
Sports fest

*knock knock knock*

“Miss. This is Mrs. Bianca , I have some urgent matters to discuss with you.” Mrs.B was waiting for Yoona

“Come in.” I said coldly.

“A-ahh. Ahem!! I just want to let you know miss that we will join a sports fest which will be held at Gaeince University. I’m sorry , I forgot to tell you yesterday. 15 universities were included and previously we rank at 13th place.”


“In this event all gender is equal, even sports like basketball we must have representatives, since we are an all girls school we still need to compete even our competitors are males. We are not exempted.”

“give me a soft copy report about last year’s sport fest.”

“I’ll send it right now miss”

Then she walked out.

after an hour of reviewing the event . Yoona finally decided on what she thinks is best to win on the sports fest

Yoona pressed the red button on the side of her desk and speak

“I want everybody’s attention, those who wants to join the sports fest and think they can win.I decided to allocate the whole afternoon for practice. Those who will join will be exempted on their afternoon classes.I’ll see you later in the open field after lunch.”

After an hour , you can see the crowd forming in the open field. Some were already sweating heavily , The weather is too warm on the afternoon and because of the that you can already hear the complaints of the students

“Gosh! It’s too hot!!!!!”

“Mg skin will get burn !”

“Waaaaah. this is torture huhuhu.”

“Miex de commencer maintenant.” despite saying it on a moderate tone , everyone heard it clearly. A cold voice that came from Yoona

Translation: “Better start now.”

“Aa-aa. Y-yes! We w-will start now.” Said by a stupid girl. or maybe not so much because she can understand it

Everyone that came competed previously in the last year’s sports fest . So they group themselves in accordance to their preferred sports.

Yoona walk first to the pretty short skirts women

They’re doing some stunts and shouting in sync

Yoona just observe them cheering prettily . Not bad, what can you expect in an all girls school? They’re good in that thing.

After they performed. Yoona went to observe the…


one of Yoona’s favorite sports. After observing for a while and some were keep on messing and not hitting the target. Yoona stood up and said

“Give me that and watch me closely.”


70 meters target bullseye!

“Woah! !!!”


*clap clap clap*

“Enough.If you really want to win , correct your angles on shooting.Don’t waste your fucking time and keep on practicing.”

Yoona said coldly and went outside


“Carla wins!.”

Yoona silently watch them

“Okay! Thea vs. Carla. Challengers, position.”

“3…..2……1… GO!”



everything went smoothly , these two women were very alethic and good at swimming.


“congratulations Carla!”

“For this round Carla wins! We will count on you”




“Yah! Bitch get that!”


Well, Yoona guess that she won’t need to coach them .


“Where’s the Golf players?” Yoona ask

“Ahhhm,We have no representative in golf last miss.” a girl with a big eye glasses said


Yoona went to observe the outside and indoor sports after that she compiled all the necessary things that needs to improve.She wrote all the strategies and fault of each players and compiled it in a report. She gave it to Mrs B and instructed to handle it .
