Chapter 4


-Grandmother, I am very afraid," expressed Dian Victoria, making her emotions known to Rosa.

-Don't be afraid my child, here you will be safe from all those evil people.

Rosa pointed to one side of the room, through the field of energy that surrounded them both she could see Dian's mother, Victoria, being gagged by a dozen people together with the father of the same girl, being mistreated unjustly. Both individuals were not too far away from each other, they could possibly hold hands if they could stretch as far as their bodies would allow, but both Victoria and Frederick were tied by their hands at the back of their bodies, which allowed them little mobility.

Dian Victoria's eyes were full of tears, although she did not understand 100% what was happening, one feeling was very clear inside her and it was the danger in which those older people, that for a few years she had called 'parents', were in a danger that her short imagination could manifest to her.

-I want all those people to leave here" said Dian in the middle of a cry, her voice sounded very soft, something that her grandmother Rosa managed to hear with great difficulty.

The grandmother did not answer the girl, at that precise moment she was concentrating on maintaining the energy field that protected them both from the whole situation in which they had been involved in some way.

Dian could see her mother standing there in the middle of the room, waving her arms as her grandmother was doing just before Victoria Rosalinda appeared in that room, she witnessed the moment when the people of the town where she lived came in furious as she had never seen them before. The little girl watched as her mother was captured and held captive, but that was not the only thing she witnessed that night that changed the lives of the Augustus-Rosalinda family. She watched as her father, who had taken her to that place, was also captivated by those people who kept shouting and demanding something from both of her parents.

-My dear Dian," spoke grandmother Rosa softly, "close your eyes my little one, everything will pass soon.

Although the words of that older woman managed to calm down the little five year old girl in a certain way, Dian did not pay much attention to what her grandmother was asking her, since she remained with her eyes open for a long time, observing everything that was being done to her parents.

Dian witnessed how her father was killed by that crowd of people who had invaded the house that belonged to her grandmother Rosa, those people demanded her father to do something that she could not understand, they demanded him to say who was the family's phenomenon, something that Frederick did not answer since that man did not know and could not understand everything that those people asked him to answer. However, Victoria, who was a few meters away from that man, did understand what they were asking her, she knew perfectly well that they were looking for someone who could cast spells and invoke magic, but the only thing she did not understand was how they had found out about it, the only one in her family who could do that was her mother, Rosalinda, who was now in the force field hidden with her little girl and who had always been very cautious in casting any spell or any power that could betray her to her society.

Before that interrogation of her husband before dying, Victoria remembered what happened a couple of hours earlier, when they were still in the photo session taken by the whole family, her other two little ones were no longer there when Dian Victoria happened, when that little girl lost control of her emotions and expelled them to the outside causing Victoria to lose her balance and fall to the ground, releasing the little girl and leaving her free. At that moment she had understood that her first daughter had inherited what her generation had skipped, the powers that her mother Rosa had. It was also when she understood that her daughter was now in danger and in great danger. When Dian Victoria had run away from there, Victoria Rosalinda asked her husband to follow her and bring her back as soon as possible, but what had happened that afternoon was not only witnessed by her family, but another person was also present who had been the one to give the little girl away to the whole Serendipity society, the photographer.

Remembering all that, Victoria looked to the side, where she knew that her mother and daughter were hidden by the force field, although she could not see them, she knew that they could see her and in her thoughts she spoke to her mother repeating a phrase "Our photographer betrayed us, now they are in danger".

Victoria repeated the phrase while looking at a fixed point in the nothingness, because she knew that her mother had the gift of being able to read the thoughts of those who would look attentively into her eyes and that was just what they were doing at that moment. This gift was known as "Minte deschisă" but it could only happen if both people looked at each other fixedly in the eyes, it served very well in case of interrogation or to extract information. That way Rosa's grandmother knew what her daughter was trying to communicate to her minutes before losing her.

After Dian's father died with a wound in the middle of his throat, the same fate awaited Victoria Rosalinda. The little girl witnessed the unjust death of her parents, something she could not bear and her crying invaded the whole place the very moment her mother had given her last breath of life, the cry of her cry was so powerful that it managed to break the spell of her grandmother completely leaving them both exposed to the world once again.

A little girl suffered for the loss of her parents and there was nothing to stop her at that moment, her cry more powerful than anything else present managed to destroy everything around her, including the house they lived in, only grandmother Rosa and little Dian were left in that place, the other people that were there seconds before had completely disintegrated. Rosalinda experienced for the first time a power so great that it managed to destroy whatever was near.