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Dexter woke up, put on a bathrobe over his hospital pajamas and in sandals walked to where the nurse told him Raquel was hospitalized; it was no big deal, in fact the girl had a panic attack and a few bruises.

The man arrived at the foot of her bed and she looked at him strangely.

-- I am the owner of the car.

She smiled apologetically at him.

-- I'm sorry about all this; I really don't know why I'm being chased and I'm very distressed. Sebastian and Sunflower are alone in my house. There is no one to feed them.

-- Are they your children?

-- As if they are; he's a very dependent cat and my tortoise is in a little glass box.

--I'll see what I can do, although I was told we're going home today.

-- I can't go home.

--Why can't you go home?. Are you afraid of your husband? ...We can ask for a restraining order, with his behavior the police must be after him already.

--He's not my husband, I've never seen him before.

--I thought his attack was a crisis of jealousy. You say you don't know him?

- Yes, I do. I do have a home. They're after me,-- she repeated, confused and disoriented.

--Who's after you? The police? The army? The army? The gangs? Drug cartels?

-- I don't know who's after me. A friend gave me a piece of paper.... It must be there. I think it's in my wallet, I want to get rid of it... I feel like I'm being persecuted for it. I feel like it's a bad thing to have it.

-- I'm a lawyer. I can help you. It would be a way to get your life back.

--I don't have a job, plus all this costs a lot of money.

-- Don't worry about that; it's all paid for," --Dexter said, referring to the clinic fees and his fee for defending her.

-- It's just that I don't have insurance," --Raquel insisted.

-- Don't worry," --Dexter reassured her. He handed her his wallet and she pulled out a piece of paper. The paper had symbols on it that could not be understood.

-- Are you sure this is why they're after you? It looks like the language of the Pokémon.

-- I'm convinced that this is why. My life has totally changed and I would really like to go back to my old days.

-- I'm sure you would. Well... I'll leave you to rest.

-- It was nice to meet you," --the girl finished. She looked at him with sparkling eyes. She never imagined meeting such an interesting man,

Dexter in turn understood that she was a rather pretty and very nice young woman. He felt that a lot of empathy had been born between the two of them.

--Please. Take a picture of me. I want to make it known that I'm alive.

--A proof of life?

--Exactly. And if you want to keep the paper...

-- It's yours,--Dexter insisted, taking the iPhone from her.

-- It's brought me all the trouble in the world. Dexter saw the paper and tucked it into his pajamas.

-He took the faith of life.

He went back to his room... He began to remember things... He was contemplating a movie hidden in the depths of his brain... .... The before...The after, the now....


DR Steller saw the holographic call on his 4D viewer.

The CEO of the secret government was seeing it. Directly. It was not the face of a pleasant executive. It was a rigid, cold, unfeeling mask.

- Doctor Steller...I believe that in your procedures you are unfamiliar with certain terms...From what we see, you treat your interlocutors the same as is your custom with your own people....

We assumed in the council that you would understand our offers; but I think I understand that you have a serious problem of comprehension. Perhaps collateral damage has never mattered to you.

That's why you didn't mind destroying the space station; but notice, there is a notable difference between us.

Having said that he played her the video where she was having lunch in pleasant chat with Crystal Steller , behind a hologram broadcasting the current day's news .

-- Dr. Crystal Isabella Steller is a very nice young woman and I really think she is very afraid of her father; it is logical that she is, if a father tries to murder his daughter, what can you expect from him," --said the woman as she continued to watch the video of the two of them.

Steller was left in one piece and gritting his teeth, he replied,

-- I didn't know who he was. It was the operator's decision. I apologize.

-- Not knowing does not excuse us before the law.I think we have ended our cycle of conversations," --the woman replied coldly, --"I am prohibited from speaking with you any further.

The communication was cut off and Steller immediately saw on TV a group of doctors, with many smiles saying that a biopharmaceutical corporation had successfully tested a vaccine against a hantapentacoronavirus; one of the artificial strains with which he was killing consumers.

They announced that they would give away twenty-five million doses to save millions of people infected with hantapentacoronavirus type 4060 in the newShanghai.

He settled into his presidential chair.

saw online; had call from the Cyborg's of PelosiNancy , CortezOcacio , lula and hadji. Yet another failure in the destruction of the world .yet another set of explanations he had to give..... Because they were losing fight after fight..... He looked like a boxer facing maywebher's cybor.

For a moment he gave thanks for not announcing his euthanasia advance .He couldn't do it anymore; he had to strike back and one option was drawn in his mind ..A warning..That was the only solution ....


...Many years before....

Louis Pasteur and he made a decision . A silent pact between two men who were anything but gentlemen.... For that time they collaborated. Pasteur gave Steller 20 injectors with 5 cc of a phosphorescent green gel....

-- I'm sure you will modify it... For my part I tell you that it is not necessary.

In the same silence he received them.

Then, days later, Crystal Isabella had the mumps... Her father gave her the first injection ...

-- Daddy! How it hurts..." --protested the little girl....


Rachel and Dexter were discharged simultaneously. They left together in wheelchairs.

Seeing herself free, the young girl got up from the chair and could not contain herself, giving Dexter a resounding kiss of thanks on the cheek; to immediately see, less than 4 meters away, the figure of the woman and the two children.

They did not need to introduce themselves. He immediately realized he had made a mistake.

Exactly the same mistake a mouse makes when it comes within range of a king cobra.

Dexter looked quizzically at his wife's attitude .

--Dear ... My beautiful ...You came... -- he assumed that she would be up to her ears in her work.

The situation was immediately defused by the children, who ran to their father and the two little ones sat down in the chair, preventing Dexter from getting up.

He kissed them, hugged them.

Slowly his wife approached. T'zu Hsi looked at Rachel. She nodded in mute greeting.

Dexter looking at his wife said.

-- My dear .This is the young lady from the accident .

She nodded again .

--Yes ...we saw her when she was recovering -- she said sizing the other up ; while Rachel was feeling herself being dwarfed second by second before the other .She had to have known. A man so handsome, so interesting, so extremely attractive was not alone in life and he had a mistress.... It was that phyton cobra snake with rage evil in front of her....

The classic girl who was seeing ghosts where there were none ...