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Five minutes since Jenny first met Nina. Five minutes since Nina first smiled at her. Five minutes since the events in the alleyway had started and now it was all over. Jenny felt searing grief as she closed the door. The door that opened a new path for her yet closed the way for another, Nina. A person who helped despite hardly knowing her. WHY? Why did she go through all that suffering while Jenny was perfectly capable of defending herself? Tears streamed down her face as a fog of grief enveloped her, pinning her with an ocean of questions that would never be answered. She trembled as the overwhelming nature of all that had happened hit her. The memories from that brief interval of time flashed through her mind. Feeling the hand of the child she was holding, she grasped even tighter. She would not, she could not let go.

Turning around, she faced the children with whom she ran. There and then, she made up her mind, she would protect them, she would protect her new family. She forced a smile as she looked at the children, wiping away her tears with her free hand.

"Hi... so I guess we're family now..."Jenny said coarsely with a hint of hesitance in her voice. She was a bit sceptical, how could they suddenly become family with neither blood relations nor prior interactions, which were obviously necessary to develop bonds. She knew that the children before her would probably have similar feelings. The sobbing sounds in the room faded once Jenny spoke. The children who were definitely younger than Jenny seemed to wake up from their stupor. The young boy, Leo, looked at Jenny aggressively and let go of the boy who was a photocopy of himself. His twin. He then reached out and grabbed the other hand of the girl Jenny was holding, tugging roughly on it, "Let go of Mirai!" He yelled at Jenny, with hostility evident in his voice.

His violent behaviour caught Jenny off- guard and she let go of the girl's hand. Bewildered, she looked at Leo, who was now holding tightly onto his twin's hand and had his other hand are protectively circling Miria's shoulders. She paused, she knew there would be some reluctance towards the sudden idea of becoming family with a stranger. Jenny, herself was also having misgivings about Nina's decision which now seemed poorly thought out. Regardless, she needed to respect the promise she made to her five-minute saviour, Nina. Ignoring the hostility directed towards her, Jenny took a deep breath.

" Hi, I'm Jenny...I'm sixteen...and as Nina said, we're family, so I think it's best if we get to know each other."She paused waiting for someone to speak but all she received was a thick silence." I know it is a bit hard for you to accept me, but..." Leo cut her off, not willing to listen to Jenny speak anymore.

"Stop talking... of course, we won't accept you...we don't even know you well enough to trust you! You can't just barge into someone's family and say your part of them! You're just a street kid who got involved with Tom's group! GET OUT!"

Jenny looked at this boy critically, who seemed to be the head of the group since he was the only one who had spoken since they walked through the door. She smiled sarcastically " If I'm not wrong, you made a promise a few seconds ago...we all made that promise, and suddenly you want to kick me out?!" She asked rhetorically.

Leo gnashed his teeth and moved further away from Jenny," Just- just get out!"He pressured. Suddenly a soft boyish voice cut the tension between the two," Leo. Stop it! " he urged as he tugged on his brother's shirt while glancing anxiously at the door. It was Leo's twin. "We need to do..."

"Be quiet! Lucas! I need to deal with this girl firs..." Bang! Bang!Bang! Leo felt his heart fly from his chest as he was interrupted by the aggressive hammering at the door.

"Get out! You brats, or you'll end up like this tramp out here!" A rough voice yelled, then chuckled maliciously from the other side of the door. The previously fierce Leo suddenly fell silent. No one made a sound, the only thing which was audible in the room was the relentless hammering at the door, the figure yelling outside, and their pounding hearts.

Jenny looked at the beings before her, the two sandy-haired boys with lovely oceanic eyes, and the platinum-haired girl with beautiful midnight pupils. She turned around to reach for the doorknob but before she could place her fingers on it, she felt three pairs of hands hold her hand. She looked at the hands, then the owners with surprise, "What are you doing? I thought you wanted me gone." She questioned, particularly towards Leo.

Leo withdrew his hands, looking away bashfully, but he did not speak.

"Jenny...don't leave, we have to stay together...there is still hope, don't you guys remember what Nina said" Mirai spoke gently. All the eyes widened in realisation as they all remembered Nina's word's of salvation. They all looked at each other. Jenny nodded to Leo, who looked at her strangely. He reached towards the door, which was still being banged with his handheld in a fist and knocked it five times. Then there was silence. Moving away, he looked at Jenny and nodded with hostile reluctance flashing through his eyes. Jenny humorously smirked and reached towards the door again; this time no one stopped her.

She turned the doorknob, and it opened, revealing a sight that made all their jaws drop. Before them wasn't the alleyway they expected, instead there was a large, well-lit space with many people bustling to and from doing different things. What was going on? Was this teleportation magic? Was this Nina's power? These and many other questions crossed through their clueless minds, leaving them in a daze. However, before they could get their footing they heard footsteps rushing towards them and someone yelling.