Battle Underground

Yoona is breathing heavily while looking at them

she was so tired and sweating too much.

“Hoooooooo!!! we won!” Nate fist bumped his teammates



“Gaeince U!” “Gaeince U!” “Gaeince U!”

Loud cheers was heard

Yoona wiped her face and drunk water.She turned around and saw Lance, smirking at her.

“what?” She looked at him coldly.

“I won. Tomorrow at exactly 6:30 in the morning, go to this address, it’s an order.” He said and smirked


Yoona just looked at him and went outside.

I need to unwind.

She hop on in her Ninja motorbike and left the school.

Overall, YG university ranked 2nd place.

Yoona drove in high speed .

F*ck, It’s only a game but I’m so fckng pissed right now. That m**** fckr ! bulls*t!

She stops at Battle Underworld to have some fights.

It’s an area for street fighters.

Yoona wore her black shorts, sleeveless top, Knee length boots and her leather jacket.

She usually hides her weapons inside her clothes. She felt comfortable especially with her knee high boots.

It’s been 5 years since her last visit and fight in Battle Underground.The arena is too crowded already,almost everything has changed already. Even the announcer is new.

pounding music and loud talking of people can be heard

Typical bad boys,flirts and bitches are scattered around.


Yoona was walking then a girl bumped in to her and collapsed on the floor.

tsk. It’s not my fault, she’s the one who bumped in to me.

“Argh!!! How dare you, bitch!” The girl yelled while pointing Yoona.

Yoona look at her coldly.

“Creep.” the girl wispered

“How dare you! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?”

Yoona just raised her one eyebrow.

“Well, I’m Trish, leader of Angel’s gang we’re currently Rank 5 in B.U.” She said with pride.

“Weaklings.” Yoona said and left her to ignore

“You, BITCH!!Who are you calling weaklings?! you’re loser !!!” She yelled loudly almost everyone look at their area

Yoona became severely pissed. She was in a bad mood in the first place and this b*tch causing a scene made her want to slit that girl’s throat .

“You want a fight?” she coldly ask her

“sure, start praying for your ancestors now and don’t surrender until you die.”The girl smirk at her and laugh

They both registered their names for a match and went to the stage

“ code name?” The male Emcee asked

“I am goddess Red, leader of Angels gang.” She said with pride.

“And you?”

“TP.” Yoona said shortly

“huh?! What a gross code name” Trish rolled her eyes

“are you kidding me? what an ugly useless code name is that? ” Trish continued insulting Yoona

“Okay, everyone. Let’s all welcome goddess Red from Angels gang vs. TP.” The emcee announced the contestants and they both went to center arena

“Huh?” the viewers were bored to watch the battle

“Prepare to die, bitch.”Trish said and start her attack

goddess Red tried to punch and kick but Yoona dodged it all.

after some minutes…


“I won…..” He said while smirking.

End of flashback…..


Yoona got distracted and felt a tinging sensation in her arm.

Trish is holding a sharp knife that Yoona failed to noticed

Yoona saw her own blood and felt her eyes stings

Yoona grabbed her arm, twisted it and punched that b*tch face.

“Aaaaarrgggghhh!!!” Trish yelled in pain.

blood was oozing thru her nose

Yoona broke her arm then throw her on the floor


Yoona walk slowly to her

****ringgggggg ringggggg****

Yoona answered her microphone

“Where are you?!” He yelled at Yoona

“You fucking dared to yell at me?!” with an angry tone ,Yoona responded

“H-huh? n-no ahh, where are y----“

she hang up the phone.

Yoona saw some guy carrying Trish away from the stage.

tsk. Rank 5th huh?


