Chapter 5

Little Dian Victoria was crying inconsolably, sitting in the middle of the ground where minutes before was the house where her grandmother Rosa lived, and in which her mother Victoria had spent most of her life. Her tears were falling unceasingly, the little dress they had on was now wet from all the tears she had shed on it.

-My child... - Rosa asked the little girl to stop crying, however, she had also started to cry, that day she lost one of her greatest treasures, she lost her daughter Victoria Rosalinda and nothing in this world could change the fatal destiny that awaited her, but she could assure that no one in Serendipia would ever remember it, not a single inhabitant would ever know what happened on the sunset of the 250th day of the year 550. The whole Kingdom of Serendipia managed a calendar somewhat different from the calendar that was managed in the old world (the planet earth), the calendar of Serendipia was not made up of months as the old world calendar did, it only consisted of 365 days which was the same time that the planet of Serendipia went around the sun, just like the old world. "Which would be equivalent to the beginning of September in the old world."

Rosalinda, at an age of 75, no longer had the same power when young but she still remembered every spell she learned in her years as an initiate. Although her power had diminished as her body aged, she still had enough strength to be able to cast the occasional spell that did not require much effort.

That evening, where she had lost two members of her family, Rosa wanted to try to cast a spell, more than a desire it was an obligation for her. If she did not do it, in a possibly near future, society would ask her to explain the dozens of people who had come to her home that day and never returned, including the parents of the little girl who had now been orphaned along with her two little brothers. The spell that the old woman had planned to cast consisted of erasing from the memory of Serendipia's society all those who had participated in the murder of her daughter and her husband, so that instead of remembering things as they had really been, now they would remember a tragic car accident that left dozens of dead where Victoria Rosalinda and Frederick Augustus would be found, together with the other perpetrators of their deaths, the spell was called "Înșelăciune veșnică". No one would remember that day including little Dian Victoria.

Grandma Rosa stood up as the little girl cried incessantly, and with a circular motion her hands made she began to invoke the spell, a golden light would come from her fingertips each time she repeated the phrase- Înșelăciune veșnică- forming a ball of light in the air.

He repeated the same for a couple of minutes, he had to make sure that the ball of power changed to a bluish color so that the spell could be effective to 100% of the population of Serendipia, he couldn't run the risk of finishing the spell prematurely and that a part of the population wouldn't suffer the planned changes. Meanwhile Dian Victoria had not heard what her grandmother was about to do, her pain and crying had completely distracted her from her exterior, and when she looked up she saw her grandmother with a ball of bluish light in front of her.

The little girl asked Rosa what she was doing, but she didn't answer since that spell required all her attention to be performed. The little girl tried once again to call her grandmother's attention but she did not get any answers, something about it all caused her fear, Dian Victoria could see something that her grandmother had not realized at that moment, if she had known she would have made sure that nothing of what happened that day would have repercussions in the future of her three grandchildren.

Rosalinda, uttering once again the phrase- Înșelăciune veșnică- completed the process of the spell, it was now completely ready to be cast. Now that ball of light had a dark blue hue, like the one the ocean used to have in the old world. Now would come the most complicated part for someone of Rosa's age, she had to expand all the power she had accumulated in that ball of light to the entire planet of Serendipia, without a doubt it would not be an easy job to do.

Rosa took a deep breath before starting the process, but before doing so she dedicated a few words to little Dian- I will take care of you and your siblings my dear child, of that you have no doubt- followed by the old woman began her work, she extended her arms as much as she could and with a heartbreaking scream she expanded the power she had retained for a few minutes.

A wave of light of the same color of that sphere was seen coming out of Rosa's body, it was almost as if a force field was formed around her and her granddaughter which was expanding, every few seconds a wave of power came out of the woman, carrying out the spell that covered the entire planet, covering with its magic every human being it found alive. It required a power great enough to perform a spell of that magnitude, but Grandmother Rosa was succeeding.

While she kept pronouncing the same phrase from the beginning, all the power that Rosalinda's body had was expelled in waves that went all over the planet of Serendipia. Dian Victoria looked at all the flashes of light with admiration, for the little girl they were nothing more than a visual spectacle everything that was happening, that had managed to calm her from her crying and she no longer felt pain, she no longer remembered why she was suffering minutes before.

After several waves of light expelled from her body, Rosa fell to the ground, she had lost all her remaining energy, she could no longer even keep her eyes open, all her vital energy was gone. Now Dian was the only conscious being for kilometers.