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Book1.Ch 6

Continuation of the novel::

They grabbed him by the hair, arms, and legs . Without any consideration and giving him a rain of blows and kicks they threw him to the back of the truck. They left at full speed. One of the men took a picture of him and another filmed it.


Crystal Steller awoke...As a medical space engineer knew she had been in agony...It was a long and agonizing process... She was blurry-eyed and disoriented...She knew she had come back to life. She wanted to take a bath...During her sleep she knew she was stripped.... She felt that she was given artificial respiration with an extraordinary pressure. Now her breathing was better and her fever had subsided.... She understood that she was sedated to increase the improvement of her convalescence, she had been placed floating face down and above all....

She understood that she was not alone...


The autonomous BMW X7 drove down the avenue.

CEO Steller pondered... It was the first time OUS CORP had played defense.... If there was ever a time when the inhuman, cruel and ruthless evil of the DemocRAT group leaders was needed, then this was it...The cyborg surrogate clones had no such criminality.


--I need to find the original dna of cortezocacio, tonclin, maba and Sanders again...The situation is urgent...I need people who don't beat around the bush, people who can deliver without delivering, deceive and be convincing," --he said to himself.

He arrived at the lonely shopping mall. A meeting with one of the many secret government CEOs... An exploratory meeting. To seek a cease-fire. Even if it was temporary. He saw the holographic chart of OUS CORP's stock value in the last few hours and whispered

--Damn them.

He was in the free area of the lonely Mall.Gone were the days of meetings in vast executive lounges and monumental offices. Gone were also the times of videoconferencing, or communications by tiktokTinder, by Twitterfacebook, by WhatsApptelegram,MeweGab, Signalparler ,deep and black internet.

Now it was like this. In one of the internal squares of a shopping mall, or in one of the stops to visualize the city, or sitting at one of the tables of an empty Starbucks.

There he was waiting for him. He was one of the new generations recruited by the secret government; undoubtedly, one of the architects of the move. Now it was his turn to negotiate on the defensive.

The young woman looked at him, there was no sarcasm in her eyes, with a cold sincerity she said.

-- My regards, Dr. Steller. We want to express our respect for what happened to your daughter. We are truly sorry.

The man said nothing. He simply nodded. One more sign of how far the power of infiltration had reached. The space station was owned by OUS and this show of solidarity was an indication that they had been watching everything. They knew about your daughter's illness.

- We want to indicate to you that this disagreement of interests that we have today no longer matters. Nor who initiated it. We have the firmest disposition to leave things exactly as they were before all this started. We want a truce, so that we can all think and retake the actions that we must take.

There must be an understanding. We cannot continue in these conflicting positions.

We do not consider that we have had any victory; it has only been a measure to be able to achieve this dialogue and we are willing to start again.

--What guarantees do I have? You made the Cipango move to tell me to start from zero?

--There are always guarantees and gestures that develop between the parties. On our side, at this moment, we want to see what actions you are doing internally. There is always a way to know you,-- said the young woman, looking at him with a cold expression.

The man considered that he should keep silent. She was not speaking for herself, she was speaking on behalf of the committee that had governed the world's economy for five centuries. Ous Corp in the last 40 years pretended to have achieved a commercial space ,played to win and at this moment the game was a draw .She could say that she had lost the queen on the chess board; but the other side's request to decree a draw was worthy of analysis .

--I have to have an internal meeting.

--That is in the world of formalities and we are also prisoners of it. I also have to have a management and board meeting, to bring it to the decision table of course.

--May I know what they are asking for now?

Starting from 0 always gives you an advantage... We are now partners ....
