I miss you

After her fight, Yoona exited using her apple green Kawasaki Ninja bike and went to her parents house.

Time Check: 12:15am.

After taking a bath and changed in her sleepwear .

Yoona looked at herself on her full length mirror

She looked in to her eyes and observed every part of herself.

tsk,damn Nate

Nate called her during her fight that’s why she got distracted . She looked at her wounded arm and tsk.

She went downstairs , sat down on their sofa and attended her wound with first aid kit.

“OMO!! What happened to your arm baby?!!!!!” She run and worriedly looked at Yoona’s arm

She had a blonde with blue high lights on her hair. She’s wearing a black seductress sleepwear Pink-ish lips and black doll eyes.

“You’re too loud!” Yoona responded

“Don’t drop the subject here.” She became serious and looked at her strictly.


“Don’t tsk tsk me! Give me that and I’ll clean your arm. You’re so careless. you’re turning weak now?”

She was worried awhile ago and now she’s insulting me?

She is Quinie Yuri Park, her 24 year old sister.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM BABE/YOON?!!!” Here comes her two brothers.


“Lemme see your arm.” Troy said while trying to snatch the cotton from Yuri

“No!! Let me handle it.” Nate yelled.

“STOP. YOU. TWO. Just sit there,I’ll do it myself.” Yuri demanded and turn her gaze on Yoona

“Now Missy, what are you doing in your life?.” She said, full of concern.

“No, I got distracted. Nate called me in the middle of my fight.” I looked at Nate and smirked

Yuri glared at Nate.

“Wa-waaah! I’m just worried at her , I didn’t know she’s in a fight. Prawmiz pretty sister. I’m innocent like my handsome face .” He said without a shame


“What are you doing here?” Yoona asked her sister

“Why? *pout* am I not welcome here anymore?” She said.

Yoona just stared at her. =______=

This family is full of crazy and abnormal people

CHILDISH!!!! =_=

are they even effin serious right now?

“OKAY FINE!” *POUT* “ While I’m here I’ll manage Yoon Gaeil University and you, my troublemaker pretty sissy you’ll transfer in Gaeince U , you’ll help our brothers there. Dad said don’t start any trouble but since you’re staying there I bet trouble will come knocking on your door..”Yuri briefly explained to them

“YES!/YEAH!!!!” The two brothers yelled while jumping.


“Oh yeah! Oh yeah!!! I’m so excited , finally I can introduce you now to my mates!!!!” Nate said while crazily dancing

Yoona left them , went to her room and sleep.

“ALL IZZ WELL *wit wit wew* ALL IZZ WELL *wit wit wew*”

Yoona woke up because of Nate, singing loudly again in front of her door

Yoona quickly went to the bathroom, take a bath and blow dried her hair.

After dressing up she went to their garage, hop on to her apple green Kawasaki Ninja bike. She’s about to wear her grey helmet when suddenly, someone speaks.

“have you had your breakfast yet?”

Yoona didn’t bother to look at him .Just by his voice, Yoona already know who he is –Troy.

Yoona ignored him and started the engine then fled off.

Yoona felt warm. Literally.

After 5 minutes, Yoona arrived at LL’s park, his favorite place .

It’s been 5 years.


been 5 years since I visited this place

The memories…..


I remember the last time I went here was together with him.

Yoona look at the place , minor changes was done but it still looks the same. She stared and stay for awhile




“Tu me manques ”she whispered and hop on to her bike and started driving to Gaeince U.

she’s 45 minutes late.

you think she cares?

She parked smoothly her bike and removed her helmet.


Next month will gonna be my worst nightmare.

Yoona look at the sky.

TSK!!!! So much drama!

class schedule

Room 201, Special A.

Yoona felt warm and a bit dizzy

Without a knock, Yoona entered the room

“You must be Yoona Gael Park?” A woman in 30’s or 40’s I guess, asked me.





“It’s Gaeil .”Yoona looked at her boredly

“O-oohh ye-yeah!! Ahem! Yeah, whatever. I’m Bils Digs, your History teacher.” She said in a high pitched tone.

“Please come in front and introduce yourselves.” She said while sitting on her chair.

What the fuck is this? A fucking high school class?

“TSK!” Yoona did not obey and instead went to the back of the room and sit


“MISS PARK!! Did you hear what I’ve said? Introduce yourself. Do you understands English?!! you have the guts to ignore your teacher! you piece of trash of a student! a low class and no elegance ! a scholar for sure! come here in front of the class now!”


Yoona stare at her for about 2 minutes.

“Incompetent” Yoona challenge her

“Ho-how dare----“ Yoona cut her off


“How dare you!!! I’ll make sure to expel you in your first day!” she said, fake cryin’ and run outside.

Everybody gasped, except me. Of course.

TSK! Pathetic.Who the hell cry because of minor verbal insult? is that even called an insult?

“How dare you?! She’s my mommy, you know that?! She’s a professional teacher here! How dare you! You’re just new here! you’re disrespectful!Bitch!!” An angry girl yelled at Yoona

Yoona remained sitting on her chair. She put her hands on the table calmly.

“Like mother, like daughter.”she smirked at her.

She’s more pissed now. *smirk*

The girl stands up and start walking towards Yoona’s direction and stops in front of her

“What did you say?! My name is Becca Digs, the Queen Bee of Gaeince U. Acheer captain and Fiancé of First HYUN ! He’s one of the owners of this school! I’ll report you and make sure to kick you out of this place! remember this, ‘I don’t give damn!” She said flip her hair at Yoona

Yoona almost want to laugh out loud on her face

what the eff is she saying?

What’s wrong with me, I like to piss off everyone

Yoona put her right hand on my mouth…

and yawn on her face

“you disgusting bitch!” The girl said, ready to slap Yoona


