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KHRATCMON analyzed the dossier sent to him by his drone...All the news...All...The true and false ones. All the communications of deep internet....Everything was tapped and sent to his dossier crystal...

Next to him was standing Crystal ,who while watching his action , was wondering How many screws are already missing in her head, to be serene and calmly standing next to the attraction of the stars and keep Calm. The man discriminated the news and on the left side of the hologram he placed the false ones of a green color. In the center the news that could be verified, and the true ones occupied a modest and small sector of the right side of the ample room of commands of the space station.

--What is the fake news that people believe the most, asked the young woman?

--Well, the one about her death," --said the man, who could see how all the news agencies were giving the extra confirmation of the young woman's death when no sign of life was received from the spacecraft.

--It is not possible, not only am I being monitored by Doppler, but the whole ship is emitting vibration and breathing signals. Oh, I see! . You blocked it," --the young woman accused.

--It was necessary, there are many things you will learn in time. For now we must make a landing.

--I'm not allowed to do that.

-- It is not necessary. You are dead to them and many things have to be settled down below.

She kept silent. She knew her father was a top executive of the Ous Corp. corporation. She had the idea ,but she didn't know how high his power was .And somehow she supposed that the arrival of this being from the stars had a lot to do with her father's dangerous acts and that of his rivals that no one knew or even knew where they are .

Chapter 3.

--Let's avoid the return capsule. They will immediately realize that we are descending. You know that better than I. It's easier to ask for help. --Expressed Crystal to KHRATCMON .

He looked at her and told her everything.

--That is contemplated. It is necessary that we descend because there are many things we have to do. I have a meeting scheduled with some people you should meet. You will note that it is by chance that I have come to you. It was not what was planned. I should have just worked on the mission I have.

--Your ship had a malfunction," --the young woman asked.

--It was not a failure. As a scientist you must know about explosions and collisions between Galaxies. For a while we thought they could be programmed. Then the uncertainty principle showed us their reality and intervened. I don't really belong to the civilization that educated me. It was an unforeseen event. I was at one end of the galaxy with a crew.

We were assessing the conditions for colonizing a planet suitable for a very advanced arthropod civilization. We knew that there was a danger of collision, because 2 mega galaxies were on a collision course.

It was necessary to transfer an incipient development to a planet to launch it into space and be absorbed by another galaxy Unfortunately the collision occurred 2 nanoseconds earlier than expected

--And why is it so necessary for me to accompany you? I have a life. I am in a heterosexual relationship, I have a father, whoever he is, he must know that I am alive.

The being looked at her and said

-- I don't intend to interfere in the development of your existence. But I really need an ally.

--I don't think I can be of much help to you. I can see that you are very self-sufficient. One who has survived a galaxy collision should have no trouble living on our planet; which I suppose is more backward.

-- No, it is not; actually you have had a very good technology, which has been destroyed for personal and commercial ambitions; you yourself are the example. you had the cure for the virus and you were sabotaged. It is evident that the same people who put you here sabotaged your work. The technology that was developed on this planet in high regions you call the Andes was destroyed by yourselves .The high technology that was developed in Old Rome was destroyed by yourselves .In the same Old Middle Ages there were technological advances and they were destroyed by yourselves .The Alternative Industrial Revolution found many technological developments that were destroyed by yourselves ;and now in what you call the post-industrial technological age there are many things that you are about to destroy and as always the whole of humanity is at risk .

Now I ask you .That is less important than your heterosexual relationship and telling your father you are alive ?