News - Volume 2

The hotel room was much darker when Natsuo returned, as the curtains had been drawn and the morning sun had been blocked out.

He was trying to make sense of the strange conversation he had with the receptionist. Natsuo couldn't help but feel like she was trying to hold him back, grilling him on customer satisfaction and giving him the impression that he wouldn't be allowed to leave until he gave a satisfactory answer.

It took him a few seconds to be able to see his surroundings, but he spotted the trails of roses on the carpet, leading to the bed. The petals had been carefully arranged in a pattern, and the faint scent of flowers wafted through the air.

"You shouldn't have been allowed to come yet," Jiro said with a smile as he stepped out of the bathroom, closing the door. He wore the same jeans as yesterday, exposing only his upper body.

"Did you have anything to do with that?" Natsuo asked in amusement, thinking about the incident downstairs.

"Maybe," Jiro answered as he started to light up candles scattered around the room, illuminating the space with a romantic glow.

This was the first time Natsuo had ever seen his fiancé act in this way. He immediately felt the ring box in his pocket, noticing its weight as if it was a reminder.

"What did you get from the store?" Jiro asked as he lit up the last candle.

Natsuo's hand reached nervously towards the small container, his fingers entwining around the velvet surface.

"And thank goodness you left on your own, otherwise it would have been awkward for me to force you to do so," Jiro chuckled as he placed the lighter on the table and presented the heart-shaped package of chocolate cherries.


His voice was soft as he called his name, his heart beating faster as he realized what he was about to do. Jiro turned to see him as Natsuo lowered himself to one knee, the hair strands in front of his downcast eyes.

"I knew you were different from the moment we met... no one else made me feel as scared as you did."

His words trembled so he needed to clear his throat before continuing.

"Despite everything I did to you... you always saved my life. My happiest moments are with you and my saddest moments are without you," Natsuo stated, recalling their life as a couple.

They had shared so many memories with each other, both good and bad, and had grown to become an inseparable unit. But, no matter what, they had always been there for one another, and had always managed to survive everything that life had thrown at them.

For some reason, he became too shy to look at the love of his life as he approached him. He could feel his cheeks burn as he looked away, unable to meet Jiro's gaze. His heart was thundering as he prepared himself to make his proposal, pulling the box from his pocket with trembling hands.

Jiro also bowed to one knee and placed his palm gently on top of Natsuo's, stopping him from opening the box. His voice was low and gentle, a striking contrast to the rumbling of Natsuo's chest.

"Let me say something as well."

Natsuo finally glanced at him, surprised to see his eyes glistening.

"I never imagined I would be so happy with someone. Thank you for giving me a reason to live and for giving me a chance to be loved."

Jiro smiled sweetly, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

"I'm sure we'll be friends from the very beginning in the next life we get. I will make sure of that."

Natsuo fought back tears, deciding he wouldn't cry until he heard Jiro's thoughtful words.


Jiro reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small, navy blue box.

"Will you... marry me...?" Natsuo asked in a weak voice, finishing the sentence his fiancé was about to ask.

Jiro smiled widely and tears started to stream down his cheeks as he hugged Natsuo tightly, smothering him with kisses. They stayed like that for a while, until Jiro finally pulled away and looked at Natsuo with love in his eyes.

"Yes, I will marry you," he answered softly.

Jiro opened the leather case, revealing a ring that had a brushed black exterior and a lustrous aqua-teal interior that shone in the candlelight.

"I figured this would be just right for you," he laughed as he took his partner's left hand, sliding the ring onto his finger. Natsuo looked at it with affection and admiration, unable to believe that a person could love him so deeply and unconditionally.

He revealed the platinum ring, his stomach fluttering as his spouse kept watching it without saying anything.

"I also thought... that you would like this."

Jiro looked at the piece of jewelry with awe and appreciation, giving Natsuo a smile before extending his hand.

"I love it. I can't wait to wear it for the rest of my life," he said. Natsuo carefully placed the ring on Jiro's finger, feeling his heart overflow with happiness.

Jiro's hands engulfed him in an embrace as his lips left kisses all over his face. Natsuo's emotions melted and tears of joy started to flow down his face. Jiro wiped away the drops with his thumbs and kissed Natsuo's forehead. They stayed like that for a few moments, forgetting the world around them.

(Later that day)

The engaged couple was resting on the white sheets of their hotel bed, their hands intertwined as they stared into each other's eyes.

