


The door collapsed.

“Becca!!!!” someone shouted then some men entered abruptly






“What? Babe! She started first. She…… she”

I stared at girl in front of me, waiting for her to continue.

“She yelled at me!!!” Becca dumbly replied


“What the ef are you talking about? you kidding right ? she yelled at you? hollimolli that’s miracle!hahaha” Yoona glared at the laughing Troy.

“that’s impossible bro! She’s always like this.” Nate said while doing silly Yoona’s signature poker face—_________—


“Why can’t you all believe me?! she started it first! ?!” she turned to First and started tearing up

“babe you must believe me!”. Oh geez! -_-

“Babe! I want her out of this school!” She added still fake crying

What with all this drama around me?

Yoona silently and patiently listening to them

“You want her to be out of her own school?” Nate gave Becca a smirk.

“Wha-what?! “ She face

“Own school? The last time I was updated this school belongs to Hyun’s and Park’s” she continued

Fucking idiot.

-________- What’s her name again? AISH! Nevermind.

Yoona boredly sat on her chair and close her eyes

“you’re outdated girl, you need to update your brain cells. ………….”

Another good-looking guy beside them interrupts the first Guy.

“That’s Troy’s sister!” The guy shouted.

“You stupid glutton Shon! that was my line!!!!” The other guy glared at him and pouted cutely

“not my fault, you madda facka brain is loading slowly.” Mr. good-looking, I mean Shon, said while grinning.

“TSK!” The guy hissed.

“stupid Shin!!” Shon said, still grinning like a mad man.

“Childish” Shin, shouted back.

“That’s you!!”




“that’s you!!!!!”


Yoona irritably opened her eyes

Who’s the childish now? Tsk!

Yoona silently stand up and excited without someone knowing.

She walked outside and found a shades part with a tree

she sat under it.

“Next month.” she whispered.

after some silent minutes…

How are you? I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, I was weak before------

She close her eyes and take a nap.

buzzzz buzzzz

Her phone is ringing. She slowly open her eyes and pick her phone.

“hey, get my bag and order me some lunch then bring it to me” A cold voice of a male said and hanged up.


Yoona knew that voice. Lance.

That fckng stupid jerk dared to hanged up and ordered me.Damn it!

Yoona stand up and walk . Because of the bet that she lost , First has the right to order her around

Yoona spotted 4 young men in the hallway.


She approach them and they turned to look her


They were dumbly looking at her







“Aah!!! / ouch!!! / fuck! / shit!” They yelled.

Yoona flicked them on their foreheads

“Oh, I’m sorry. We spaced out.” One of them said.

“What can we do for you, Miss Yoona?”

“where can I find the fucking bag of that stupid Lance.” =_=

“Lance?” He asked,

“First.” She cleared.

“Master First?” He asked again.

The hell! What’s wrong with this fucking guy?Do I need to fucking repeat what I’ve said?


“The two of you, order his lunch and bring it to me.” They both nodded their head roboticly

“And you, I want you to find where he is now.” He nodded.

then again after her instructions , they again just looked at Yoona


“Now.” Yoona coldly said and they hurried to ran away.


***After 3 minutes…

“Miss, No one knows where he is now. I tried everything I knew to find First but still can’t get any information.” The guy stops in front of Yoona while panting.

Damn useless!


After couple of minutes, the other guys returned. Finally!

Yoona dialed Troy’s number.

“Yow! It’s a great morning you called my first Princ---“

“Where the hell is your fucking hide out?” Yoona snapped at him

“Woah!! Chill. I’ll send you our location. Just follow it on your phone. Don’t worry I’ll deactivate our security for a while until you arrive. Do you miss me that m—-”

She hung up.

Yoona followed his location while carrying bunch of fooda for First

After 5minutes she arrived at a dark basement

If it’s an average girl, surely you do not like to walk or even glance at this place. this place looks haunted.

Yoona noticed the hidden camera around the place, if you’re not too keen you’ll not notice it. As she walks through the dark hallway she can see some hidden weapons around. It was turned off.

She arrived at the front door and notice an electric system surrounding it but it was also turned off. It front of her is an eye detector and below it is the finger print scanner

Using her right foot, she knocked on the door.

someone immediately opened the door.

“Hi! I’m Shin.come in Yoona.” The guy named Shin said grinning creepily at Yoona

She entered and looked around. Classy and modern designs on the inside.The outside is very different on the inside.

There are five rooms , each rooms have their own front door designs.

‘Hot Shin’

‘Awesome Shon’

‘Handsome Nate’

there are 3 name tags on the 3 doors while the rest are plain designs

She continue walking inside their base and saw her brother Troy playing billiards. Nate and Shon was too focused in their game station to notice Yoona.

Their base is well equip with different appliances.

It was shocking spotlessly clean.

“BAAAAAAAAABE!!!!!!!!” Nate shouted when he finally noticed Yoona and started running towards her direction.

he hug her almost chocking her and started kissing Yoona’s cheeks.


“OUUUCH!!!!” He complained while massaging his forehead.

“Weak!!!! such a simple flicked on the forehead and you’re hurt already?!!” Shin said while trying to imitate a girl voice.

“That’s just not simple flicked if it comes from my sister. That’s painful bro.” Nate said, still massaging his forehead.

Nate is half a head taller that Yoona.

Yoona removed Nate’s hand from his head and inspect it. It’s red and looks painful.


Yoona Walk in front of a dark theme door and knock


=_= The hell, so fucking annoying.


Yoona entered the room , slammed it and locked it immediately.

The room is too dark . After some time when her eyes adjusted , she noticed someone is laying on the bed at the center

She walk closely and dipped her head to see who it was.

The guys is sleeping comfortably.

“Hey!” She called him.

No fucking response.

=_______= great!!

Buzz buzz

her phone vibrated.


she just ignored it .

“Hey” She tapped the sleeping person.

Still, no fucking response.

Yoona patience has its limit

after tapping him again and no response

She shake him forcefully

He just moved and turned his back on her

Yoona was so pissed.

She lean her head towards his ear, then…

she licked it.

“Hmmmmm” He moaned.

“Wake up, dickhead.” She whispered huskily

“Hmmmmm” He moan, again.

This pervert guy!

She hold his ears and twisted it hard!

“Aww!!! Argh fck, what the fck!!!”

After some minutes she let go of his ears.

his ears is already too warm and possible if the lights were turned on it was painfully red

“YOU!!!!!!” He shouted while pointing Yoona

I brought here what you want?”

“W-what?”He confusedly ask

“Your lunch and bag is on the table.”

“I’ll make it clear to you. I’ll give you 5 times to order me around and you already used 3 of it. First, you ordered me to find your bag, ordered me to buy your fckng food for lunch and bring it to you. So you only have 2.” After that she turned her back on him and walk out of his room

She sat on their sofa and watched TV.

