Chapter 5: "I want to pull your hair!"

Mu Yan spent two hours buried under the covers, gnashing his teeth as he felt the protagonist's gaze from the crack in his window.

He swore in his heart that when it was time to despise the protagonist, he would not only despise him but also give him a good spanking.

His will was to grab Luo BiYang's long hair and spin him like crazy, throwing him as far as possible, similar to the puck throw at the Olympics.

-Xiao Qiu, tell me, why a poor and miserable soul like me had to become a great villain simply because he envied the good food of others? This is nonsense! It never even crossed my mind to steal a lollipop when I was going to buy rice at the supermarket! I'm not that bad to be a super villain, right? _Mu Yan sadly asked for your system.

In that moment when he was drenched in sweat from spending two hours inside a blanket, Mu Yan missed his life on Earth.

He was poor and had to work and study, take care of his brothers, his drunk father and fight the government to keep his hovel, but he's never had to run away from a stalker before. Compared to the deep anguish and resentment he felt at that moment, the difficulties of his life on Earth were nothing!

Xiao Qiu looked regretfully at his host. He also didn't know why Mu Yan had been forced to play the villain roles, but he couldn't tell his host that it was a system error. Therefore, Xiao Qiu remained silent.

-Xiao Qiu! Bastard! Wuwuwuwuwuu! You! Your villain system! Kidnapped me and even betrayed me in the time of calamity! Now, you don't even show up to comfort me! You are disgusting! You're *colluding Luo BiYang, aren't you?! I will beat you and him to death! You will see! I WILL HIT YOU! She gritted her teeth with pitiful tears in her eyes.

[*Collution: Conspiracy ]

"Ding, Xiao Qiu asks the host to calm down. Xiao Qiu had no intention. Luo BiYang's sudden change took me offline for a while. I would never abandon my sweet~ host." _the little system lied in a childish voice and spoke sweetly to try to please its crazed host.

He used to change his voice because his previous hosts forced him to abandon his original mechanical voice out of displeasure, but if it was to please the pitiful Mu Yan, he was more than happy to use the various types of voices he had downloaded.

Mu Yan "..."

-Wah! What a scary thing?! Quickly, return my Xiao Qiu! What a horrible voice is that?! _ Mu Yan came out of his mad rage only to go into another madness because of the sweet way and affectionate voice used by his system.

When he heard Xiao Qiu say 'sweet~ host' in a slurred way, all the hairs on his body stood on end.

Xiao Qiu trying to please his meter "..."

"Okay, if you don't like it I won't use it. Xiao Qiu was just trying to please the host." _004 spoke with regret.

-You say you were trying to please me, but you use lies for that? _ Mu Yan questioned with a smug expression.

That's right! You think I don't know you were lying to *Laozi?

[*Laozi: Arrogant way of referring to himself. // Male. ]

Xiao Qiu was speechless, watching his host's smug expression.

-Hmm! _ Mu Yan huffed as he stood up as Luo BiYang's scorching gaze was removed from his skin.

He sat cross-legged and waited patiently for an hour for his arms to return.

-There you are you rascals! What was it you guys brought me, huh? _ Mu Yan chatted excitedly with his arms.

Xiao Qiu "..."

The poor system watched its master caress the arms as if they were living creatures, and also watched as they had brought various sweets in the space ring.

The worst thing was that Mu Yan, when he managed to control them, used them to steal those sweets, with the excuse that if he was in the role of a villain then he should act like one.

You're acting like a silly child... _ Xiao Qiu thought secretly.

Mu Yan spent two weeks locked in his courtyard, as he feared to go out and meet the protagonist, as he constantly felt a burning gaze peeking at him through almost every crack in the walls.

While spending his days comfortably eating and sleeping, Mu Yan received one of his servants who ran to meet him interrupting the story 004 was telling him as he happily swayed in a hammock.

