Chapter 1

About 550 years passed since the first group of people was separated from the population, to be taken to a new society that would be forged on the planet Serendipia, where absolute control was managed by the Kingdom with the same name, a place where only the most worthy could arrive (the most intelligent or important).

The initial population of the new planet was of 3024 inhabitants, being these chosen with extreme caution and previous studies, which were the main members in the history of Serendipia, because they were the ones who forged the kingdom that is today.

The great importance of this new growing society in a hostile environment, was the exploitation of one of the most valuable silicate minerals that could exist, Serendibite, with a value exceeding 3.8 million gold coins (equivalent value on Earth) from which the currency used by all Serendipians was made.

Because of this, Serendipia was categorized as one of the strongest growing economies in our galaxy.

After several years of constant growth, by the year 2001 (year on earth, 550 since the creation of the kingdom of Serendipia, beginning of the 21st century) its population already had more than 83.1 million inhabitants, occupying the entire territory of the planet. Everything was managed from its main city, where the new kingdom lived. The Augustus - Rosalinda family would settle there. Family belonging to one of the first to be born in Serendipia, therefore one of the oldest that this town will ever see. They had two beautiful daughters, Dian and Helena, who were identified from the rest of the population by inheriting the first name of their mother Victoria Rosalinda, Dian Victoria and Helena Victoria. They also had a son named John, who inherited the first name of his father Frederick Augustus, John Frederick. And so with all the families that grew up in Serendipity they inherited their first names to their children and they to theirs.

Augustus - Rosalinda was a family that was directly linked to the royal family (the most important family) even if it was not by blood ties but, completely commercial. They stayed in a large house where he watched Dian Victoria grow up.

-Dian, smile a little, you don't want to go out all disheveled," said a man, adjusting his eyes to take a picture of the whole family.

I don't want to be here," said the little 5 - year - old girl.

-Dian Victoria, show your manners," Victoria Rosalinda, her mother, reproached her for her unusual behavior.

-What is the matter with my dear daughter?" the father spoke, almost without flinching from his pose.

-You told me it would be a picture and we've been here a long time already," Dian showed all the annoyance she felt to her father.

Dian Victoria didn't understand that sometimes it was necessary to take several pictures, in case one didn't turn out quite right they would have more options to choose from. She just wanted to go back to Grandma Rosa, she wanted to continue seeing everything that old woman could do without lifting a finger.

-All right, I've taken enough for today," the person in charge of taking the pictures said, trying to help the girl.

But in reality, it was not something he could decide whether to continue or end it all. His only job at that moment was to take the pictures and then frame the one they thought was the best shot.

-That's not for you to decide," Victoria Rosalinda raised her voice, her little daughter was already getting on her nerves, "When we tell you, you can leave.

The boy did not say another word, he stood there waiting for further instructions. While Dian tried to get rid of her parents, who, of course, would not let her go so easily. The blonde - haired girl lay down on the floor, trying to make her tantrum more dramatic.

-Don't do that!" exclaimed the mother, the second she lifted her daughter off the floor to keep her salmon pink dress from getting dusty.

-Let me go, let me go," Dian cried desperately.

-I won't put you down until you behave.

Frederick stared dumbfounded at his wife and the way she treated his beloved 5 - year - old daughter, who in any other situation, he wouldn't have believed it. But his wife was the kind of person who lost her patience very quickly and even more so if something bothered her as Dian was doing at that moment. Victoria held the girl by the waist, keeping her feet in the air.

-Let me go," Dian screamed again.

This time it was a louder, more powerful scream, and with it came a flash of light from inside the girl, a reddish wave spread around, expelling her mother a few feet away and making everyone present feel the impact of her power.

Dian Victoria fell backwards to the ground, not quite understanding what was happening, she stood up as fast as she could and ran away from the scene.

She felt fear as her legs carried her as far away as possible, she was still too small to understand what happened. In her mind she replayed the instant the wave came from inside her, it repeated itself over and over again, disturbing her emotions.

She felt like crying, but she didn't want to because of how angry she was, she was a child who couldn't control her emotions, all of them wanted to come out to take over her.

-Ahhh- she screamed and followed by a wave, more powerful than the previous one, came out of her being, destroying what was closest to her.

An oak tree about 5 meters high collapsed the instant Dian Victoria lost consciousness and fell to the ground as all her energy was expelled, the last thing she knew of the outside world was that there was a creaking sound behind her, as if a large branch was breaking in two.

And everything was silent, all the noise that invaded her seconds before had disappeared, she was calm.


I hope this novel can receive as much love as I am putting into writing it. Enjoy the reading.