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...Dexter also enjoyed driving his car .if his wife liked classic BMW's he could not be less than her ; therefore he had a 1987 Rolls-Royce .

Somehow he knew he was in a happy world. He was a young, strong, athletic man with a beautiful, unassuming wife who was neither bipolar nor demanding, all the while in La Serena, calm, passionate, beautiful and quiet. What more could he ask for?

He, on the other hand, was an executive with an important position on the board of directors of a law firm where nothing was done, where absolutely nothing was done, except to be excellently dressed, arrive with immense courtesy, sit in a magnificent office, put your fingers together and wait for the hours to pass. Then go to the club, play golf or basketball, talk to friends, have a whiskey, see how the kids are doing in school, and go home quietly.

It wasn't every day that his wife had to get home early. She was a very high executive and they occupied their work all the time, with a great quality; the work did not take the house, the work did not have to interfere between them, and therefore tired or not, always satisfied her, always felt the vibration of a warm and beautiful body, precious, that never tired of loving, that was her greatest happiness, she told him that she loved him, sincerely was an extraordinary mother, she was an ideal companion.

Yesterday she behaved strangely again.... It had happened five or six times before, she said she was tired, that was it. He would leave her still, and see her standing in a long silence, looking out the huge window at the meadow that stretched behind the left side of his immense mansion. Then she would be her again.

Yesterday she did it and remained meditative. She did not want dinner.Distractedly she told him that She had eaten with her father before ; , for a moment he thought that perhaps later at bedtime They would love each other .It was not so ;she went to bed and slept immediately . There were also several things that sometimes disturbed his cycle.

He didn't remember much of his childhood

He remembered something like a school, he remembered something like high school friends. Sometimes he missed that. He had no friends. The friends at the golf club seemed to have been there all his life. The news he saw on holographic TV seemed to have been there all his life.

Almost feeling like a traitor ,a week she was gone, he went about searching the house. He did not know what he was looking for, at times he was discouraged .it was a something ,an impulse to know about that he wanted to understand .to explore it was a something that compelled To inquire . "Who was my mother?", "Who was my father?", "Will I have a sister or a brother?". It seemed to be that I had been born there in that house and that maybe someday there in that house I would die....


Dexter was driving to his office, thinking about his wife. As he had done before, a panic attack hit him. A panic attack hit him, a sharp pain in the pit of his stomach told him that she was cheating on him... At that moment he saw the girl crash into the right side of his car.

--He screamed, braking the car. He saw her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles were white, and he repeated, "Fuck!


Raquel saw the man on the other sidewalk. A man of color with a camouflage military jacket and hood.

She walked and the man kept walking about 40 yards on the opposite sidewalk. He turned the corner and walked to the middle of the block. She looked out of the corner of her eye and he was gone. She sighed in relief. She stopped at the corner next to the people waiting to cross. A girl was putting on her makeup while she waited, and she looked in her mirror and saw the face of the man right behind her.

In fear she jumped into the river of cars and crashed into the left side of the old limousine, somersaulting in the air and collapsed on the floor.


Dexter got out of the car and stupefied saw the young woman lying on the ground ;while simultaneously watching the group of people contemplating the scene swirling from the sidewalk .

The afroamerican man approached and said to him.

--She must be rushed to the hospital.

--Yes, of course,-- said Dexter, bending down to lift the young woman. The man went to help him and said,

-- I am her husband,--the man said, easily picking him, I really didn't mean to hurt her.

-- It's not her fault...I'm a witness and everyone here is a witness, it was her who crashed into your car. But it's urgent that we go to the hospital.

--Of course. Of course."-- They introduced Raquel.

Dexter got in touch with his wife and told her.

-- I've had a mishap. A girl ran into my car while crossing 39th Avenue. I'm on my way to the hospital with her husband.

She asked.

-- Is it serious?

--I don't know... I don't know her condition. She's passed out. I'm going this very moment via to the clinic hospital.

Turning and looking at the man in the rearview mirror she said.

--I assume all the expenses...Don't worry about it.

The afroamerican man nodded.

--Of course. Don't you worry about it either. You'll see it's no big deal . She's very nervous . We had an argument and she lost her self-control .

She fainted more from nerves than from the car .I don't think she's badly bruised.

Dexter continued to drive, concentrating and berating himself for being careless and thinking about other things he shouldn't be thinking about.

He didn't realize that the afroamerican man was pulling out a steel nylon and grabbing it with dumbbells and was about to put it around his neck. At the last moment Dexter made a movement and saw the rear view mirror; he was thinking of apologizing again, he saw the man who was about to put the nylon around his neck, he reflexively took his head off and braked quickly; the man lost his balance and crashed into him, hitting him with his elbow in the head, crashing Dexter against the armored glass of the door.

Dexter turned the steering wheel and accelerated the car. It was the only thing he could do to try to prevent the man who was trying to kill him from losing seconds, he could do nothing else. He braked the car again, trying to unbalance the other, who took the opportunity to give a brutal blow against the head of the fainted Raquel and again an elbow against her ear. Almost passed out, Dexter saw the truck coming the opposite way

and turned the steering wheel to the left, crashing head-on into the truck...