WebNovelTZU HSI31.43%



The star being was active and his alerts told him that he was in territory that was fast becoming hostile. He had to tread carefully in the face of the growing false friendship between T'zu Hsi and Crystal.

It was actually a delay...his strange vacation in that body analysis place; where he understood that they checked him in every possible way and discovered to his surprise that he was almost human.

He understood that it was not a governmental organization that was holding him, it was part of some of the power factors.

He also understood that he had made quite a physical impact on Dr. Crystal Isabella; that part of the on-the-fly planning was going quite well.

He saw the other the young woman with the glasses, an intelligent brain, not manipulable, and following her own road map.

With a little more sniffing she understood that they had a partner. He dismissed her.

But that was not the important thing for the moment. The important thing was to contact the beings that would make possible the development of his mission. He had to flee immediately with Crystal Steller or not.


Dexter in the back seat of the BMW was carrying his children and a heavy silence was felt inside the car.

His wife was the first to break through the retaining wall; as she drove she asked without seeing him.

-- That woman who was with your colleagues?

Dexter looked at the beautiful profile of his wife.

--She's my assistant,"-- Dexter replied nonchalantly, holding up his children who were watching the road, and added, "---Her name is Nebraska, she speaks five languages, has a Ph.D., is assigned to my office directly, handles my accounts.

--She's also 90 60 90 -- replied his wife glacially .

--Yes ; she's a very interesting girl .

--Has she got a partner?

-- No. No, she doesn't. A relationship that ended.

--And why did you choose her?

--She's highly qualified, her resume is impressive.

-Because you never told me about her?

- I didn't consider it important. You have a lot on your mind, and the ancillary staff at my job is not important.

--The most important thing for me to think about is you.

--Thank you, my love,"-- Dexter replied, amazed at this new phase of his wife's strange interrogation.


That night Dexter in the vast matrimonial bedchamber saw the future.

The sensual way in which T'zu Hsi began to undress was the prelude to his fiery passion.

Suddenly she slowly climbed on top of his body, seeing him very close face to face, analyzing his face she told him

--I don't want you to ever scare me again, I don't want you to understand and understand that you are the only important thing in my life, I am willing to give up my life and that nothing happens to you. I love you, I adore you, I want you and I need you," --she said, brushing his lips and looking at him in love.

T'zu Hsi with two children could easily compete and win a beauty contest, or a high end model; however, what attracted her was her personality, her essence, her scent, the smooth tone of her voice, her intelligence and now she was his again.

A different kiss, it was not a routine kiss, it was not a husband's kiss, it was the kiss of an ardent woman who wanted to give her body with all the passion that her youth and power harbored in her and that of a man whose love had not diminished even a little.

They loved each other with the light on. They loved each other without giving the slightest restraint to their passion, with lust and with burning desire to end both in an eternal kiss that made them remain silent for an infinite number of minutes.

-- I felt that you were jealous.

--I am," --she answered, with sudden and long tears crossing her face.

--We've been married nine years; don't give me that you feel insecure, I should be jealous. You are always surrounded by beautiful and interesting people... You are a trophy to show off.

She kept quiet and said in his ear.

-- There are times when we are the protagonists of events that overwhelm us and we do not seek to have them; destiny puts us on that path.

sHe said without knowing what he was referring to, supposing her to be overwhelmed by organizing charity receptions in her work as a public relations executive.

--I have discovered that my armor is you... I want us to leave everything and go live in a small town in the foothills of the Andes or in New South Africa.

-- By the way, now that I remember... The young lady you were so jealous of with a simple goodbye kiss; she gave me a piece of paper. I think my pajamas and then I brought it to me.

..., it's in the shirt; according to her someone wants to kill her for that paper.

Immediately his wife returned to her usual self and asked him.

-- How interesting can it be? Let me see it.

Naked Dexter got out of bed and quickly began to look for the paper.

Naked Dexter got out of bed and quickly began to look for the paper.

He turned his gaze to find his wife in the middle of the wide bed and she said to him.

