Chapter 2: "I know what I'm doing! This isn't OOC."

Mu Yan spent a few days in the system space in order to learn the sword art of the original body, as as a *Xianxia world, he would be constantly facing death.

{*Xianxia: Eastern fantasy world, with cultivation, sects, and spiritual powers.}

After getting used to the power in his body, the normal 21st century soul, Mu Yan, was finally taken to the world of class S - Immortal Path.

Upon opening his eyes, he found himself sitting in the lotus position in a closed room with nothing. He moaned in pain as he stretched his legs.

How these cultivators managed to stay in this position! This was clearly torture for the legs and feet!

Mu Yan analyzed the plot and found that the original body was currently in seclusion. This period would last for a year and that would be when the leader of the TianLiang sect would call him.

Halfway through he would meet the protagonist of the world and because of the disciples' whispers about his beauty, Mu Yan would humiliate him, starting the hellish life of Luo BiYang.

But the problem here was.... He's only been in seclusion for two months! How was he going to spend another eight months sitting? He was clearly very hungry!

"Ding, master please calm down. Meditation doesn't affect the human body, so you won't feel hungry." _004 spoke trying to console his gluttonous host.

-I may not be hungry right now, but I sure will be. Come on, *Xiao *Qiu, give me a way to meditate without having to keep my eyes closed and still! _begged as he walked from one side to the other in the dark room.

{*Xiao: Small - *Qiu: Ball, talking about the shape of the system. So Xiao Qiu is small ball}

He was clearly hungry! Maybe it was because of his past life where he carried all the hunger he went through.

"Ding, Xiao Qiu asks the master to calm down. Evaluating cultivation methods in other worlds..."

After five minutes, Mu Yan heard that mechanical voice sound in his head.

"Ding, master I found what you wanted. Open the holographic screen and learn." _the system said sighing.

He could hear his master's mind screaming in agitation about how badly he wanted to eat fish stew. Really a glutton.

Mu Yan read all the information and tried to apply the meditation method described from a Class D world. It was simply unbelievable that in a lower class world he could have such a convenient method.

"Ding, master, people in the class D world live very little compared to this one, so people need to hurry up their cultivation methods if they want to reach the top of the world." _004 explained to his foolish master.

Mu Yan understood what Xiao Qiu meant and began to apply the new method. It consisted of spreading your *qi through all the spiritual veins in the rhythm of a song, doing this over and over again to the point where it came naturally.

{*qi: spiritual power.}

The magical music would be unconsciously imprinted in your mind and that way you would be able to meditate without even paying attention.

The poor glutton spent a week doing this and realized that he didn't even need to think about the song anymore as it was recorded in his *Dantian.

{*Dantian: spiritual core where qi is concentrated}

He finally came out of that dark and silent room that drove him crazy and went to his patio. He searched everywhere and found no food. He remembered that the original owner did not usually eat as he used his qi to suppress his body's will and so the servants in his courtyard did not prepare food.

Mu Yan held his hair tightly, grinding his teeth in hatred for the original owner.

Who was the madman who preferred not to eat because of a drug of qi?!

He sighed heavily and remembered that on the small mountain of the original Mu Yan there was a small lake. He was the disciple of the Holy Swordsman and that's why he got his own mountain.

Shaking off the long white sleeves of his robe, he marched like a soldier towards the river. He could already imagine a delicious, steaming fish stew, the soft white flesh melting in his mouth cavity.

"Ding, master, there is someone nearby." _the efficient system warned its host that he was thinking only of food.

-Xiao Qiu, you are so amazing! _Mu Yan praised his cute system when he spotted a boy crouching in the river.

The boy watched the fish swimming with an expression more hungry than Mu Yan's, letting Mu Yan feel a little sympathy for this hungry person.

The boy's clothes were dirty white, thin and worn; he was also barefoot and had disheveled hair. There was no trace of qi in her body.

Mu Yan approached with a cold face, similar to the original owner, but like a poor person in his past life, Mu Yan couldn't seem arrogant, just indifferent.

The little boy saw the famous Shixiong Mu Yan approaching and quickly cringed. This was the first time he had seen him up close, but by the rumors he must have been very arrogant and cruel.

Mu Yan saw the boy curl up like a rabbit and found it cute, his eyes unconsciously softening. He condensed his energy into his right palm and created a stake, launching it into the water and killing two fish in one go.

With a flick of his wrist he removed a dagger from his space ring and began to prepare the fish. He was very happy that the original Mu Yan was fresh to eat and so he prepared his own food, carrying herbs and cooking utensils in his ring.

After preparing the two fish he gathered some branches and threw a small flame on them, roasting the fish while holding the drool. He noticed the shimmering little disciple's bright eyes and smiled.

-Here, eat. _said smiling to the little boy as he handed him a big baked fish.

The boy was transfixed with that warm spring smile and quickly grabbed the food, gulping it down so that nothing bad would happen and he could finish his meal.

-Eat slowly; it's hot. _Mu Yan said worried when he saw the boy's eyes full of paranoia when he gripped the skewer too tightly.

When the other fish was ready, he used an anti-gravity spell he learned from his system and floated up to the top of a tree, catching a large, wide palm leaf as well as a coconut.

When he went downstairs, he saw the little boy's startled, admiring eyes, and he couldn't help but smile a little as he rolled the roasted fish and pierced the coconut.

-Your body is weak. Take this fish to eat later and drink this coconut water to hydrate it. _spoke delivering the goods in the hands of the boy who quickly drank the water like someone who spent all day in the desert.

-Thank you Shixiong Mu! _said smiling with that thin and dirty face, but that could not hide its beauty.

-Do you have a place to store this fish? If you keep holding it like this, it will burn your hand. _Mu Yan commented when he looked at those injured and callused hands.

"Ding, master your action is against the original owner's profile." _004 alerted its brainless carrier.

-Don't worry Xiao Qiu! I know what I'm doing, this isn't OCC. Also because the character of Mu Yan is a cold and distant shixiong, but he also helps the sect's juniors. _spoke while removing a space ring from his own space ring.

He tugged at the boy's hand, soiled with dirt and oily from the fish, making a small cut and spilling blood onto the stone so that the ring would recognize the boy as its master.

-I'm giving this ring to you. Nobody can steal it and it will be good for you to keep your things. _commented when evaluating the boy from top to bottom.

He was supposed to be a disciple of the outer sect and one who was very intimidated by others, as he had no boots and his clothes were very worn.

Mu Yan thought for a moment and quickly pulled the boy's clothes away, revealing a cut on his thin chest. With a flick of his wrist he grabbed a bottle of jade and broke a healing pill, dusting the boy's wound.

When the boy saw that jade hand with slender, slender fingers, round and pink fingertips as well as the shiny white nails touching his dirty body, he blushed heavily. Da Shixiong was so kind!

Mu Yan closed his eyes and concentrated his spiritual energy inside the boy's body. It ran smoothly through all of the boy's veins and meridians, repairing the damaged ones and replenishing the empty Dantian.

When he opened his eyes he came face to face with the boy's flushed face. He smiled gently and took a white handkerchief from his space, wiping the boy's face and hands, revealing his beautiful, delicate face.

-When you feel hungry, you can show up at any time to catch fish. _Mu Yan commented as he stood up and caught a fish in his lake. He removed his boots and tossed them to the boy, walking barefoot through the soft grass of his mountain.

Ah, being rich was very good!