the eyes or that thin, wasted body. Her hair was no longer matted, nor her lips parched.

In fact, he was a very handsome and lively young man. Glossy, dazzling black hair, watery eyes bright as stars, pink lips, and jade-white skin. The definition of a perfect young man from a large noble family.

One of the green-skinned workers couldn't take the pressure and quickly ran towards the guy in front of the mirror and pushed him away. The mirror went back to how it was before, making people breathe a sigh of relief.

Mu Yan didn't understand why people were behaving like that, but he went to the counter to get what he was supposed to be given.

The attendant noted that person's name and the level and purity of their soul. It was a really amazing result that no one ever managed to achieve. Both level 100. He was in charge of sending the person to a class F, D, C or S world, according to his soul; in addition, he would also choose a character that suits that soul better.

In Mu Yan's case, he would naturally go to an S-level world in addition to being the protagonist of the world. He would have a lot of power, riches and beauty on his side; however, his soul was too pure and gave an indescribable feeling to the attendant. He wanted to see that soul tainted with evil, bit by bit.

Thinking like that, the green-skinned man gave the boy an identification necklace and a book in which he related the history of the world to which he would go.

Mu Yan saw that on the table was an explanatory pamphlet. The green, yellow, blue and white souls would go into a protagonist body. The ones in red and black would go to the body of a villain, and the black ones would be the chief villains.

Other than that, souls with a level greater than ninety went to a class S world, but apparently few souls managed to reach that level the first time they reincarnated. Other than that, they could only earn *OOC when they completed ten worlds.

{*OOC: Term used for characters who act out of their nature. In the world of transmigration, they are people who act out of the nature of the character they were chosen to be.}

After getting his things, Mu Yan headed for the portal, entering without hesitation.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a white space but different from the other, there was a small blue ball that glowed around him.

"Ding, welcome host to the reincarnation program. I am the 004 system and I am responsible for you. Read the book in your hands to understand the story and then I will give you the memories of the body you took." _the system said in a monotone voice.

As a poor person with no internet and no television, Mu Yan's hobby in his spare time was going to the city library and reading fantasy and fiction books, so he didn't take long to read all those pages.

The protagonist of the world was called Luo BiYang. He entered the TianLiang sect at the age of twelve and for three years was unable to cultivate. His spiritual root was normal and his physical was weak, so he stayed in the outer sect and was also intimidated by the other disciples.

His things were always stolen and he had nothing but two old robes and a worn boot. In addition, he was subjected to continual beatings and serving his older brothers.

When he managed to cultivate, his life turned to hell because of his *Shixiong Mu Yan who came out of seclusion.

{*Shixiong: Senior Martial Brother/Elder Apprentice Brother}

Mu Yan was considered a rare talent. His spiritual vein of flames and thunder only appeared every 500 years. Furthermore, his appearance was divine and his diligence in cultivation was enviable.

Therefore, Luo BiYang was humiliated by his common five-element streak, and his appearance was impeccable after awakening from his core, making the great disciple Mu Yan jealous to the extreme when his beauty compared to his * Shidi of the outer sect.

{*Shidi: Junior Martial Brother/Younger Apprentice Brother}

Mu Yan hampered Luo BiYang's paths, blackening with the protagonist's growing growth by discovering a cultivation method that made his ordinary spiritual veins extraordinary.

Luo BiYang persevered in his path, even when his *Da Shixiong prepared for his death he still managed to survive and showed good character by not blaming his older brother, attracting the sect master's attention and becoming his direct disciple, causing the * Mu Yan's cultivation diversion who was quickly expelled from the sect.

{*Da: Prefix used to indicate that he is not only a senior martial brother, but also the senior disciple, one of the first of that generation to join the sect}

{*Crop deviation: trading fair cultivation for demonic cultivation}

They lived meeting as souls destined to die fighting. Luo BiYang became the leader of the TianLiang sect and Mu Yan became the leader of the demonic cult, both engaging in a long battle until the protagonist's holy sword pierced the heart of their ex Da Shixiong


After reading the book, Mu Yan sighed heavily. He looked at his system floating around him and frowned.

-I'm the villain, right? _questioned tired.

"Ding, the host is very smart. He's already managed to capture the essence of his character just by reading the history of the world." _004 spoke in a tone of flattery, although anyone with brains would assimilate his name to the villain's.

In fact, that little system didn't understand why its pure white-souled host had to be given the role of a villain. If he continued like this, his soul would be stained red or even black because of the character settings. Really depressing.

"After passing through ten worlds the host will gain the right to OCC and can act out of character's nature." _said trying to cheer up his master.

-I get it. Well, dying with a sword in your chest is way better than being tortured. _said with an embarrassed smile.

After seeing the flyer on the counter and receiving his character, Mu Yan was now sure that his soul was black, not least because he was in an S-class world and was the chief villain. Your soul must be very bad.

But why? He did everything right in his past life so he could make a good living when he reincarnated... what went wrong? Was it because of the envy he felt for those people who could eat good food every day? Well, that shouldn't be considered a sin since as a man who only ate twice a day and still poor quality food, it was natural to salivate over the good food of others like a hungry dog.

Ah.... He was really unlucky. A poor person in the past life and a villain in this life.

"I don't want to be a villain!" was the thought that screamed in her head. (T^T)