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Chap 7

Because we have it all and you know it, the fact that we want to start over and we are offering to give it all back must be analyzed. You can not end the world population to decree a draw .You too would lose. The Cyborg are not the majority and the world still reproduces 75% in the traditional way .-- said T'zu Hsi

He knew she was lying; his industrial spies had told him that they already had in old Chaco, new Lapland, several franchises and manufacturing maquilas.several franchises and maquilas manufacturing clones specially prepared to consume and work.

Always the lies and deceptions of every negotiation. He looked at her and thought that maybe she did not know that he knew that move. It was part of the deals .

The young woman kept quiet and they were both silent for a moment .

--When can we talk again?

--You just need to call me, it's very easy. My phone number is in the directory,"-- the young woman said without mockery, --"It hasn't been there for years.

His phone rang and the young woman said without moving.

-- That's my number, please, just one thing. I take Sundays off and dedicate them to take care of my husband and children; as far as you can see I am still traditional in many ways. I took our token of good faith. This meeting should have taken place several days ago and I am sure that if it had, you could be talking to your daughter today,"-- said the girl, handing him a small box.

He took it silently, and a few minutes later he was in his van taking it to his office where he usually lived. He opened the box and saw that it was the virus antidote manufactured by his own laboratories at the secret virology institute in old Wuhan.

It was the sample that indicated how deeply they had infiltrated the company.

What the originals of tercar and Maba are missing," --he repeated, looking down the lonely street.

Steller did not give the antidote to his daughter, it could have been a leak of information, at the time he preferred to put her far away in space to protect her. He never imagined that she would volunteer to get infected and test on herself the vaccines that had been purposely damaged by one of the cybers who worked in the laboratory. Curing her would have been a huge security breach, and worse; it was a pointless death.

Worse yet, the secret government knew about it, they stole the antidote, they were simply waiting for them to wear themselves out, and then they did the same thing.

They took advantage of the fake virus and the ensuing panic and forced them to create a real one....


...Raquel She entered the apartment trembling with fear. Hyperventilating she could not find serenity. Her relationship with Rolando was a mistake and her encounter with him that morning had been a catastrophe.

The worst was when she entered ... The vision of her foyer table, where Sebastian at the top of the mountain of paper greeted her and Sunflower was avidly eating one of them, finished her off.

Crying heartbreakingly, she collapsed on the floor and on the verge of hysteria, she could only say to Sebastian and Girasol.

-- They know about us... They found us... My God, what can we do?