
" She will run within your darkest streets,

and find salvation with those she meets.

Await her, await her arrival,

Though you will not find revival,

she will fulfil your sacred wish,

she will protect those you cherish.

Be at ease with the little time left

and await her Oh Blue Planet."


Under the dark, smoggy, polluted skies on a planet that desperately struggled to sustain life, lay several large domes connected by large tubes. The domes cast an artificial night sky for the inhabitants within it, something they had no hopes of seeing in reality due to the excessive pollution outside.

Pollution which had been present for centuries and had caused adverse effects on all human beings living in this generation. It triggered the adaption of the planet, causing it to become almost uninhabitable. It was almost like the planet was trying to get rid of the living beings within it, which were the disease that plagued it but still left a glimmer of hope for them with the few inhabitable areas available.

By then, humans had already foreseen this tragedy and made ample preparations for it. They created their insurance, the domes. Despite these preparations, the conditions on the planet still affected humans causing them to acquire strange and special abilities. They were a direct effect of the adaptation of the planet, which caused various micro-organisms that had been dormant for centuries to awaken, it was something amazing yet caused them to live on a ticking time bomb of a planet.

A bomb their ancestors had set off and aggravated with their negligence and disregard towards the environment of the planet they inhabited. Living a life where they failed to consider future generations, led to the current lifestyle of the human beings beneath the domes; little food, poor living space due to lack of inhabitable land, and even paying for the oxygen within the domes. Together with all these worries, the people also had to consider the severe weather conditions outside the domes which also affected the weather within the domes and tampered with the durability of the place they called home. Worrying to survive, struggling to survive, paying to survive; this was the current existence of the human race. A pitiful existence.

Under one of these domes, a slight rustle could be heard in the cold, lonely streets, painted in eerie darkness. An occasional street light that cast its faint sheet of light briefly illuminated the dark form with shoulder-length hair streaming behind it. The figure was desperately shuffling through the darkness, whilst trying yet failing to avoid the faint gleam from the few street lights on the path.

The figure continued its desperate shuffle until it reached a hauntingly ominous alleyway littered with all kinds of things and a putrid odour which would even disgust sewer rats. Together with this, there was a foreboding aura coming from the alley, but this did not deter the figure. This would be its heaven, its safe haven. Without hesitation, the short form scrambled into the street and sank beside a large container. With head on knees and panting heavily, the figure frantically reached out for the boxes in its surrounding in a desperate attempt to conceal itself. The hidden head successfully concealed the visage of the quaking form whose fear laced emerald eyes shone with heavy tears and tightly sealed, trembling lips held back panicked screams. Tears dripped down on the cold cement like a broken faucet. Tears for fear of the race it was to save.

Successfully building its small slap-dash concealment fort, the figure lifted its head slowly, fearfully, as if hurried actions would reveal its location. As it carefully raised its head, a soft yet dirt-patched face was clearly visible. The previously hidden emerald eyes, which sparkled due to the tears coating them, making the pupils sparkle like a magnificent treasure.

A small button nose twitching like a rabbit's and pursed lips suiting the almond face of the figure.

Looking upwards, to the artificially generated night sky, she did something she would normally never do, she made a wish. In the dead silence a barely audible, desperate wish was faintly sobbed out, "Please, please....let no one find me...let no one see me...let no one see Genevieve." In her sixteen years of life, she had never been so afraid.