-Mu Shixiong, a disciple of the outer sect came to meet him. He calls himself Luo BiYang. _the servant presented wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Everyone knew that it was not allowed to enter Mu Yan's mountain, but that boy named Luo BiYang not only entered but also walked through it looking for the disciple of the Holy Swordsman.

Upon hearing the familiar name, Mu Yan grimaced, ready to reject the encounter, until a subtle thought crossed his mind and his fierce expression turned mischievous.

Xiao Qiu was on alert.

-Oh! Invite him, I am more than happy to receive him. _Mu Yan spoke with a grim smile.

The servant trembled with fear and left there feeling sorry for the Luo BiYang that would fall into his master's plots.

Hearing the servant call him inside, the protagonist of the world immediately lit up and entered with his heart racing with joy.

He saw her amazing shixiong sitting on the bed while combing her hair, her appearance as striking as fairy.

-From Shixiong! _BiYang shouted excitedly as he approached and knelt in front of Mu Yan, his smile brighter than the stars.

-Hello, BiYang. It's a pleasure to see you again. _Mu Yan commented with a smile, but his eyes were somber.

Xiao Qiu "..." Host, what are you planning? QAQ

The small system was on the alert under the malicious eye of its host.

Luo BiYang looked at the 'gentle' expression of his shixiong and remembered the day he was spying on him in the lake and was caught in the act. His face flushed heavily and he avoided looking at the young nobleman sitting above him.

-Er... I brought some fruit to thank you for taking care of me. _the brainless fan kindly handed over some blackberries. _Thank you Mu Shixiong! _said with his heart racing as he looked at the indifferent face of his older brother.

In truth, Mu Yan might have been indifferent on the outside, but inside, he was salivating so much that he had to try the bright, fresh fruit.

-Oh! Thank you. _Mu Yan replied as he stood up. _Venha, let's sit at the table to eat them. _invited gently giving space for Luo BiYang to pass.

Seeing the protagonist foolishly walking in front of him, Mu Yan reached out one hand and grabbed BiYang's hair and with the other he pushed the young man's back.

Luo BiYang dropped to his knees with his head being pulled back. The pain made him let out a weak moan.

Xiao Qiu "..."

Luo BiYang "..."

Servant standing in the corner "..."

Mu Yan "Hehehe"

Still stunned, Luo BiYang turned to his Da shixiong, his expression shocked as he saw the young man standing there staring at him blankly.

-Mu... shixiong?! _BiYang asked surprised.

-Are you okay? _Mu Yan asked with an expression of 'extreme concern' as he came out of his daze.

Xiao Qiu "..."

Servant standing in the corner "..."

-Mu Shixiong, what happened? Why did you pull my hair? _BiYang asked surprised by the expression of 'concern' of his dear shixiong.

-Your hair is so long it tangled in my hand as I swung my arms. I touched you on the back to try to free them, but I didn't know you were so weak that you fell with a light touch. Excuse me. _Mu Yan spoke with a kind and pitying expression.

Luo BiYang stood up with a big smile, firmly believing that his shixiong was telling the truth, as he had no reason to hurt him, other than that his shixiong was an immortal, so it was normal that his strength was beyond his imagination.

-It's alright Mu shixiong. I get it. I'm so weak that with just a wave from you I fall apart. You are really incredible! _BiYang spoke with an expression of adoration as he took Mu Yan's hand and removed the strands of his hair that were still tangled in his thin fingers.

Servant standing in the corner "..."

He had clearly seen his master's malicious intent! The little disciple of the outer sect was really very naive...

-He's so stupid. Hehehe. _ Mu Yan laughed while talking to his system. He was beaming with happiness that he had finally pulled the protagonist's hair. _ It wasn't how I wanted it, but I found it quite satisfactory. Next is you Xiao Qiu! Wait for me!

Xiao Qiu "..."

Your host was even more stupid than the protagonist! Who in the world would brag about pulling someone's hair and pretending it was an accident?