Passion - Volume 2 (nsfw)

Natsuo slowly turned around, his heart beating painfully as he saw his fiancé standing nearby with a gentle smile on his face.

His hands were tucked inside his long dark coat, but he reached out and pulled Natsuo into a tight hug. Tears welled in his eyes as he let out a stifled sob and squeezed Jiro back, clinging to him desperately. He finally felt at ease as he was enveloped in Jiro's warm embrace and smelled his familiar scent.

"Let's talk for a bit," Jiro said as he picked up the certificate and bowed to the secretary before leading Natsuo out of the clinic.

The weak sun rays peeked under the clouds in the winter sky, casting a cold light over the two of them as they walked together. All the noise of the city had been replaced by the peaceful sound of birds chirping and the rustle of the wind blowing through the trees.

"I need to leave the country," Jiro said, looking troubled as he held his spouse's hand. Natsuo stared at him speechlessly, not believing what he had heard.

"These doctors examined me and found a nerve injury in my spine. They believe it can be operated."

Jiro's voice was soft as he stopped moving, turning to face Natsuo.

"And there is this orthopedic specialist in Seoul who could probably fix it. They recommended rehab after surgery."

His gaze was deep and pleading, searching Natsuo's eyes for understanding and assurance.

"So I was wondering... would you mind coming with me?"

"I would follow you anywhere," Natsuo replied and cupped his face with both hands, letting out the sweetest smile as he said those words.

Jiro lowered his head and apologized, his eyes heavy with regret. He took Natsuo's wrist and kissed it tenderly as if making up for the harm he had caused.

"It's alright. Let's go forward together," Natsuo smiled through tears. He knew that this moment was a chance for them to start fresh and begin another chapter in their lives. They held each other for a few more moments before finally separating, ready for whatever the world had in store.

(Later that night)

The couple spent the evening reconnecting and catching up. They checked into a luxurious hotel room with sweeping views of the city skyline and settled in for a romantic night. Jiro prepared a hot bath for the two of them and the pair enjoyed the night soaking in the warm water. The bathroom's panoramic window provided a breathtaking backdrop of the night sky and twinkling stars.

Their long and deep conversation led to them both crying, expressing fears and concerns they had kept to themselves. As the hours turned darker, their bond grew stronger and they gained a better understanding of one another. Their relationship now meant more to them than anything and they were determined to face whatever hardships came their way in the future.

Both felt a familiar longing between them, the same spark that lit up their romance in the past. They looked into each other's eyes, knowing that the only way to satisfy their lust was to reunite and ignite their love again.

Their hands explored each other's naked bodies with fresh appreciation. Their passion grew as they crawled into the king-sized bed and Jiro's wet fingers slid inside Natsuo, caressing him in all the right places as they kissed.

Natsuo's muscles quivered under his touch. He let out a low moan as the other's tattooed hand massaged his stiffening groin in a slow upward motion.

"Don't... or I'm going to..."

"It's okay... we've got the whole night," Jiro encouraged as his fingers delved further into Natsuo's core. His mouth found its way to his neck and traced kisses from his collarbone to his ear.

"But I want you inside..." Natsuo said shyly, his face blushing pink.

Jiro shifted his gaze to admire his lover's rosy skin and he kissed him one more time before lying down on the smooth sheets.

"Climb up on my lap," he said as he spread his legs, smearing lubricant on his private parts. Natsuo placed himself on Jiro's crotch, feeling the heat of his arousal beneath him.

"Are you ready?"

Natsuo nodded as Jiro reached for his waist and guided him in, taking in his warmth and tightness. He gasped as the tip passed through his opening, slipping in slowly and carefully. The sensation was shockingly painful and he winced as he held his breath.

"Has it always been... so huge...?" Natsuo sighed, forcing himself to take deep breaths and relax his muscles as Jiro continued to enter his body.

"It's always been this size inside you," Jiro said with a smirk and took his time, allowing his partner to enjoy the full experience of their union.

Natsuo waited a moment to get used to the sensation of being filled. A sense of security washed over him and his breathing eased as the pain subsided.

Just as Jiro reached the deepest point, he looked into his lover's eyes and asked him to kiss him.

Natsuo obliged, leaning in to press their lips together and savoring the feel of their bodies becoming one. Jiro moved his hips, thrusting himself into his fiancé with a gentle force and making Natsuo moan into his mouth.

Their tongues entwined and swirled around each other as they swayed in complete harmony. Natsuo's hands roamed Jiro's body, exploring every inch of his chest as he kept their kisses going. His fingers dug into Jiro's skin as the pleasure coursed through his entire being, and he uttered a soft wail as Jiro moved his waist faster.

