Yoona slowly open her eyes and look at her surroundings

Black mixed with red, white and brown room , a family portrait was on the wall, and another picture of the two of us.

Definitely this was Troy’s room.

Yoona still felt a stinging pain in her left leg but still decided to go to school

She stood up and went to her room.

are you wondering why she was in her brother’s room and not on her own? The reason is her secret password to enter her room.

There was sets of password that they can’t figure out.

Yoona went to do her quick morning routine then after that she went down for breakfast

“Good morning Young Lady.” Their maids greeted her while she keeps on walking

She entered the lift and went down to 2nd floor

“young lady, Master Troy informed me to tell you to just stay at home for the meantime and rest until your wound healed.’’Butler Jack.

“No.” =___________= who the effin fck rest for minor cuts?

“But miss, I will be dead when you disob-----“ He stops speaking when Yoona murderously glance at him.He gulped loudly.


“You’re not my master to say what I’m going to do.” Yoona coldly said.He gulped again.

Yoona became pissed and didn’t continue her breakfast.

she went to the ground floor garage and choose her new Bugatti Veyron.

She’s currently wearing the Yoongaeil uniform which is more like Gaeince uniform only in red skirt unlike Gaeince which is blue

Yoongaeil is an all girls University.

Yoona wear her one piece airpods and placed it in her right ear.

PLAYING: Missing you by 2NE1.

When Yoona arrived at her university there is no doubt that majority of the crowd is looking at her. some were curious, glaring and some are … what ? Drooling?

“deym girl, She looks like a goddess.”

“I’m so envious huhu our uniform fits her perfectly.”

“Her skin was so flawless!”

“Looks like a hoe!. Hmmmp!”

Here they go again. Your typical childish highschool lines

Yoona ignored her surroundings and went to her office

“Good morning Ma’an Yoona. I’m Mrs. Bianca Lu, you’re secretary.” Mrs. B with a wide smile. Mrs Lu is wearing an office skirt below the knee.She wore glasses and a dark brown lipstick.

I just nod.

“To all students, please proceed to our Convention room. We will have a very important announcement.” Mrs. Bianca said on the intercom.

“Let’s go Ma’am Yoona.”

“Don’t call me Ma’am.”

“O-okay Ma--- Miss Yoona.” And she straightened

***Convention Room…

“Good day my lovely students, I want you to all welcome, Princess Yoona Gaeil Park. The daughter of Mr. Caleb and Mrs. Yuki Park.”

*clap clap clap clap*

What the f? Should I need to give some speech? The fudge I hate talking.Yoona was contemplating to introduce herself but in the end…

Let’s finish this shit . was all she can say

“Simple, I rule,I’m the law. Disobey then suffer the consequence ”

“Booooo!!!! YOU FCKNG UGLY BITCH. YOU THINK YOU CAN SCARE US? Duh!!!! As in no! over my dead body, LOSER!!!” a girl shouted from a far.

“ don’t try me.” I said calmly.

“Duhhh!! You have some guts to scare us just because you sugar daddy wa----“


They all gasp. Silence filled the room

“I have no patience to a fool like you. If you want to try me, it’s my pleasure to do it though.” After that Yoona smirk.

After that they immediately sent the girl to a nearby hospital.Do you know what happened?

Yoona threw a dagger. Don’t worry , the girl was hit on her right arm .It will heal but the only problem was the trauma that Yoona gave her.

“Follow the university’s protocol while I get to decide what is right and what is wrong. Understand?”



“I said,”


“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”


Since Yoona’s arrival everything was changed .Before, they have little freedom to fool around but now, they do not know anymore if what their doing is right or wrong.