Chapter 4: "This is so scary! QAQ"

Mu Yan asked his servants to prepare food for him daily, so he didn't have to leave his yard once.

He had good food, good baths, good rest; could not ask for a better life.

With so many delicious dishes, the anticipated encounter and her OOC with the protagonist were played in the back of her mind.

Xiao Qiu, who watched his gluttonous master live his days just to eat and sleep, felt anguished when he thought of the central system calling him to scold him.

It was still a long time before the destined meeting between Mu Yan and the protagonist, but now that Luo BiYang had had the opportunity to cultivate, he struggled every day thinking about when he would see this beautiful person again.

One day when temperatures were very high, Mu Yan decided to go to his lake to take a bath. It had been two months since he'd set foot outside the house, so when he got out, the first thing he did was take a deep breath.

The fact that he no longer had to work every day until he was exhausted and then have to take care of his brothers and his father was very good. For the first time in his life he felt free and comfortable.

In a cheerful spirit at such thoughts, Mu Yan walked elegantly to the lake and began to undress.

He threw his robes and boots into a corner somewhere and jumped into the water. She was cold and that made him stay immersed in her for a long time.

When he could no longer hold his breath and decided to surface, Xiao Qiu caught his attention.

"Ding, master, there's someone around. Luo BiYang to be exact." _ the small system spoke surprised by the sudden appearance of the protagonist.

-What?! What is he doing here? I'm completely naked, how am I going to get out of the water?!!! _ Mu Yan yelled alarmed in his mind.

Every time he stepped foot outside the house he had to be chased by that idiot protagonist who didn't follow the script.

He was not supposed to be there, not on that day when the disciples of the outer sect were being helped by the Zhuti master of Yewan Mountain.

Calming down, Mu Yan slowly emerged from the water, stopping at waist level.

His black hair was plastered to his jade-white, almost translucent torso. Delicate muscles glistened in the sun and her red lips were more alluring than sweet cherries. He looked like a beautiful merman.

Luo BiYang, who was using a shadow technique he had learned in the library, was delighted when he saw his Shixiong bathing. That person was beautiful, too beautiful.

Some people praised Mu Shixiong's dignified appearance, but if they saw the erotic state he was in at that moment, none of them could talk about how good he looked, as beautiful and divine were the words that could really describe him.

Mu Yan felt a burning look on his skin and heard chaotic breathing.

Ah! If he's going to hide at least do it right! _Mu Yan thought, grinding his teeth.

He wanted to get out of the water and go back to his patio, but the protagonist continued to spy on him from afar.

- Xiao Qiu, help! This is so scary! QAQ _ called for his system.

"Asking host to calm down. Evaluating escape routes." _ Xiao Qiu spoke as scared as his master.

Luo BiYang was using a very advanced shadow technique. Not even he could detect it accurately. And the worst thing is that he couldn't evaluate the protagonist's behavior, because even with Mu Yan's OOC, that shouldn't be happening.

"Master, why not use the scatter technique?" _Xiao Qiu suggested.

-The dispersion technique? But I'm not very good at it. _ Mu Yan commented when remembering that many times when he dispersed, he could not unite his body properly. He always lost his arms in the process and had a hard time guiding them to the location of his body.

-It's not a good idea! he yelled at his system while on the outside he had a poker face as he splashed water on his arms to disguise it.

"Ding, master, that's the only solution. I feel the protagonist's behavior isn't right. Maybe he'll make a move against you." _ Xiao Qiu noticed the intensity with which Luo BiYang looked at his host.

Luo BiYang couldn't keep looking at his master, for as Mu Yan accidentally awakened the original's fox blood before its time, he was now like a seductive spirit.

Even doing nothing he like a fox would naturally attract a lot of stares. And if Luo BiYang continued to spy on him in that erotic mood, he would definitely be bent over and that couldn't happen at all!

-I'm so scared! QAQ _ Mu Yan spoke as he closed his eyes and concentrated.

When the time was finally right for dispersal, he opened his mouth and spoke gravely.

-It's very ugly to spy on others! he yelled, scaring the protagonist who quickly hid behind a tree.

His face was on fire with shame he felt. His shixiong had detected him.

At this point, Mu Yan quickly dispersed into various particles of light, picking up her clothes in the process and taking them along with the glowing balls.

When Luo BiYang looked at the water, still very embarrassed, he saw that there was no longer any sign of his shixiong, let alone his clothes.

-He really is an immortal! he thought with his eyes full of admiration.

Only immortals could teleport and his Mu Shixiong had done that. It was really fantastic!

Using Mu Yan's spiritual energy remaining in his body, Luo BiYang was able to find his location in his courtyard.

Moving through the shadows, he quickly went to meet him to get back to spy on him. He couldn't contain himself.

When Mu Yan arrived in his room and reconstructed his body, he found (not surprisingly) that his arms were missing.

-Xiao Qiu, you bastard! I told you it wouldn't work. Look at me! I'm without arms! he roared in the bedroom as he shook the empty sleeves of his robe.

The small system that floated around its host held back laughter at seeing its master without arms. No matter how many times it was, it would always be hilarious.

"Ding, master calm down." _ the system spoke with a mechanical voice to try to hide the laughter. "Xiao Qiu was just trying to help. Don't worry master, we'll find your arms."

-Ahhhhh!!! _Mu Yan yelled in the room as he kicked things, leaving the servants who passed through the door trembling with fear.

Mu Shixiong was crazy! Save yourself whoever you can!

"Master, the protagonist is coming! Hide!" _ the small system spoke in panic. He felt he would go offline at any time because of Luo BiYang's constant OOC.

He really had been bewitched by his master!

-What is this bastard doing here?! If he peeks at me he'll see me without arms, I can't let anyone see me like this. Quick Xiao Qiu, give me another alternative! he begged pitifully as he continued to swing his empty sleeves.

"No other alternative." _ the system spoke soon after shutting down, no matter how much your host called you.

-Xiao Qiu your fucked up system! I will complain to the central system that you are abandoning me in times of crisis. You traitor! _Mu Yan cried pitiful.

He could only hide in the quilt with maximum difficulty for lack of arms, patiently waiting for his arms of their own volition to come back to him.

As he choked on the blanket, he gnashed his teeth in rage. When he had the opportunity, he would give the protagonist and his traitorous system a good slap.

-Just wait for me Xiao Qiu! Wait for me you bastard Luo BiYang! he roared, gritting his teeth.