--That paper no more important .... You are .

she spread her legs, looking hungry with desire, ready for another round of intense passion....

They say that a relationship based on sex tends to fail? They also say that a relationship without sex is dead without any chance... but both of them, delirious with desire, didn't even care about that...

The 2 uav kamog 5678 took off from the secret base. A 20 minutes flight. A mission punishment and self-explosion ...

Dexter was the first to wake up when he felt the impact.

--Something exploded in the room.

T'zu Hsi woke up and reacted immediately, running barefoot and in her robe shouted to him.

--Run...The children...We must get out...Not the front.... Quickly... Towards the forest.

Six rockets exploded and a hail of bullets practically disarmed the side of the house.

-- The children...The children...--the woman screamed hysterically, running, dodging shrapnel, debris, burning furniture and broken glass...as the attack raged.....


Dr. Steller and the corporation's board of directors approved the attack that afternoon.

The order was very precise: to show T'zu Hsi that they could reach her anywhere. Even if she hid where she hid they could punish her.

It was a warning attack. The uav had a programming expressly forbidden to shoot at the heat signals of living beings. It was simply to destroy, and he personally, with the desire to force her to give him his daughter.

If she did not do it, then the retaliation would increase. It was a simple executive decision; with that they could somewhat slow down the woman's winning streak.

In the meantime, Ous's pharma biochemical corporation had already prepared a new lethal virus that would turn the remaining wildlife into aggressive zombies. So thousands of innocent domestic birds, birds for human consumption, such as chickens, geese and turkeys became very dangerous Zombies, which began to attack anything that moved.

It was the way to continue to wipe out the world's population and eliminate consumers, at some point the secret government had to understand that it had to stop. At some point the secret government had to understand that they had to pull the plug on the 3D printers that produced clones, that they had to stop the labs that produced in vitro babies and that they had to stop normal human reproduction. They could not continue to fill the world with consumers of the products that the secret government delivered.

He on the other side of the street was increasing the genocide; it was a very well thought decision, where all the leaders of the democRata party, the Cyborg of the Sao Paulo forum, together with the komiterm of the capitalist-communist party of Cipango participated.

Ous would prepare a new virus to destroy humanity and thus impose its criteria of population control, and at the same time impose its own products.

It all depended on how brave T'zu Hsi would prove to be when she was shown that she was not invulnerable.

No doubt she would understand .

Otherwise she saw from the camera of a drone, the moment when Rachel came out and said goodbye to the couple at the door of the clinic hospital ;She had that paper that was supposed to be so important that it was stolen by that manager and given to a nobody .

Once she had the paper ,with loss control management would know how dangerous it could be.



In old and old time...

The man in his library read the book; an ancestral book. It took him 25 years to decipher and understand it; he watched the sandstorm go by. He breathed STRONGLY sea air and spent moments in meditation.

--The time traveler and his daughter will come soon...I will give them the papyrus. It is a mandate...Soon we will meet..... You are showing yourself... Xixata, you're on ....! It can't be!

...I can't believe it!... You are inside her... It is almost impossible to accept...



T'zu Hsi ran wildly , dodging the debris that came out impacted by the explosions that destroyed and burned his mansion .

Behind her, also barefoot and in her pajamas, her husband was running with their children pressed against his chest.

She stopped her run and shouted to him amidst the explosions, signaling him to flee into the woods across the road; the broad Oaks would provide protection.

Dexter started running towards her again, amidst the landscape lit by flames and explosions.

Unexpectedly he collapsed to his knees, causing her to run back to where he was.

he said to her with a precarious smile.

--Quiet... It looks worse than it is.--- handing her the children and she pressed them against his chest, and not wanting to look she saw his back, contemplating in horror the immense hole in it.

She understood and began to deny with a gesture of horror and say.

-no.... no... ,no.. no... NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! DEXTER, STAY WITH ME, DON'T LEAVE ME!

SHe watched as Dexter died and fell with his eyes open, he muttered before he died.

--- I love you... Take care of the children.