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11 and 12

Crystal woke up. She was lucid. The cold of the air conditioning made her shiver and she discovered that she was completely naked .She quickly got up from the anti-gravitational bed .Above her was the clothing compartment .There she pulled out a gym suit, shorts and a military flannel. She quickly got dressed and even though it caused laughter at the time she took the Beretta 45 .it was crazy to shoot it .Everyone knew it was more dangerous to act ,but for psychological protection she kept it in the inside of her shorts .Barefoot she walked around the space station .

She knew, she had been given medical treatment, she knew she was not alone and trying to quiet her heartbeat, she searched for the thing that had helped her heal, because she was cured, she had no fever, her breathing was quite acceptable and her mind absolutely alert.

She found him quietly in the control room ,He was a human .He was dressed in a biological protection suit tight to his body .She knew that many asteroids had that kind of covering .But she had never seen it on a human .When she was a teenager she dreamed of finding a guy who was the mix of Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise .Now she was in front of that being and she could say with propriety that she was spellbound and the distant Tom Cruise and Bratt Pitt were discarded to the spam of her mind.

Her fear disappeared. It was impressive the beauty of that man, and she understood that he was not human...Very easy...As soon as she saw his hands she understood.... He had only four fingers. The evolution of him had been many centuries ahead of humans.

--Who are you? What are you doing here? Can you understand me? --the young woman asked hurriedly.

She received his answer almost in waves in her brain.

-- I am a friend and I understand absolutely everything you say, the idioms and your knowledge, I won't hurt you, if I had wanted to, I wouldn't have saved you.

--Did you give me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?

--Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

-- You didn't contaminate me with any pathogens or radiation,--asked the frightened and delighted young woman.

--I don't think so; actually if that worries you, then I should tell you that I should be worried. you were infected with a highly modified virus. in my civilization we had them; we created them to fight back. they were much bigger.

-What did you cure me with?

-You had the medicine here.

-How is that possible? -Everything we did here was discarded. Here we had no one to experiment on. We sent the samples to our laboratories.

Without answering the being showed her the bottle with the purple gel. The young woman immediately said

--I have to communicate with the earth, I have to tell them that we have the cure, I have to tell my father that I am alive. There are many things I have to do


The being made a negative gesture to her

-- I myself made variations to the remnant, and I was sure. Why did they reject it? I must talk to my father. By the way. What do you want from us?

Institutional message::


Continuation of the novel::

....Dr. Steller continued at the board meeting and listened to some reports which involved taking action .

The head of the quality control department reported.

-- The first Secretary of Administration of the North Potomac has taken some limiting measures to avoid the effect of the corrosive acid gases that are generating a lot of skin cancer and synthetic leprosy in the inhabitants of old New York. To slow him down a bit, we are going to make some adjustments to some videos; we are going to show that he has an extra-marital relationship with his daughter.

Everyone nodded, that was public and notorious. The man coughed slightly and continued.

-- Our video has the form where you can see that she is outraged and she is not participating.

The doctor affirmed giving permission for the broadcasting of the video. The man with a gesture of understanding continued.

---The administrative secretary of new Kuala has ignored several of our warnings and is publicly selling cures for diabetes and remedies that eliminate brain tumors. This interferes with our biopharmaceutical laboratories, because it would make our drug prices much cheaper and cause us much more serious damage. We know perfectly well that he belongs to the designs of the secret government. We will not be able to stop it completely. But I think it is necessary to establish a terrorist act of ethnic cleansing against mulattos and zambos; we can do that by leaking an audio that has verifiable DNA modification, where it is clearly heard that he orders his security forces to do this terrorist act. we think that with about 130,000 deaths it could be acceptable.

The doctor looked at everyone and asked wordlessly. All raised their hands in approval of the proceedings.

-It's obvious that we won't be able to stop them. But we can slow them down a little bit. The secret government really has us totally where they want us.

They know they have the upper hand. I am absolutely sure and reaffirmed to you that I saw their Ceo. She was acting in the manner with her body language of someone who is not accountable. She makes her own decisions, self-evaluates, plans and carries out. He committed an imprudence in talking to me; I don't know if he did it on purpose.

Everyone looked at them in silence, and the man, following a plot he had worked out for himself many years ago, continued.

-- Actually I had reached an entente with her; he extended his hand. I hope she understands, and the entire secret government board that these two operations were already underway and that we cannot stop them. She is very intelligent, I am quite sure she will follow through on her offer, but I had a personal request that I must postpone for a few days. --Dr. Steller said, everyone present silently made some notes and the man continued.

-- When I present my motion, it will be analyzed with the utmost seriousness. For the time being, we can only wait.

--I believe that this young woman is the CEO of the secret government, she is a very ancient being, whose DNA was rescued and processed into a placebo clone, she has been educated for that purpose, she has the name, she does not hide it. She has the attitude and arrogance and great intelligence.

Watch out folks! We have already seen what she is capable of. I hope in the name of all of us, that once these two operations are over, she will not crush us, we must save the corporation and be willing to accept whatever sacrifice it takes. -- he finished saying

the man, giving the public version of a secret story that very few people knew about and in which he was the protagonist.

---Would you be willing to go to the IMF-neoworld bank," asked one of the cyborgs.

--If I have to crawl before the decision I will make, I will do it.