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T'zu-Hsi assimilated the news of her husband's mishap.

She immediately activated the secret camera she had placed inside the Rolls-Royce, of which Dexter was unaware of its existence.

She was shocked to see a man trying to kill her husband. Filled with rage she struck the desk WITH HER TWO CLOSED FISTS. In anguish she screamed calling her assistant.

--My husband Dexter is being tried to kill him right now!

Immediately! Please! A search and rescue team! Doctor Steller... This time you crossed the line! This time you messed with the wrong people and I won't forgive you. How is that possible? Just 4 hours ago we had a meeting and reached an agreement, and you're paying me back like this, I won't forgive you. What does that asshole think he's doing?...

Nobody messes with my family!


Cryslal Steller woke up...confused and disoriented again....

She was in an extremely high-tech room and a beautiful young oriental woman in a biological isolation suit was looking at her....

Relax, you're among friends," --said the CEO of the Secret government.

-- Quite a difficult landing. Your partner also came through it very well; in order to make a faster recovery we induced you both in an artificial coma and I can guarantee you that you are completely healthy.

The girl saw him, saw her and said to him.

-- He is not my companion, and by now you must know perfectly well that he is not human either.

-- called me T'zu-Hsi. I am the public relations manager of Bio Technical Investment Corporation ... Do I know you from somewhere?

--How did you rescue us?

-- It was a coincidence. I was coming from my work and I saw you fall, no one had given any information, you are supposed to be dead up there in the space station, I figured knowing the methods and systems of Ous Corporation, they destroyed it so that you would not live.

-- My father is on the board of directors of that corporation.

-- That doesn't make any difference, he's not the top leader of that corporation.

-lied the young woman


The afroamerican man got out of the car and laboriously opened the right door of the Rolls-Royce. He took the inert body of Raquel, ...For a moment he wanted to kill her inside the vehicle.... There were people watching the accident; he would take her to a tree in the square, lay her down and there he would kill her.... He started to walk, he needed a means of transportation urgently ... Looking around he thought that due to the situation an aid team should already be on site to evacuate him after killing the woman.

The mission had gone down the drain ,and he took advantage of the confusion as the Caravan passed by with the last victims of the genocide of the virus produced by the Corporation.

Determined, he was marching towards the tree carrying Raquel on his shoulders when a titanium Boomerang with a very sharp blade cut his feet cleanly, causing him to fall to the ground with a shriek. Immediately a Peugeot Expréss stopped; 8 men got out of it, took Raquel, and left her with the gift of having her forearms cut 100% with a Samurai sword?

The group saw the arrival of the Dodge Durango hybrid-diesel radio patrol cars.... They had no choice... They saw the ambulance take Dexter away... With dissimulation they slipped away leaving Raquel... In order not to complicate matters they took the body of the colored man... Not a single policeman noticed the situation.... Running two policemen arrived at the inert woman....


Steller looked at the video of the head of the secret government taken from various angles.

Almost without realizing it, he looked again at her scan results. Her fragrance, her perfume had no artificial pheromones, so her scent was completely natural. The result of the spectrograph analysis revealed that she was 30 years old. He was 34 years older than her; for a moment he thought of both of them, then of himself, a feeling that had not attacked him for many years. Undoubtedly she had a very strong influence on him, and he was afraid that she would realize it, which could be very dangerous for him. What do you know? A whole life...

when from the door an attendant said to him.

--I think a major inconvenience has occurred and we do not know the magnitude of its consequences.

-- What happened?--Dr. Steller asked.

--Apparently the extraction mission you ordered failed and there is collateral damage. We have just learned.

--What is it?

--We don't know why or how Rachel, the woman who was supposed to .... you know; she was in the car of a man who happened to be the husband of one of the top executives of an investment and biopharmaceutical corporation. Coincidentally, the lady you always meet with.

Steller felt himself turn pale and asked.

-- The young lady with whom I have met three times?

--Precisely herself.

-- Who was the operative who carried out the mission?

-- He is an operative recommended by Diblasio's Cyborg.

Steller with a dry mouth asked

--The original de Blasio?

-- Yes. It's a Cyborg derived from him.

--For heaven's sake. Di Blasio in his time as mayor of New York was unfit to sweep a square foot of anything with a broom. I have forbidden the use of any descendants of the Democrat party in missions of complexity, they are imbeciles, stupid and idiots, besides thieves and corrupt.

The assistant quickly bowed his head in greeting and left, leaving the doctor behind. He put his hands to his temples, trying to contain the rapid heartbeat. He was livid with rage. No wonder they were not winning the battle.

When you face someone intelligent, prepared, methodical and organized; you can't leave anything to chance, and the OUS corporation was being defeated more by their own negligence and imbecilities than by the enemy's capacity; not to mention that in front of them they had a woman of a Superior intelligence...

At that moment his phone rang and Steller let out a muffled curse.

It was the Cyborg SorosGeorge ..No doubt at the peak of the rage exponential.His plans to destroy and enslave humanity were being delayed.. He had not the slightest doubt that he would receive equal insults for the same reasons from the CortezOcacio and PelosiNancy clones ....