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Crystal at times felt the overflow of her pheromones. As a medical space engineer she knew all the biochemical processes in her body, and this awakening of her femininity was produced by the fascinating and diabolical beauty of a cobra, by the contained strength of a crocodile... All that condensed that showed that precious being, let her understand that she was in front of a reptilian. A young reptilian, with one detail. He was not a 100% pure reptilian, there was another race in him. The texture of his skin indicated it, his almost normal color also told her so, his regal features showed it, the only difference was the vertical retina of his gray eyes.

A Reptilian would not have saved her .He would have analyzed the process of her death to make a scientific evaluation ,and would have discarded her .A pure Reptilian would have appropriated the ship for his unconfessable purposes ,this one respected the norm ,she was still the commander of the ship ,he had not outraged her. This one respected the norm .Apparently he had a plan and he wanted to share it with her ....


Continuation of the novel::

Physical money had ceased to be used many, many years ago, but in many areas it was still commonly used and accepted. The vast majority of people paid their consumptions with the holographic cards delivered by the government in social assistance and the humanitarian aids delivered by Ous Corporation, which were nothing more than food that clogged arteries in a few weeks and others that disintegrated the intestines .... .

Raquel knew perfectly well what that mountain of physical money on top of her table and crowned by Sebastian, lying on its peak, meant... it was an announcement... "we know about you ,we know where you are ,we know how to find you .

Shut your mouth, don't say anything and you'll be fine".

SHe automatically checked his pocket and pulled out the paper Rolando had given him.

It was a series of numbers and letters. For a moment it looked like a sacred code. For a moment it looked like a mantra, her initial impulse was to discard it, but .... Rolando's hysterical attitude made her slow down .It was unbridled sincerity ; Rolando inside somehow was a very well formed man. What he was presenting was simply a crisis of nerves and anxiety.

Something in her subconscious alerted her, it was the reality, it was what everyone knew, that they were victims of something, but it was not known what, and the memory of the two visions she had in heaven made her understand that something would come into her life.

something would come into her life, good or bad, it would come. It would inevitably come.

Institutional message

Continuation of the novel:

Institutional message

Continuation of the novel:


The Ceo of the secret government sat behind her huge black cedar desk in her functional personal office.

She saw her figure in the mirror 4Dand contemplated herself for an instant ;slender

beautiful, a husband custom-made in a special 3D printer, two children naturally procreated.

Intelligence, diabetes and insanity are inherited from the mother. She wanted her children to naturally inherit her intelligence. Everything else removed from their dna .

She was the one who made her Clone husband, she was very precise following the instructions; you could say it was her research work for graduation. Beautiful, intelligent, very sexually depraved; he had to be the size in bed. She was a polyorgasmic and would not be satiated with 25 minutes of sex and in that particular she was more than satisfied.

She calmly ordered her assistant to come in.

Ankara, a beautiful young oriental girl, a mixture of Thai and Burmese. The two had been lovers for quite some time; she was a faithful practitioner of polyamory, one body was not enough for her; she always wanted to experiment.

The other came in and sat quietly and understood that for the moment they would only be settling business.

The CEO, like her rival Steller, lived practically in her office, which was an austere 1930's design building, very discreetly built on the outskirts of a luxurious suburb.

It was a fake office; his real office was in the headquarters of the secret government; huge, infunctional and overcrowded. Here in this small building she felt more comfortable,

The young woman sipped some coffee with camel's milk and ordered the other to explain.

--The result of my interview with what I believe to be the head of the corporation is lacking one or two additions, I know he will try to show strength, and he will not stop.

Therefore, I want his own lackeys at alyaziraCNN to call attention to the fact that they are sold out to the highest bidder and also cross-reference real information; of course they charge a fortune.

Well...To the point... I want the public to more or less understand that Steller himself is responsible for his daughter's death; we will give the idea that they have the antiviral antidotes, he preferred to secretly sell it to his billionaire clients, and artificially maintain the pandemic . Throw it as a suggestion. He will understand; let the idea of his daughter being serious and he did nothing to cure her remain subliminally in the collective.

The other silently extended the holographic image of the hospital in South America.

--The health minister we recommend stole 100% of the hospitals' budget and has already committed in a personal credit, the entire health budget for next year. He sold out to the Ous corporation.

-- A very expensive boyfriend," --the CEO understood.

--And underage," added the assistant.

-- Do we still have the video of her visit to the zoo?


--You know. Edit it...The usual...to show him slaughtering endangered animals... With these "details" we will be even with OUS CORP and we can continue negotiating. When it comes to light what they throw at us. Simultaneously you release our response...