Natsuo tilted his head to the side and invited Jiro to kiss his neck, bringing himself even closer to his companion. Jiro complied and planted small kisses along Natsuo's skin, eliciting small whimpers of satisfaction from him.

Jiro's lips were locked on Natsuo's weak spots, sucking them in a way that sent shivers down his stomach. His length throbbed and grew harder inside his mate's warm walls, causing Natsuo to gasp and arch his back as he hungrily pushed into his inviting depths.

Natsuo grabbed a handful of his partner's damp hair, pressing their foreheads together as his hips pounded against Jiro's. He approached the edge, breathing harder as he held on to him.

With one final thrust, Natsuo's body was wracked with pleasure and he let out a low cry as he fell into a state of complete ecstasy. His muscles tensed as he trembled uncontrollably, and his loved one followed soon after as they melted into each other, releasing all the energy they had built up at the moment.

Natsuo quickly collected himself and asked in a quiet voice if Jiro was in pain.

He shook his head and pulled Natsuo closer to him, speaking softly that he was alright now that they were together. They whispered words of love and embraced each other tight, not wanting to let go.

"I love being inside you. I feel like I'm home..." Jiro grinned in Natsuo's ear, licking his lobe.

Natsuo smiled, pressing his lips against Jiro’s in a loving kiss and their tongues tangled in a slow, languid rhythm.

They stayed entwined, basking in their romance's afterglow and relishing their love.

Natsuo's lust suddenly swept over him as he inhaled Jiro's aroma, feeling his heat and their wetness mingle as they were completely connected. He pressed his head against Jiro's chest, inhaling his scent while hearing the reassuring beat of his heart.

The tip of his tongue lightly brushed around Jiro's nipple as his hand cupped the other, his thumb gently circling the hardened peak.

Jiro groaned in delight as Natsuo touched him. He tucked away his brown hair so he could press his moist lips on his forehead, his voice a throaty whisper as he spoke.

"Now I'm greedy... I want more of you..."

Natsuo hummed in response, his tongue still twirling around Jiro's nipple. He gasped in enjoyment, his fingers digging into Natsuo's scalp as his mouth shifted to the other side, nibbling on his skin.

A fire burned inside Natsuo, making his nerves tingle with every touch. He imagined Jiro's essence filling him, his body nourished by his partner's intimate fluids, causing him to grow wilder than ever before.

Natsuo heaved in surprise as his partner began to move inside him, pushing ever deeper into him. His muscles contracted, drawing Jiro in further into his sensitive hole and causing his inner walls to tighten around him as his arousal continued to rise again.

Jiro pushed him onto his back and lifted one of his legs, letting it rest on his shoulder as he leaned in closer. A mutter of delight slipped from Natsuo's lips as Jiro stroked his shaft and rocked his hips against his lover's.

Natsuo could feel every inch of Jiro's manhood within him and their panting filled the air as they reached new heights of desire. He gripped the sheets tightly, bending his back and pushing against Jiro as his pleasure intensified.

His eyes were shut tight, his body shaking as he saw the stars. Jiro groaned, his hands gripping Natsuo's waist as he paced faster.

Natsuo's face wrinkled as he absorbed his counterpart's every movement. Jiro's complexion was flushed and his eyes smoldered with lust as he moved against his future husband.

The dim hotel room was alive with the sounds of their bodies and breaths, their passionate moans and groans echoing off the walls as they made love.

Jiro grabbed his mate closer as he let go and released another wave into him. Natsuo gasped, his limbs trembling as he clung to Jiro, feeling as if the entire world was spinning around him as he reached his second climax as well.

They both lay still, panting, until Jiro finally pulled away and kissed Natsuo softly on his cheekbone, flirtatiously whispering in his ear.

"Imagine the fun we would have on the island..."

(The next morning)

Natsuo stood in the jewelry store, eyeing the selection of exquisite engagement rings. He examined each piece of jewelry, looking for the one that he thought his fiancé would love the most.

He had left a note to Jiro early that morning that he would run to the store, but he didn't specify what kind. His goal was to surprise him as he had done with the partnership certificate and he wanted to make it as memorable as possible.

The dark-suited shop owner approached him and offered assistance, asking him what kind of piece he was looking for. Natsuo explained that he was looking for an engagement ring, preferably silver since that was his spouse's favorite color.

He wanted a ring that reflected Jiro's style and personality, so he searched for a timeless and classic design. After looking at countless wedding bands, Natsuo finally found the perfect platinum ring with a simple style that suited his beloved.

As soon as Natsuo made his payment, the shop owner presented it to him in a box made of velvet, congratulating him and his future wife.

"Thanks... but he's not a wife, he's a husband," he said proudly before leaving the store, a smile on his face as the bell rang behind him...