"How lucky I am to get to spend the rest of my life with you," Jiro said before leaning in and pressing his lips against Natsuo's. They celebrated their engagement in the most intimate ways, sharing unforgettable moments of pleasure.

"So what do you want to do next?" Jiro asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I want..."

Natsuo paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing.

"I would like to see Miso and... meet my mother so we can tell the news."

Natsuo was full of gratitude as he thought of his missing biological mother and new stepfather, who had welcomed him into their family with open arms. He had grown used to the idea that he didn't have a family after his adoptive parents had given up on him years ago. Natsuo had never imagined that he could experience the warmth of having a mother who would hold him as he cried or having a father figure who would protect him - even using a gun to threaten his snooping boyfriend.

"Mr. Ishikawa... that's one scary guy," Jiro sighed but agreed if that was what his future husband had in mind.

"I know," Natsuo said as he absentmindedly stroked his stubble.

"But I want to see them and let them know. I want to tell them I'm engaged to you and that we'll be married."

Jiro lifted Natsuo on top of him, licking his love-bitten neck and pushing his hand into Natsuo's hair.

"We should get a shower first, but we're not sweaty enough anymore," he said as his tongue grew more eager, trailing smears down Natsuo's throat and shoulders. His legs wrapped around his body and he captured his counterpart's lips in a passionate kiss as Natsuo let out a quiet breath.

Every nerve in his system was overly sensitive after spending the day in bed with his lover, and in his heightened state of arousal, even the slightest touch sent ripples of pleasure coursing through his veins.

"Do you want to do it like we did the first time?" Jiro asked with a sly smile, his fingers tracing shapes on Natsuo's back.

"If you would let me move," Natsuo murmured under his strong embrace. Jiro smirked and released him, rolling over to spoon him. His face nuzzled the nape of his neck as he whispered sweet nothings in his ear and spread out his mate's legs.

(Later that evening)

Jiro's hands were slightly shaking as he parked the black sedan in front of Ishikawa's house. He had not been behind the wheel since his accident a few months ago because the thought of driving overwhelmed him with anxiety.

"See, you did great. I knew you could do it," Natsuo said proudly, patting his thigh.

Jiro smiled and leaned to kiss him, thanking him for his support and encouragement. Natsuo looked at him, his eyes silently asking if he was ready to go in. Jiro nodded and took a deep breath before stepping out of the car.

Saika Ishikawa was in the kitchen chopping vegetables and thinking about her work when there was a knock on the door. She was surprised to see the pair waiting on her doorstep, their hands locked and their faces betraying the nervousness they were both feeling.

"Well, you two worked it out," she smiled as she let them in, the warm home filled with the smell of cooking. Jiro bowed respectfully to Saika and walked inside, his fiancé following closely behind him.

Natsuo swallowed hard as he mustered the courage to tell her the news.

"Mom," he said quietly, his voice shaking with emotion. He had not been able to bring himself to call her mother until that moment.

Saika smiled kindly at him, her gentle expression full of compassion.

Natsuo cleared his voice before continuing, a hint of a blush on his cheeks.

"We thought about getting married in the future."

His mother's face didn't flinch, but her smile grew a bit wider as she looked at the couple standing in front of her.

"Congratulations to you both," she said in a tender tone of voice. She glanced at Jiro with a serious expression, her face conveying her expectations.

"If he ever comes crying to my door again over something you did..."

Jiro bowed again, humbly and sincerely.

"I will do my best to make sure that never happens," he said earnestly.

"Good. I expect nothing less from you."

Miso had been watching the scene unfold from the shadows and she finally decided to make her presence known. She slowly padded up to the trio, weaving her way between their legs. Natsuo reached down and picked her up, cradling her in his arms and scratching her behind the ears.

"Is that the same cat?" Jiro asked as he reached to pet her head, his eyes twinkling with amazement.

"Isao is still at work, but he should be here soon. Why don't you two stay for dinner?" Saika asked.

The pair exchanged a quick glance and Jiro smiled, nodding.

"Sure, that would be great. Thank you."

They took off their shoes and jackets, leaving them by the door before following Saika into the kitchen. Jiro offered to help her with the dinner preparations and his mother-in-law gladly accepted. He began to peel potatoes while Natsuo watched the two with a fond smile, feeling contented to be surrounded by the people he cared about most...